

Signing up to an email marketing service provider is a big commitment in terms of cash; too big for many.

就现金而言,注册电子邮件营销服务提供商是一项重大承诺; 对于许多人来说太大了。

The beauty of running a WordPress blog is that there are free and low-cost plugins for everything. There are dozens of email marketing plugins that can instantly get your site ready to go.

运行WordPress博客的好处在于,所有内容都有免费且低成本的插件。 有许多电子邮件营销插件可以立即使您的网站就绪。

Unlike a one-size-fits-all solution, plugins are used to fill specific needs wherever you find them. They give you the flexibility to customize your site to your near-exact specifications. While this can be extremely cost efficient, a bundle of plugins can sabotage your site’s load speed, which is a MAJOR marketing no-no.

与一种千篇一律的解决方案不同,无论您在哪里找到插件,都可以使用它们来满足特定的需求。 它们使您可以灵活地根据您的确切规格自定义网站。 尽管这样做可能具有极高的成本效益,但是一大堆插件可以破坏您网站的加载速度,这是主要的营销禁忌。

Premium plug-ins can be better but you can still run into server and deliverability issues.


DIY电子邮件营销的问题 (The Problem with DIY Email Marketing)

This ‘MacGyver’ approach to marketing is typically referred to as ‘Do it yourself’ or ‘DIY’, and there are two massive problems with trying to run a DIY email marketing campaign from your website servers:

这种“ MacGyver”营销方法通常称为“自己动手做”或“ DIY”,尝试从您的网站服务器运行DIY电子邮件营销活动存在两个大问题:

  • Server limitations

  • Deliverability


服务器限制 (Server Limitations)

Most website owners host using shared servers with limited resources. You will only be able to send out emails very slowly on these servers. You will find your web host may become unhappy about the server resources you are using and will probably ask you to upgrade to a VPS or dedicated server with more processing power. You can learn more about the various types of hosting here.

大多数网站所有者使用资源有限的共享服务器进行托管。 您将只能在这些服务器上非常缓慢地发送电子邮件。 您会发现您的虚拟主机可能对使用的服务器资源不满意,并且可能会要求您升级到具有更大处理能力的VPS或专用服务器。 您可以在此处了解有关各种托管类型的更多信息。

交付能力 (Deliverability)

On a shared server, you share an IP address with other sites hosted on that server. If one of the other websites has tried sending out emails before, the IP address may have already been flagged as a source of spam, so your important messages will go straight to spam folders and never be seen, let alone opened.

在共享服务器上,您与该服务器上托管的其他站点共享IP地址。 如果其他网站之一以前曾尝试发送过电子邮件,则该IP地址可能已被标记为垃圾邮件来源,因此您的重要邮件将直接发送到垃圾邮件文件夹,并且永远不会被看到,更不用说打开了。

电子邮件营销任务明细 (Email Marketing Task Breakdown)

  • Designing subscription form

  • Putting form onto the site

  • Capturing email addresses

  • Double opt-in email confirmation

  • Deliverability

  • Autoresponders

  • Sending large numbers of emails

  • Sending email blasts

  • Segmenting a list based on location, previous email actions etc.

  • Analytics that tell you unsubscribe rate, open rate and deletion rate

  • A/B testing

    A / B测试

When you look at the list of tasks that an email management service (EMS) must handle, you start to understand the difficulty in a DIY, multiple plugin approach.


When you add in image libraries, templates and support, EMS charges can look very reasonable.


You need every one of these features, especially the ability to analyse what happens to the emails you send. Without that information, how could you ever improve your emails? If you cannot measure your results, it is impossible to improve on them.

您需要这些功能中的每一个,尤其是能够分析您发送的电子邮件发生了什么的功能。 没有这些信息,您将如何改善电子邮件? 如果您无法衡量您的结果,就无法对其进行改进。

Without analytics you have no segmentation or split-testing capability, and you lose the ability to make your emails more effective.


分析工具 (Analytics)

Email analytics is more than just numbers. A good analytics dashboard means you can make decisions without looking at any complex statistical analysis: Everything is done for you and presented in simple to understand graphics.

电子邮件分析不仅仅是数字 。 良好的分析仪表板意味着您无需进行任何复杂的统计分析即可做出决策:一切都为您完成,并以易于理解的图形呈现。


In the example above (taken from GetResponse), you can see how easy the typical email management service analyses are to understand. You can see how effective a campaign is just by looking at the charts.

在上面的示例(摘自GetResponse )中,您可以看到典型的电子邮件管理服务分析非常容易理解。 您可以通过查看图表来查看广告系列的效果。

A / B测试 (A/B Testing)

A/B testing, also known as split-testing, can produce a massive impact on your bottom line. It can mean the difference between a roaring success and an abysmal failure, yet many site owners have yet to bother with testing their sites.

A / B测试(也称为拆分测试)可能会对您的利润产生重大影响。 这可能意味着咆哮的成功与可怕的失败之间的区别,但是许多站点所有者尚未花心去测试他们的站点。


Image Source


The difference each split test makes might only be 5%, but if you run 100 split tests on the same email and each makes a 5% difference, your overall results will be 131 times better (1.05100).


When utilizing an EMS provider that incorporates a good AB testing interface, obtaining these results is a much simpler process than when using WordPress plugins.


分割 (Segmentation)

Email analytics mean you can segment your subscribers on the basis of their reactions to your previous emails. You can gradually move those who take action further down your conversion funnel.

电子邮件分析意味着您可以根据订户对先前电子邮件的React来对其进行细分。 您可以逐步将那些要采取行动的用户进一步移到转化渠道中。


We are all seeing more and more marketing emails in our inboxes, which means it’s becoming more and more difficult to stand apart. Segmentation allows you to target specific groups of people based on what will be most compelling to them.

我们所有人都在收件箱中看到越来越多的营销电子邮件 ,这意味着越来越难以分开。 通过细分,您可以根据最吸引他们的对象来确定特定人群。

结论 (Conclusion)

WordPress plugins are great for many, many marketing purposes. Attempting to ‘MacGyver’ an email marketing system using plugins, however, is simply put, a bad idea for most users.

WordPress的插件是伟大的很多很多的营销目的。 简而言之,尝试使用插件“ MacGyver”电子邮件营销系统,对大多数用户来说是个坏主意。

From the time it takes to DIY, to the extreme server limitations, to the drain on site speed, to the lack of important features like testing and segmentations, it’s more than worth it to use a dedicated system for email purposes. SitePoint has an entire Entrepreneur category which regularly covers email marketing, which I’d highly recommend checking out.

从花费大量时间进行DIY,到服务器的极端局限性,网站速度的消耗,缺少重要的功能(例如测试和细分)等,使用专用的系统进行电子邮件处理是非常值得的。 SitePoint具有整个企业家类别,该类别定期涵盖电子邮件营销 ,我强烈建议您退房。

Furthermore, email marketing is easily the biggest money maker for most online businesses. It’s important to do it right.

此外,电子邮件营销很容易成为大多数在线企业的最大赚钱来源 。 正确地做是很重要的。

What do you think? Have you had success using WordPress marketing plugins? What problems did you encounter? Please share your experiences in the comments below.

你怎么看? 使用WordPress营销插件是否成功? 您遇到了什么问题? 请在下面的评论中分享您的经验。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-email-marketing-plugins-vs-all-in-one-options/
