
Are you looking for the best lead generation plugins for WordPress?


Using the right lead generation tools can help you get more customers and sales faster, so you can grow your business.


In this article, we will share some of the best lead generation WordPress plugins to help you improve your marketing.



什么是铅生成及其重要性? (What is Lead Generation and Why Does It Matter?)

Lead generation means getting the interest of prospective customers. It can be done in a number of different ways.

潜在客户的产生意味着吸引潜在客户的兴趣。 它可以通过多种不同的方式来完成。

On your website, lead generation might mean getting visitors to:


  • Join your email newsletter.

  • Submit a contact or inquiry form on your website

  • Contact someone at your company through live chat.

  • Talk to a chatbot (automated chat).

  • Call your sales team, or book a call with them.


Lead generation is an essential for all online businesses. Of course, it’s also important to have a strong process for converting the leads into customers. However, most businesses struggle to get enough leads in the first place.

潜在客户的产生对于所有在线业务都是必不可少的。 当然,有一个强大的流程将潜在客户转化为客户也很重要。 但是,大多数企业首先都很难获得足够的潜在客户。

Even if you run a nonprofit, lead generation matters. It can help you get more donations and more support.

即使您经营非营利组织 ,潜在客户的产生也很重要。 它可以帮助您获得更多捐款和更多支持。

Our goal with this list is to share the absolute best WordPress lead generation plugins that you can use to grow your business, faster.


Unlike other best lead generation tools list, we are not just sharing a list of plugins that do the same thing. Instead we’re focusing on lead generation from a holistic point of view.

与其他最佳潜在客户生成工具列表不同,我们不仅共享功能相同的插件列表。 相反,我们从整体角度着眼于潜在客户的产生。

For each lead generation solution category, we share an expert pick along with one alternative option for that category. This will help us keep this list comprehensive without causing choice paralysis.

对于每个潜在客户生成解决方案类别,我们共享一个专家精选以及该类别的一个替代选项。 这将有助于我们使此列表更全面,而不会导致选择麻痹。

With that said, here are the best lead generation plugins for WordPress.


1. WPForms (1. WPForms)

WPForms is the best contact form plugin on the market. Over 3 million website owners use their drag & drop form builder to easily create any type of online form for their WordPress site.

WPForms是市场上最好的联系表单插件 。 超过300万的网站所有者使用其拖放表单生成器轻松为其WordPress网站创建任何类型的在线表单。

It comes with over 100 pre-built form templates that you can use as a starting point. From there, you can easily customize the form to match your needs using the drag & drop form builder interface.

它带有100多个预构建的表单模板,您可以以此为起点。 在这里,您可以使用拖放表单构建器界面轻松地定制表单以满足您的需求。

Some of the lead generation templates include:


  • Newsletter signup form

  • Content download form

  • Online event registration form

  • Request a quote form

  • Contest entry form

  • Neighborhood events questionnaire form

  • Personal trainer signup form


WPForms also integrates with your favorite email marketing service and CRM providers. This lets you automatically add leads to your email list.

WPForms还与您喜欢的电子邮件营销服务CRM提供程序集成。 这使您可以自动将线索添加到电子邮件列表中。

Each time someone submits the form, you will automatically get an email notification. You can easily turn this off if you prefer not to receive email alerts. WPForms will store each completed form in your WordPress database too.

每次有人提交表单时,您都会自动收到一封电子邮件通知。 如果您不想接收电子邮件警报,则可以轻松关闭此功能。 WPForms还将每个完成的表单存储在您的WordPress数据库中

It’s also possible to send notifications to multiple recipients using WPForms. For example, you might want to send the customer inquiry notification to a specific person in the sales team and their supervisor.

也可以使用WPForms 向多个收件人发送通知 。 例如,您可能希望将客户查询通知发送给销售团队中的特定人员及其主管。



WPForms costs from $39.50/year.


There’s also a free version of the plugin, which has limited features.

该插件还有一个免费版本 ,功能有限。



Formidable Forms (from $59/year) is a good alternative to WPForms. It has powerful tools that let you create all sorts of different forms, including lead calculators, however it’s not as beginner friendly as WPForms.

