android 启动页主题_如何使用主题和启动器个性化您的Android手机

android 启动页主题_如何使用主题和启动器个性化您的Android手机

android 启动页主题

android 启动页主题_如何使用主题和启动器个性化您的Android手机

Android’s customizability is one reason many people prefer it. You can change the look, feel, and function of basically any Android phone with themes, custom launchers, and icon packs. Here’s how to get started.

Android的可定制性是许多人喜欢它的原因之一。 您可以通过主题,自定义启动器和图标包来更改几乎所有Android手机的外观,感觉和功能。 这是入门方法。

Some phones allow you to install themes, while all Android phones let you install custom launchers and icon packs. These go a long way to making your phone unique, thanks to the nearly infinite launcher and icon pack customizations.

某些手机​​允许您安装主题,而所有Android手机允许您安装自定义启动器和图标包。 借助近乎无限的启动器和图标包自定义功能,这些功能可以使您的手机变得独一无二。

第一步:选择一个主题(仅限某些手机) (Step One: Choose a Theme (Some Phones Only))

android 启动页主题_如何使用主题和启动器个性化您的Android手机

Some Android phones let you choose a theme for the phone dialer, messenger, Settings app, and other built-in applications. These are usually as simple as choices between light and dark backgrounds, but it may not be an all-or-nothing affair. For example, the Pixel line doesn’t let users choose between a light and dark theme for the Settings menu, but the Quick Settings menu, phone dialer, messenger, and some (but not all) of Google’s other applications can be individually toggled between light and dark mode.

某些Android手机可让您为电话拨号器,Messenger,“设置”应用程序和其他内置应用程序选择主题。 这些通常与在浅色和深色背景之间进行选择一样简单,但可能并非一无所有。 例如,“像素”行不允许用户在“设置”菜单的明暗主题之间进行选择,但可以在“快速设置”菜单,电话拨号程序,Messenger和某些(但不是全部)其他Google应用程序之间进行切换亮和暗模式。

If you use a flagship Galaxy phone, you get access to Samsung’s awesome theme store. This lets you change the icons used in Samsung’s launcher, the color of the Settings and Quick Settings menus, Samsung’s messaging app, phone dialer, and other built-in applications. It also lets you change the look of the navigation buttons. For example, the theme I’m using (called Material Dark) makes the navigation buttons look like those on vanilla Android phones. Finally, Samsung Themes lets you download different designs for your Always-on-Display, so even if your phone is just sitting on a table, you can show off a little personal flair.

如果您使用旗舰Galaxy手机,则可以访问三星很棒的主题商店。 这使您可以更改三星启动器中使用的图标,“设置”和“快速设置”菜单的颜色,三星的消息收发应用程序,电话拨号程序以及其他内置应用程序。 它还使您可以更改导航按钮的外观。 例如,我正在使用的主题(称为Material Dark)使导航按钮看起来像普通Android手机上的导航按钮。 最后,Samsung Themes允许您为始终在线显示下载不同的设计,因此,即使您的手机只是坐在桌子上,您也可以炫耀一些个人风格。

android 启动页主题_如何使用主题和启动器个性化您的Android手机

If you don’t get theming options with your phone manufacturer’s built-in apps, you can always use a different app from the Play Store. You can use Google Messages to send SMS, and Solid Explorer to browse files, and change between dark and light theme inside of those apps.

如果手机制造商的内置应用程序没有主题选项,则可以始终使用Play商店中的其他应用程序。 您可以使用Google邮件发送短信,然后使用Solid Explorer浏览文件,并在这些应用程序内部的明暗主题之间进行切换。

第二步:选择启动器 (Step Two: Choose a Launcher)

The launcher is where you’ll notice the biggest opportunity to customize your phone. The launcher is the first thing you’ll see when you unlock your phone, and where you’ll go when you’re not using an app. Besides giving you an aesthetic choice, launchers also let you navigate the phone faster with gestures.

在启动器中,您会发现最大的机会来定制手机。 启动器是解锁手机时首先看到的东西,也是不使用应用程序时会看到的东西。 除了为您提供美学选择之外,启动器还使您可以通过手势更快地导航手机。

android 启动页主题_如何使用主题和启动器个性化您的Android手机

Nova Launcher is ever popular. It has a free version that lets you use icon packs, change icon sizes, choose between folder and font options, use app shortcuts, and more. The free version will likely be more customizable than the launcher that shipped on your phone, but the paid version gives you even more options for only $5. My favorite features of the paid version are gestures and the ability to hide apps from your app drawer. My app drawer has a total of four apps visible because I’ve hidden all the apps that are in my home screen folder and those that I just don’t use frequently.

