

Even though English is a universal language, there are still over 6000 languages written and spoken in daily life right across the world. Chinese is the most popular language spoken after languages such as Spanish, English, Hindi and Arabic.

尽管英语是一种通用语言,但全世界仍然有超过6000种日常生活中使用的书面和口语。 中文是仅次于西班牙语,英语,北印度语和阿拉伯语的最流行的语言。

A multilingual website helps to increase your global reach and it’s something every developer and website owner should consider.


为什么使用WordPress? (Why WordPress?)

WordPress is one of the best platforms when it comes to setting up a website and it’s available for everyone irrespective of their mother tongue. You can find out more about installing WordPress in your chosen language here.

WordPress是建立网站的最佳平台之一,它适用于所有人,无论其母语是什么。 您可以在此处找到有关使用所选语言安装WordPress的更多信息

WordPress also has a range of exciting plugins to handle and create multilingual content for your website visitors. These plugins help you to extend your site to be more accessible and to avoid losing potential site visits simply because the visitor may speak another language.

WordPress还提供了一系列激动人心的插件,可为您的网站访问者处理和创建多语言内容。 这些插件可帮助您扩展站点,使其更易于访问,并避免仅仅因为访问者可能说另一种语言而失去潜在的站点访问。

为什么要在网站上添加多种语言? (Why Should You Add Multiple Languages on Your Website?)

Even though English is a universal language, only 26% of the total online audience are native English speakers. This figure is even lower than previous years and it’s set to fall more.

尽管英语是一种通用语言,但总的在线受众中只有26%是说英语的人。 这个数字甚至比往年要低,而且还会下降更多。

In the US, which is largely an English-speaking country, up to 10% of the population speaks Spanish. Multilingual countries are common. Ensuring your website is multilingual not only helps to increase your global reach but also provides a platform for increasing sales. For instance, ASOS, which is a European clothes brand, enhanced their sales by 39% across the world, when they increased their reach to include the Chinese and Russian markets in 2013.

在美国(很大程度上是一个讲英语的国家)中,多达10%的人口讲西班牙语。 多语种国家很常见。 确保您的网站是多语言的,不仅有助于扩大您的全球影响力,而且还提供了一个增加销量的平台。 例如,欧洲服装品牌ASOS在2013年将业务范围扩大到包括中国和俄罗斯市场时,在全球的销售额增长了39%。

In this article, I’ll cover the key features and benefits of some of the top WordPress plugins designed to help your website better cater for multi-language.




This is a full featured plugin that manages both translation and multilingual functionality.


It comes in different licenses to suit almost any WordPress website – Multilingual CMS ($79 per year), Multilingual Blog ($29 per year), and lifetime option ($195 once off).

它具有不同的许可证,可适用于几乎所有WordPress网站-Multilingual CMS(每年79美元),Multilingual Blog(每年29美元)和终生选项(一次过折价195美元)。

Naturally, the blog option is aimed towards less complex needs and sites and can handle all kinds of multilingual posts, along with menus and taxonomies. It can also detect language of browsers.

自然,博客选项的目的是针对不太复杂的需求和网站,并且可以处理各种多语言的帖子以及菜单和分类法。 它还可以检测浏览器的语言。

All these features are added in CMS along with the ability to translate widgets, custom feeds and themes. It also offers multi-user translation management and ecommerce support.

所有这些功能都已添加到CMS中,并具有翻译小部件,自定义Feed和主题的功能。 它还提供了多用户翻译管理和电子商务支持。

特征 (Features)

  • Supports unlimited sites and 30 day money back guarantee with any of the above versions.

  • Provides out-of-the-box support and is compatible with many themes for up to 40 languages.

  • Fully developed platform within the CMS to manage content and assign jobs to translators.

  • You can connect your WPML install to various pro translation services in order to outsource work and enable various levels of management screens and notifications to keep track on your site progress.

  • Active development team to provide dedicated support in different languages and active community forums.


Google语言翻译器 (Google Language Translator)


Google Language Translator is a plugin not officially from Google, but it’s built on the top of official translation tool, Google Translate. It allows you to add a shortcode into pages, posts, or widget areas that need to be translated automatically.

Google Language Translator是一个不是Google正式提供的插件,但是它是在Google翻译官方翻译工具之上构建的。 它允许您将简码添加到需要自动翻译的页面,帖子或窗口小部件区域中。

It’s been designed to allow you to provide content in multiple languages in the easiest way possible. All you need to do is download and activate plugin, unlike other plugin options.

它旨在允许您以最简单的方式以多种语言提供内容。 您需要做的就是下载并**插件,这与其他插件选项不同。

特征 (Features)

  • Fast and easy setup.

  • Supports up to 80 languages through Google Translate.

  • You may turn off Google branding when needed.

  • Switch between the whole range of options in Google Translate and a selected range of languages manually.

  • Vertical or inline layout options to provide the best visual appeal.

  • Auto translation to hire pro translator or to translate content manually.