强大的表格 (每年59美元起)是WPForms的不错选择。 它具有功能强大的工具,可让您创建各种不同的形式,包括潜在客户计算器 ,但它不像WPForms那样对初学者友好。

2. OptinMonster (2. OptinMonster)

OptinMonster is a powerful lead generation software that you can use on your WordPress site. It lets you create high converting popups and email signup forms that helps you turn abandoning website visitors into subscribers & customers.

OptinMonster是功能强大的销售线索生成软件,可以在WordPress网站上使用。 它使您可以创建高转化率的弹出窗口和电子邮件注册表单,从而帮助您将放弃的网站访问者转变为订阅者和客户。

It has lots of useful features, including Exit Intent ® technology. This lets you show your popup at the exact moment when someone is about to leave your site. You can combine it with their page targeting feature to show customized popup messages for each page which is proven to increase conversions.

它具有许多有用的功能,包括Exit Intent®技术。 这样,您可以在有人离开您网站的确切时间显示弹出窗口。 您可以将其与他们的页面定位功能结合使用,以显示每个页面的自定义弹出消息,事实证明,这些消息可以增加转化。

With OptinMonster, you even get special popups like spin the wheel popups and Yes/No popups. These can boost your conversion rate even further.

使用OptinMonster,您甚至可以获得特殊的弹出窗口,例如旋转滚轮弹出窗口和是/否弹出窗口 。 这些可以进一步提高您的转化率。

There are lots of different professionally designed templates included in the app. This makes it quick and easy to create your lead forms using the drag and drop builder.

应用程序中包含许多不同的专业设计模板。 这使得使用拖放生成器可以轻松快捷地创建销售线索表单。

You can also use OptinMonster to generate leads in other ways. For instance, you might use the Content Locking feature to ask visitors to join your email list before they can read your full content.

您还可以使用OptinMonster以其他方式生成销售线索。 例如,您可以使用“内容锁定”功能要求访问者加入您的电子邮件列表,然后他们才能阅读您的全部内容。

You don’t necessarily need to use it to generate email leads, either. You could add a Click to Call button to your popup instead, use it to show special discount codes, and more.

您也不必使用它来生成电子邮件线索。 您可以在弹出菜单中添加“点击通话”按钮,使用它显示特殊的折扣代码,等等。



OptinMonster costs from $9/month (billed annually). To get advanced features like Exit Intent technology and Yes/No forms, you need the Pro plan from $29/month.

OptinMonster的费用为每月9美元起(每年结算)。 要获得高级功能,例如退出意图技术和是/否表格,您需要每月29美元起的专业版计划。



ThriveLeads (from $67) is a good alternative to OptinMonster. It offers a range of different types of lead generation forms. It also has a drag and drop builder.

ThriveLeads (67美元起)是OptinMonster的不错选择。 它提供了一系列不同类型的潜在客户生成形式。 它还具有一个拖放生成器。

3. LiveChat (3. LiveChat)

LiveChat is the best live chat software for WordPress websites. It’s very easy to set up, and you can integrate it with dozens of other marketing services.

LiveChat是适用于WordPress网站的最佳实时聊天软件 。 设置非常容易,您可以将其与许多其他营销服务集成。

This plugin places a chat button in the bottom right-hand corner of your website. Visitors can click on this to chat with your team in real-time.

该插件将聊天按钮放置在网站的右下角。 访客可以单击此按钮与您的团队实时聊天。

Your support team members don’t need to be logged into WordPress in order to use LiveChat. Instead, they can use the Live Chat app on their laptop or mobile device.

您的支持团队成员无需登录WordPress即可使用LiveChat。 相反,他们可以在笔记本电脑或移动设备上使用实时聊天应用程序。

If a visitor contacts your team outside support hours, LiveChat will create a support ticket instead.


LiveChat is fast and easy to use, for your visitors and for your support team. It lets you quickly turn leads into customers by answering pre-sales questions straight away.

