
We just opened the 2019 State of JavaScript survey. Go take it if you haven't done so already!

我们刚刚打开了2019年JavaScript状态调查 。 如果还没有, 那就去吧

It's now the fourth time we're doing this survey, and each time we take a deep look at our big YAML file containing all our questions to see what stays and what goes. So in case you're curious, here's a quick overview of everything new in this year's survey.

这是我们第四次进行此调查,并且每次我们深入查看包含所有问题的YAML大文件时,都会看到仍然存在的问题。 因此,如果您感到好奇,请快速浏览一下本年度调查中的所有新内容。

语言与模式 (Language & Patterns)

The biggest structural change is that we now have a new "Language" section that asks about JavaScript as a language itself. Do you use destructuring? What about arrow functions? Have you looked at Maps and Sets yet? And are you more of a functional programmer or an object-oriented coder?

结构上最大的变化是,我们现在有了一个新的“语言”部分,询问有关JavaScript作为语言本身的问题。 您是否使用解构? 箭头功能呢? 您是否看过地图和场景集? 您是功能性程序员还是面向对象的编码器?


We also have a whole section all about browser APIs so we can see how popular each of them is.


The goal is to get an idea not just of what libraries people are using, but also what their actual code looks like.


新库:Svelte,赛普拉斯等 (New Libraries: Svelte, Cypress, and more)

Speaking of libraries, we also have a couple new entrants.


First off is Svelte, which has been making big waves in the community all throughout 2019. It was also our #1 "other" answer in the front-end section last year, so it only made sense to include it.

首先是Svelte ,它在整个2019年都在社区中引起了极大的轰动。它也是去年前端部分中我们排名第一的“其他”答案,因此将其包括在内才有意义。


In the back-end section, we added Nuxt and Gatsby. They're not "traditional" back-end frameworks like Express or Koa, but they've gained so much popularity recently that not adding them felt like an oversight.

在后端部分,我们添加了NuxtGatsby 。 它们不是Express或Koa之类的“传统”后端框架,但是最近它们获得了极大的欢迎,以至于没有添加它们就感觉像是一种疏忽。

In the testing section, we've added Cypress and Puppeteer, and in the mobile & desktop section NW.js and Expo.

在测试部分,我们添加了CypressPuppeteer ,在移动和桌面部分添加了NW.jsExpo

资源科 (Resources Section)

Just like we did for this year's State of CSS survey, we also added a Resources section to find out more about which blogs, resources, and podcasts are the most popular.


自定义调查前端 (A Custom Survey Front-End)

Finally, on the technical side of things the huge change this year is that we're using our own homegrown survey platform for the first time instead of relying on Typeform.


This is something we had talked about for a while, but we didn't consider it seriously until we realized Typeform had changed their pricing, and that their largest plan was now capped at 10,000 responses per month! Typeform wasn't interested in accommodating us, so with the end of the year looming ever closer, I got to work to hack a survey app together.

这是我们讨论了一段时间的事情,但是直到我们意识到Typeform改变了他们的价格,并且他们最大的计划现在限制为每月10,000个回复之后,我们才认真考虑它! Typeform对容纳我们不感兴趣,因此随着临近年底的临近,我不得不一起研究一个调查应用程序。

Thankfully I had a secret weapon in my pocket: Vulcan.js, a full-stack JavaScript framework that's perfect for quickly putting web apps together; and I was able to build the entire app (you can find its code here) in about five days by leveraging Vulcan's form-generation module.

值得庆幸的是,我有一个秘密武器: Vulcan.js ,这是一个完整JavaScript框架,非常适合将Web应用程序快速组合在一起。 而且我能够利用Vulcan的表单生成模块在大约五天内构建了整个应用程序(可以在此处找到其代码 )。

Moving this fast did have a few drawbacks. We've had our share of little bugs, but nothing major so far. Also, we now require you to create an account before filling out a survey. As much as we'd like to support anonymous users, we didn't have time to implement proper safeguards against data tampering, so requiring accounts seemed like the safest choice.

快速移动确实有一些缺点。 我们已经分享了一些小错误,但是到目前为止没有什么大不了的。 另外,我们现在要求您在填写调查表之前先创建一个帐户。 尽管我们想支持匿名用户,但我们没有时间实施适当的保护措施以防止数据被篡改,因此要求帐户似乎是最安全的选择。

I do think this was the right choice though. As we import data from previous years into our new survey app, we'll be able to give you access to that data so you can see how your responses have evolved over time (provided you've used the same email); and also make it easier for others to access our data to make their own data visualizations.

我确实认为这是正确的选择。 当我们将前几年的数据导入到新的调查应用程序中时,我们将能够为您提供访问这些数据的权限,以便您查看自己的回答随着时间的变化(假设您使用的是同一封电子邮件); 并且还使其他人更容易访问我们的数据以进行自己的数据可视化。

All that being said, the best way to experience all this new stuff is to go and see for yourself! So take the survey, and help us figure out this year's latest JavaScript trends.

话虽这么说,体验所有这些新事物的最好方法就是亲自去看看! 因此,请接受调查 ,并帮助我们弄清楚今年的最新JavaScript趋势。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/whats-new-in-the-2019-state-of-javascript-survey/