
Yes, I know I'm late in updating my Tools List. I know. Maybe this weekend.

是的,我知道我要更新我的工具列表 我知道。 也许这个周末。

Let me tell you about five tools that are so useful, so compelling and so "should have been built into Windows" that I now think of them as part of Windows. They are that useful to me. They make Windows better. They improve my workflow and then fade into the background. They are so stable and integrated that they have melted away and now feel as if they are part of Windows itself.

让我告诉您五个有用,如此引人注目的工具以及“应该已经内置到Windows中”的五个工具,现在我将它们视为Windows的一部分。 它们对我有用。 它们使Windows更好。 他们改善了我的工作流程,然后逐渐淡出背景。 它们是如此稳定和集成,以至于已经融化了,现在感觉好像它们是Windows本身的一部分。

1UP Industries的垃圾箱 (Bins by 1UP Industries)

Bins was actually written by the same author as Fences, below, so you know it's awesome.



It's actually ridiculously awesome. For example, I've got four browsers pinned to my Windows 7 Taskbar, which is kind of silly. Now, with bins, I can make a, *ahem*, "bin" and put four browser shortcuts in the space of just one regular icon. Then I make can choose a default program for the bin when I just click, or hover to get my others. All this functionality for $4.99, and he takes PayPal. Sold. Bins almost makes Windows 7 feel like Windows 7.1.

实际上真是太荒谬了。 例如,我在Windows 7任务栏上固定了四个浏览器,这很愚蠢。 现在,有了垃圾箱,我可以制作一个* ahem *,“ bin”,并将四个浏览器快捷方式放在一个普通图标的空间中。 然后,当我单击或悬停获取其他程序时,我可以为该容器选择默认程序。 所有这些功能的价格为$ 4.99美元,而他则使用PayPal。 卖了Bins几乎使Windows 7像Windows 7.1。

栅栏由Stardock (Fences by Stardock)

I mentioned Fences here almost two years ago to the day and it's been running happily on all my Windows PCs ever since. I realize that some folks like a clean desktop but if you'd like to get those pixels working for you then I think you gotta put some icons on your desk. When they get out of hand, put a fence around them.

我大约在两年前的今天在这里提到了Fences ,此后,它在我的所有Windows PC上一直运行良好。 我意识到有些人喜欢干净的台式机,但是如果您想让那些像素适合您,那么我想您必须在桌子上放一些图标。 当他们失控时,在他们周围放上栅栏。

One of the best parts about Fences is that it's pretty smart about changing resolutions. Some people don't like a lot of icons because they fear the inevitable "give a presentation, change resolutions and lose all my icon positions" day. With Fences, this is not a problem. All your icons stay in their little boxes. They'll even rearrange magically if you change icon sizes.

关于Fences最好的部分之一是更改分辨率非常聪明。 有些人不喜欢很多图标,因为他们担心不可避免的“发表演讲,更改分辨率并失去我所有的图标位置”这一天。 使用Fences,这不是问题。 您所有的图标都停留在它们的小框中。 如果您更改图标大小,它们甚至会神奇地重新排列。


Fences is truly a fantastic application and one that should be built in. The author of Fences and Bin is a programming god amongst men and I salute you, sir. The next taco is on me.

Fences确实是一种出色的应用程序,应该将其内置。Fences and Bin的作者是编程界的上帝,先生,我向您致敬。 下炸玉米饼在我身上。

Lexikos在AutoHotkey中的窗垫 (Window Pad by Lexikos in AutoHotkey)

Here's a great graphic from Jim Priest's review of Window Pad that says what it does more clearly than I could. It's a multi-monitor aware window-moving tool. You use the Window Key along with the Number Pad to move windows around. Rather than spending time moving your windows with a mouse, you use the positions of the numbers on the number pad to move them.