对于您的访客和您的支持团队而言,LiveChat都是快速,易于使用的。 通过立即回答售前问题,您可以快速将销售线索转化为客户。



LiveChat costs from $16/month (billed annually) with a 14 day free trial. Our LiveChat coupon gives you an extended 30 day free trial plus a 30% discount.

LiveChat的费用为每月16美元(每年计费),并提供14天的免费试用期。 我们的LiveChat优惠券可为您提供30天的免费试用期以及30%的折扣。



Sendinblue offers a simple, free live chat feature that you can use on your website. It also offers email, SMS, and a CRM tool that integrate with the live chat.

Sendinblue提供了一个简单的免费实时聊天功能,您可以在您的网站上使用它。 它还提供与实时聊天集成的电子邮件,SMS和CRM工具。

4. ChatBot (4. ChatBot)

ChatBot lets you use automated live chat to connect with your potential customers. Through the power of AI (Artificial Intelligence), it can respond to customer questions 24/7.

ChatBot使您可以使用自动实时聊天与潜在客户联系。 通过AI( 人工智能 )的力量,它可以24/7响应客户的问题。

To help you get started quickly, ChatBot has lots of pre-designed templates. For instance, you could use the lead generation bot to book calls. The sales bot template allows you to sell products directly from the chat window.

为了帮助您快速入门,ChatBot具有许多预先设计的模板。 例如,您可以使用潜在客户生成机器人来预订电话。 销售机器人模板可让您直接从聊天窗口销售产品。

ChatBot can be used in Facebook messenger as well as on your website. That makes it a great option for companies and organizations that get a lot of inquiries through Facebook.

ChatBot可以在Facebook Messenger以及您的网站中使用。 对于通过Facebook进行大量查询的公司和组织来说,这是一个很好的选择。

It’s easy to integrate it with other apps such as LiveChat. This means that a live agent can step into the conversation seamlessly if needed.

轻松将其与LiveChat等其他应用程序集成。 这意味着,如果需要,实时代理可以无缝地进入对话。



ChatBot costs from $50/month. There’s a 14-day free trial available.

ChatBot的费用为每月50美元起。 有14天的免费试用期。



Drift (from $500/month with the chatbot feature) combines a chatbot with live chat. It’s a powerful tool if you have a larger business and can afford it.

Drift (具有聊天机器人功能,每月500美元起)将聊天机器人与实时聊天结合在一起。 如果您有更大的业务并且负担得起,它是一个强大的工具。

5. OneSignal (5. OneSignal)

OneSignal lets you add push notifications to your WordPress site.


Push notifications are shown on the user’s desktop or in the notification area on their mobile device. They are a highly effective way to convert website visitors into loyal followers and customers.

推送通知显示在用户的桌面或移动设备的通知区域中。 它们是将网站访问者转化为忠实的追随者和客户的高效方法。

Visitors simply give their permission to receive push notifications by clicking a button:



OneSignal makes it easy to create push notifications. You simply need to create an account and install the WordPress plugin.

OneSignal使创建推送通知变得容易。 您只需要创建一个帐户并安装WordPress插件即可。

With OneSignal, you can fine-tune exactly how your push notifications are displayed. For instance, you could display a prompt after a certain number of page views or after a visitor has been on your site for a certain length of time.

借助OneSignal,您可以精确调整推送通知的显示方式。 例如,您可以在一定数量的页面浏览量或访客在您的网站上停留一定时间后显示提示。



OneSignal has a free plan that covers you for up to 30,000 desktop subscribers and unlimited on mobile.


For more subscribers and advanced features like delayed notifications, it costs from $99/month.




PushEngage (from $29/month for up to 5,000 subscribers) is a good alternative to OneSignal. It also offers a free plan for up to 2,500 subscribers.

PushEngage ( 月租费为29美元/月,最多可预订5,000个订户)是OneSignal的不错选择。 它还为多达2500个订户提供了免费计划。

6.订阅已重新加载的评论 (6. Subscribe to Comments Reloaded)

Subscribe to Comments Reloaded is a WordPress plugin that lets people sign up for comment notifications.