Nova Launcher曾经很受欢迎。 它有一个免费版本,可让您使用图标包,更改图标大小,在文件夹和字体选项之间进行选择,使用应用程序快捷方式等等。 免费版本可能比手机上的启动器更具可定制性,但付费版本仅5美元即可提供更多选择。 付费版本中我最喜欢的功能是手势,并能够从应用程序抽屉中隐藏应用程序。 我的应用程序抽屉*有四个应用程序可见,因为我已经隐藏了主屏幕文件夹中的所有应用程序以及那些我不经常使用的应用程序。

android 启动页主题_如何使用主题和启动器个性化您的Android手机

You can also add a gesture to your home screen by opening Nova Settings again. Then, select “Gestures & Inputs” to change the gestures settings, and use the home button to go back to your launcher and test the gestures out.

您也可以通过再次打开“ Nova Settings”将手势添加到主屏幕。 然后,选择“手势和输入”   更改手势设置,然后使用主屏幕按钮返回启动器并测试手势。

android 启动页主题_如何使用主题和启动器个性化您的Android手机

These are, of course, just a few of Nova’s features. You can do a lot more with it.

当然,这些只是Nova的一些功能。 你可以做很多更与它

Action Launcher is also popular. It brings the best features of Google’s Pixel Launcher to any Android device, even those stuck on old versions of Android. You get full support for icon packs, as well as the ability to resize icons automatically to make them more uniform. One of the more unique features is Shutters: swipe up on an app icon to see its widget (if it has one). You also get Action Launcher’s famous Quickdrawer, which lets you swipe from the left side of the screen to see all apps, rather than swiping up or pressing a button on your home screen.

动作启动器也很流行。 它将Google的Pixel Launcher的最佳功能带到任何Android设备上,甚至包括旧版本的Android设备。 您将完全支持图标包,并具有自动调整图标大小以使其更加统一的功能。 快门是比较独特的功能之一:在应用程序图标上向上滑动以查看其小部件(如果有)。 您还将获得Action Launcher著名的Quickdrawer,它使您可以从屏幕左侧滑动以查看所有应用程序,而无需向上滑动或在主屏幕上按下按钮。

android 启动页主题_如何使用主题和启动器个性化您的Android手机

If neither of these strikes your fancy—or if you just want to go down the launcher rabbit hole—there are plenty more options on the Play Store. Give a few a try, then pick one that’s the best fit for you.

如果这两种方法都不符合您的喜好,或者您只想沿着发射器的兔子洞下去,那么Play商店中还有更多选择。 尝试一下,然后选择最适合您的一个。

第三步:下载图标包和壁纸 (Step Three: Download an Icon Pack and Wallpapers)

android 启动页主题_如何使用主题和启动器个性化您的Android手机

Icon Packs are the icing on top of the customization cake. There are thousands of icon packs to choose from, so you’re bound to find one you love. I go back and forth between Whicons and Moonshine Pro, depending on how much color I want to see. Most icon packs cost less than a dollar—if the developer charges anything at all—so you can try several packs without breaking the bank. Keep in mind, you’ll likely need a custom launcher before you can use an icon pack.

图标包是自定义蛋糕之上的锦上添花。 有数千种图标包可供选择,因此您一定会找到自己喜欢的图标包 。 我在WhiconsMoonshine Pro之间来回切换,具体取决于我想看到多少颜色。 大多数图标包的成本不到一美元(如果开发人员完全不收取任何费用),因此您可以尝试几包而不用花钱。 请记住,在使用图标包之前,您可能需要自定义启动器。

android 启动页主题_如何使用主题和启动器个性化您的Android手机

Wallpapers are also a great way to make your phone stand out. Your phone likely includes a few wallpapers to get you started, but apps like Backdrops have even more choices. You can also always set a photo of your children, significant other, or favorite pet as your wallpaper.

墙纸也是使手机脱颖而出的好方法。 您的手机可能包含一些壁纸,可以帮助您入门,但是背景幕之类的应用拥有更多选择。 您还可以始终将您的孩子,其他重要宠物或喜欢的宠物的照片设置为墙纸。

You don’t have to use all of these on your phone; even just a new wallpaper will make your phone stand out from the crowd. No matter which launcher or icons you use, your phone will truly be yours.

您不必在手机上使用所有这些功能。 即使只是新的墙纸也可以使您的手机脱颖而出。 无论您使用哪种启动器或图标,您的手机都将真正属于您。


android 启动页主题