这是吉姆·普里斯特(Jim Priest)Window Pad的评论中的一张很棒的图形,上面写着它比我能做的更清楚。 这是一个多监视器感知的窗口移动工具。 您可以使用“窗口键”和数字键盘来移动窗口。 不用花费时间用鼠标移动窗口,而是使用数字键盘上数字的位置来移动它们。

It's Aero Snap taken to the next level. Rather than just left and right, there's nine positions per monitor that your windows can go, but because the positions correspond to the number pad you already know there's virtually no learning curve. WindowPad is brilliant and deserves to be in your Startup Folder.

Aero Snap进入了新的高度。 每个监视器可以在窗口中移动9个位置,而不仅仅是左右两个位置,但是由于这些位置与您已经知道的数字键盘相对应,因此几乎没有学习曲线。 WindowPad非常出色,应该放在您的启动文件夹中。


UltraMon Multi-Monitor任务栏,由Realtime Soft提供 (UltraMon Multi-Monitor Taskbar by Realtime Soft)

I've used UltraMon as my Windows multi-monitor taskbar utility FOREVER. I purchased it in 2002 (that's a decade, kids) and it's been rock solid ever since.

我一直将UltraMon用作Windows多监视器任务栏实用程序。 我在2002年(孩子十年)买了它,从那以后一直坚如磐石。

There are a few other multi-monitor task bar utilities with Aero Peek and some other functions, but UltraMon is fast fast fast and I never think about it. It's never let me down for ten years.

还有其他一些具有Aero Peek和其他功能的多显示器任务栏实用程序,但是UltraMon的速度非常快,我从未考虑过。 十年从未让我失望。


Some real contenders are DisplayFusion from Binary Fortress and Actual Multiple Monitors. They are both actively developed and have more features and polish than UltraMon. I continue to use UltraMon because it's rock solid.

一些真正的竞争者是来自Binary Fortress的DisplayFusion实际的多个监视器。 它们都被积极开发,并且具有比UltraMon更多的功能和改进功能。 我继续使用UltraMon,因为它坚如磐石。

If you're serious about multiple monitors give them both a week of your time and pick one. You won't regret it.

如果您认真对待多台显示器,请给他们两个星期的时间,然后再选一个。 你不会后悔的。

Otaku Software提供的DeskSpace (DeskSpace by Otaku Software)

I blogged about DeskSpace almost four years ago. I revisited it recently and it's not only in active development but it's gorgeous. Sure, there are other free Virtual Desktop managers out there but I challenge you to find one this polished, this gorgeous and this cleanly baked into Windows itself. It tends to use a bit of memory, but I'm willing to take the hit for the experience. DeskSpace is a beautiful, wonderfully functional piece of software and a fun and productive way to add multiple desktops to Windows.

差不多在四年前就写了DeskSpace的博客。 我最近重新访问了它,它不仅在积极开发中,而且非常漂亮。 当然,还有其他免费的虚拟桌面管理器,但是我向您挑战,要找到一个精美,华丽,干净地嵌入Windows的虚拟机。 它往往会占用一些内存,但是我愿意为这次体验锦上添花。 DeskSpace是一款精美,功能强大的软件,是将多个桌面添加到Windows的一种有趣且高效的方式。

P.S. One thing, Fences and virtual desktop systems don't always work well together so I keep the same desktop icons on each virtual desktop and change only the wallpaper. The Windows you choose to keep on different desktops stay there.

PS一件事,围栏和虚拟桌面系统并不总是能很好地协同工作,因此我在每个虚拟桌面上都保留了相同的桌面图标,只更改了墙纸。 您选择保留在不同桌面上的Windows将保留在那里。


These five utilities should be built into Windows. But even though they aren't, they feel baked in and that's what really counts. Thanks you all, for making my daily Windows experience even better.

这五个实用程序应内置于Windows中。 但是,即使不是,它们也会让您感到不适,这才是真正重要的。 谢谢大家,让我的Windows日常体验变得更好。

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/five-absolutely-essential-utilities-that-make-windows-better