This can be a good option if you have a website that involves a lot of interaction in the comments. The plugin lets you customize the notification messages, too. You could use these to increase brand awareness or even promote your products.

如果您的网站在评论中涉及很多互动,那么这可能是一个不错的选择。 该插件还允许您自定义通知消息。 您可以使用这些广告来提高品牌知名度,甚至推广您的产品。

Subscribe to Comments Reloaded makes it easy for users to manage their subscriptions. That means they can easily unsubscribe from comments on particular posts, or even from all comments.

订阅评论重新加载后,用户可以轻松管理他们的订阅。 这意味着他们可以轻松地取消订阅特定帖子的评论,甚至取消所有评论的订阅。

You can also require double opt-in, so users need to click a link to confirm they want to receive email notifications of comments.




Subscribe to Comments Reloaded is free.




Lightweight Subscribe to Comments (also free) is a fast, lightweight plugin. It works straight out of the box and offers some customization options.

轻量级订阅评论 (也是免费的)是一个快速,轻量级的插件。 它开箱即用,并提供一些自定义选项。

7. WP呼叫按钮 (7. WP Call Button)

WP Call Button allows you to easily add a ‘click to call’ button on your WordPress website or WooCommerce store. Visitors can simply click or tap the button to call you straight away.

WP呼叫按钮使您可以轻松地在WordPress网站或WooCommerce商店上添加“点击呼叫”按钮 。 访客只需单击或点击按钮即可立即致电给您。

If your customers need to call you before purchasing a service or booking an appointment, then adding a click to call button on your website will definitely increase your leads / sales.


WP Call Button makes it easy to add your button to any post or page. You can include it in your WordPress sidebar, too. It’s also easy to create a sticky floating call button that stays visible all the time.

WP Call Button使您可以轻松地将按钮添加到任何帖子或页面。 您也可以将其包含在WordPress边栏中。 创建一个始终保持可见状态的粘性浮动呼叫按钮也很容易。

It works with all top business phone services such as Nextiva and RingCentral.




WP Call Button is free.




You can also create a click to call link using the manual method covered in adding a click-to-call button in WordPress.


8.多合一SEO (8. All in One SEO)

All in One SEO is a powerful search engine optimization (SEO) plugin for WordPress. It lets you optimize your website as effectively and efficiently as possible so that your content can rank highly in search engines.

一站式SEO是一个功能强大的WordPress 搜索引擎优化 (SEO)插件。 它使您可以尽可能有效地优化网站,以便您的内容在搜索引擎中排名很高。

SEO is an important part of lead generation. You need to bring people to your website before they can join your email list, call you, subscribe to push notifications, or anything else on this list.

SEO是潜在客户产生的重要组成部分。 您需要先将人们带到您的网站,然后他们才能加入您的电子邮件列表,打电话给您,订阅推送通知或此列表中的任何其他内容。

WordPress beginners often feel that SEO is something too technical or complicated for them to do. All in One SEO makes it easy, with powerful on-page optimization tools. These let you easily add things like meta titles and descriptions to your pages.

WordPress初学者经常觉得SEO太技术性或太复杂了而无法执行。 借助功能强大的页面优化工具,多引擎搜索引擎优化使一切变得简单。 这些使您可以轻松地在页面中添加诸如元标题和描述之类的内容。

All in One SEO can also automatically create sitemaps, add social media data to your site, and much more. It makes it easy to connect your website to tools like Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools.

一站式 SEO还可以自动创建站点地图 ,将社交媒体数据添加到您的站点等等。 它使您可以轻松地将您的网站连接到Google Search Console和Bing网站管理员工具之类的工具。

There are also lots of video tutorials that walk you through all the different aspects of SEO. The friendly support team is always happy to answer questions, too.

也有很多****,带您逐步了解SEO的所有不同方面。 友好的支持团队也总是乐于回答问题。



All in One SEO costs from $57/year.


There’s a fairly robust free version available as well, but it doesn’t include some of their powerful features.

也有相当健壮的免费版本 ,但其中不包含某些强大功能。



Yoast SEO ($89/year) offers similar features to All in One SEO.

