


Today, Microsoft and Nokia announced their versions of Apple’s AppStore. Apple’s engagement of the development community and their huge user base, proved to be a true Web’s success story. Now, Microsoft’s Windows Marketplace is scheduled to take off late this year, while Nokia’s Ovi Store will be available in May. In an apparent game of “catch up”, both companies’ variants offer a variety of applications based on some of their most popular products. From a monetization standpoint, Apple has shown many times how branding combined with innovative products and thinking can achieve profit, a lesson many Web companies should learn.

今天,微软和诺基亚宣布了其Apple AppStore版本。 苹果公司与开发社区及其庞大用户群的互动,被证明是一个真正的Web成功案例。 现在,微软的Windows Marketplace计划于今年下半年起飞,而诺基亚的Ovi商店将于5月上市。 在明显的“追赶”游戏中,两家公司的变体都基于其最受欢迎的产品提供了各种应用程序。 从获利的角度来看,苹果已经多次展示了品牌与创新产品和思维相结合如何实现获利的经验,这是许多网络公司应该吸取的教训。

AppStore成功 (AppStore Success)

Apple’s AppStore scored multiple touchdowns for Steve Jobs and company last year. The store’s debut first weekend alone saw 10 million applications downloaded, and over 1 million iPhones sold. If there ever was a gold rush Web 2.0 (or whatever) story for online business, the AppStore is it. What is perhaps more relevant are the stories of AppStore success from developers of iPhone applications. The genius here is in the creation of a global marketplace, and the obvious win-win for all concerned. I am only really surprised it took so long for others to follow suit actually.

去年,苹果的AppStore为史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)和公司赢得了多次达阵。 仅在商店的第一个周末就亮相,下载了1000万个应用程序,并且售出了超过100万部iPhone。 如果曾经有过淘金热的Web 2.0(或任何其他形式)的在线业务案例,那么AppStore就是它。 可能更相关的是iPhone应用程序开发人员在AppStore取得成功的故事 。 这里的天才在于建立全球市场,对所有有关方面而言都是显而易见的双赢。 我真的很惊讶其他人花了这么长时间才真正效仿。

微软的举动 (Microsoft’s Take)

According to this news, Microsoft’s Windows Marketplace will offer new applications, services and innovations for their new phones, a library of 20,000 existing applications for Windows Mobile, and MyPhone, a service that allows users to synchronize contents of handsets with other Microsoft products like Windows Live. Though Microsoft’s mobile products may not be a strong as Apple’s at this point, but their huge brand recognition strength makes this a doubly smart move on their part in my opinion. Many would never believe MS would ever mimic Apple, but evidently it’s coming true.

根据此消息,Microsoft的Windows Marketplace将为其新手机提供新的应用程序,服务和创新,Windows Mobile现有20,000个应用程序的库以及MyPhone ,该服务允许用户将手机的内容与其他Microsoft产品(例如Windows)同步生活。 尽管在这一点上微软的移动产品可能不如苹果强大,但是在我看来,其强大的品牌知名度使这成为明智之举。 许多人永远不会相信微软会模仿苹果,但是显然它是成真的。


MyPhone aspect getting ready.


诺基亚Ovi商店 (Nokia Ovi Store)

Like Apple’s version, Nokia’s Ovi Store will take 30 percent of the royalties for applications from developers. Ovi store will offer apps and a wide range of multimedia content, like games, graphics, ring tones and personalization. Nokia has already made deals with several content providers from EA Games to Facebook, in order to differentiate itself from the competition. Nokia’s existing download services, new applications, and its multimedia service MOSH, will be combined to form the Ovi Store experience.

像苹果的版本一样,诺基亚的Ovi商店将收取开发人员应用程序使用费的30%。 Ovi商店将提供应用程序和各种多媒体内容,例如游戏,图形,铃声和个性化。 诺基亚已经与EA Games到Facebook等多家内容提供商达成了交易,以使自己在竞争中脱颖而出。 诺基亚现有的下载服务,新应用程序及其多媒体服务MOSH将结合起来,形成Ovi商店体验。


Ovi Store, opening soon.


模型市场 (Model Markets)

Positioning a company in the right place and at the right time is rock solid business. Apple, and even its followers into this “store front” social experiment on the Web is exemplary Web business. By creating a marketplace for creativity atop already proven products, these companies engage in a near perfect business solution for everyone. I am no huge fan of mobile technology, but monetizing developmental talent, providing even more value for their own products, and distributing them to their most targeted audience is about as good as it gets. the lesson here is paying dividends at every possible turn.

将公司定位在正确的位置和正确的时间是坚如磐石的业务。 苹果公司,甚至是其追随者在网络上进行的这种“店面”社会实验,都是典范的网络业务。 通过在已经过验证的产品上创造创造力的市场,这些公司为每个人提供了近乎完美的业务解决方案。 我不是移动技术的忠实拥护者,但是可以通过开发人才获利,为自己的产品提供更多价值并将其分配给最有针对性的受众,这几乎是一件好事。 这里的教训是在任何可能的情况下分红。

While Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and 100 other online ventures only “promise” to turn a profit, it seems as if only retail type business comes close to taking advantage of the Internet as a medium for exchange. Amazon, eBay, and many other more traditional companies are at the top of the Web earnings ladder, while the huddled masses at social communities remain, essentially an unrealized market segment. Personally, I do not see an easy exit strategy for many of them. I suppose someone could make an app to turn Facebook into eBay? Perhaps the Apple lesson can be applied in other ways? If there were just something more tangible on the other end, a MyFacebook digital picture album or something. In any event, this latest news is good business for application developers, and the Web as a whole.

尽管Facebook,MySpace,Twitter和其他100家在线企业仅“承诺”扭亏为盈,但似乎只有零售型企业接近利用互联网作为交换媒介。 亚马逊,eBay和其他许多传统公司处于网络收入阶梯的顶端,而社交社区中拥挤的人群仍然是,这实际上是一个未实现的细分市场。 就我个人而言,我认为许多人都不容易采取退出策略。 我想有人可以开发一个应用程序,将Facebook变成eBay吗? 也许苹果课程可以通过其他方式应用? 如果另一端还有更明显的东西,那就是MyFacebook数码相册或其他东西。 无论如何,对于应用程序开发人员以及整个Web而言,此最新消息都是一件好事。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/more-app-stores/