Yoast SEO (每年89美元)提供的功能与All in One SEO类似。

9. MonsterInsights (9. MonsterInsights)

MonsterInsights is a powerful way to add Google Analytics to your WordPress website. It lets you quickly and easily see crucial statistics about your site.

MonsterInsights是一种将Google Analytics(分析)添加到WordPress网站的强大方法。 它使您可以快速轻松地查看有关站点的重要统计信息。

This means you can easily find out what’s working and what’s not, so you can focus on the areas that really matter. For instance, you might use MonsterInsights to enable author tracking and see which writers for your site are producing the best-performing posts.

这意味着您可以轻松找出有效的方法和无效的方法,从而可以专注于真正重要的领域。 例如,您可以使用MonsterInsights 启用作者跟踪,并查看您网站的哪些作者产生了表现最好的帖子。

Or you could use MonsterInsights to track link clicks and button clicks. This can let you figure out which links and buttons are getting clicked and which ones aren’t, letting you pinpoint areas for improvement.

或者,您可以使用MonsterInsights 跟踪链接点击和按钮点击 。 这可以让您确定哪些链接和按钮被单击,哪些未被单击,从而使您可以确定需要改进的地方。

MonsterInsights is quick and easy to set up and gives you real-time stats. It can even track things like your eCommerce data, form completions, and file downloads. This gives you more insights about your lead generation efforts.

MonsterInsights可以快速,轻松地进行设置,并为您提供实时统计信息。 它甚至可以跟踪诸如您的电子商务数据,表单完成和文件下载之类的内容。 这使您对潜在客户产生的努力有了更多见解。



MonsterInsights costs from $99.50/year.

MonsterInsights的费用为每年$ 99.50起。

There’s also a free version available with limited features.

还有一个免费版本 ,功能有限。



ExactMetrics (from $99.50/year) offers similar features to MonsterInsights.

ExactMetrics (每年99.50美元起)提供与MonsterInsights类似的功能。

我们的选择:WordPress的最佳潜在客户生成插件 (Our Pick: Best Lead Generation Plugin for WordPress)

We believe that you need multiple plugins to have a robust lead generation strategy on your site. With that said, WPForms is the best lead generation plugin for WordPress. You can use their drag & drop form builder to create any type of online forms.

我们认为您需要多个插件才能在您的网站上制定可靠的销售线索生成策略。 话虽如此, WPForms是WordPress的最佳线索生成插件。 您可以使用他们的拖放表单构建器来创建任何类型的在线表单。

If you’re looking for live chat solution to improve leads, then Live Chat and ChatBot are both great options.

如果您正在寻找实时聊天解决方案来改善潜在客户,那么Live ChatChatBot都是不错的选择。

If you want to improve your overall conversion rate on your website, then nothing in the market beats the powerful features that OptinMonster has to offer.


With any lead generation strategy, attracting leads is only the first part. You have to ensure that there’s a proper sales process to close the deal.

对于任何潜在客户生成策略,吸引潜在客户只是第一部分。 您必须确保有适当的销售流程来完成交易。

If you rely on phone calls, then we recommend using Nextiva. It comes with auto-attendant, call-routing, CRM and many powerful sales features that you can use to increase your sales.

如果您依靠电话,那么我们建议使用Nextiva 。 它带有自动话务员,呼叫路由,CRM和许多强大的销售功能,可用于增加销售。

To summarize, our top 5 lead generation tools are:


  1. WPForms


  2. OptinMonster


  3. LiveChat.com


  4. ChatBot.com


  5. Nextiva


We hope this article helped you learn about the best lead generation plugins and tools for WordPress. You might also like our comprehensive list of the best WordPress plugins for business websites, and our ultimate guide on how to improve WordPress speed and performance.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解有关WordPress的最佳线索生成插件和工具。 您可能还会喜欢我们为商业网站提供的最佳WordPress插件的完整列表,以及有关如何提高WordPress速度和性能的最终指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress****。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/best-lead-generation-wordpress-plugins-powerful/