Google Language Translator is a great choice for quick and cost-effective translation solution. It still gets the job done despite some drawbacks in using automatic translation.

Google Language Translator是快速,经济高效的翻译解决方案的理想选择。 尽管使用自动翻译存在一些缺陷,但仍可以完成工作。

译者 (Translator)


This is a free and lesser known multilingual plugin offering unique way for visitors to access translated content. With the help of the translation button, Translator is used to translate your site in several languages efficiently and quickly. It’s based on machine-powered, automatic translations through Google Translate.

这是一个免费的鲜为人知的多语言插件,为访问者提供了访问翻译内容的独特方式。 借助翻译按钮,可使用Translator高效,快速地以多种语言翻译您的网站。 它基于通过Google翻译的机器自动翻译。

特征 (Features)

  • Simply choose the desired language to add for the viewers.

  • Automatic translation option above each post.

  • With best Google multilingual practices, it’s SEO optimized.

  • Stylish button customized to match your website’s look.


q翻译X (qTranslate X)


This is a free WordPress Plugin, to translate the theme to multilingual content using WordPress.


It supports endless languages that can be modified, added or deleted through an easy configuration page. All you have to do is activate the plugin and write content. It’s the easiest plugin to maintain dynamic content on the site.

它支持多种语言,可以通过简单的配置页面进行修改,添加或删除。 您所要做的就是**插件并编写内容。 这是在网站上维护动态内容的最简单插件。

When the static localization is implemented well and offered with WordPress framework using po/mo file framefork, you cannot maintain dynamic content without having an specialized plugin.

当静态本地化实现得很好并且使用po / mo文件framefork与WordPress框架一起提供时,如果没有专门的插件,您将无法维护动态内容。

特征 (Features)

  • Several languages built in.

  • Translate widget titles and various custom fields using a shortcode.

  • Automatic date and time format conversion.

  • Customizable language switcher.

  • One language for each URL and three different URL formats available.

  • Language-specific sitemaps for Yoast SEO and Google XML Sitemaps.

    Yoast SEO和Google XML网站地图的特定语言网站地图。

WPGlobus (WPGlobus)


For multilingual WordPress sites, WPGlobus includes additional add-ons like WPGlobus for TinyMCE, WP Globus for WPBakery Visual Composer (which provides the core plugin on themes supporting WPBakery), WooCommerce and WPGlobus Plus.

对于多语言WordPress网站,WPGlobus包含其他附加组件,例如用于TinyMCE的WPGlobus,用于WPBakery Visual Composer的WP Globus(提供了支持WPBakery的主题的核心插件),WooCommerce和WPGlobus Plus。

特征 (Features)

  • Tools to translate all kinds of widgets and posts for your website.

  • Allows you to add languages to your website and adds SEO features automatically for translated content.

  • Switch between languages for any post, either through widget or drop-down menu.

  • Allow users to switch between languages when available for any post either through widget or drop-down menu.

  • Easy to switch the language of administrator interface according to your preferences just from the dashboard.

  • Features admin interface to translate pages, posts, widgets, menus, tags and categories to several languages.

  • In the navigation menu, it adds a dropdown menu to switch between languages.

  • Admin interface to define custom combinations of language abbreviation and country flag and to select active languages.


WooCommerce多语言–使用WPML运行 (WooCommerce Multilingual – Run with WPML)


Run multilingual ecommerce sites with ease using WPML and Woocommerce. Visitors can switch languages, translate store pages and products and order your products in their own language.

使用WPML和Woocommerce轻松运行多语言电子商务网站。 访客可以切换语言,翻译商店页面和产品并以自己的语言订购产品。

特征 (Features)

  • Multilingual with various kinds of product categories.

  • Central management to translate product categories, custom attributes and tags.

  • Keeps the same language throughout the checkout process.

  • Synchronize product images and variations.

  • Enable inventory tracking without having to separate products in different languages.

  • Send emails to administrators and clients in their desired language.

  • Run an individual WooCommerce store with several currencies.


聚朗 (Polylang)


If you’re looking for all-inclusive solution to setup and manage a multilingual WordPress site, Polylang provides a well-rounded solution. You can also link the translation service of Lingotek to your add-on. You can also use translation services or perform this manually.

如果您正在寻找用于设置和管理多语言WordPress网站的全包解决方案,则Polylang提供了一个全面的解决方案。 您还可以将Lingotek的翻译服务链接到您的加载项。 您还可以使用翻译服务或手动执行此操作。

特征 (Features)

  • Support for over 41 languages using admin interface.

  • Use unique sub-domains for each language enabled.

  • Easily switch between languages with a widget.

  • Even though it can detect the language automatically, one can also set it up manually or with a code in URL.

  • Provides translation features for custom posts, regular posts, taxonomies, and widgets.


您应该选择专业翻译吗? (Should You Choose Professional Translation?)

Professional translation really is the best option if you’re making money from your site already, to help potentially cover the costs.


Standard translation rates can definitely help you to get the feel for what you’ll need to budget. If you choose the professional route, keep in mind that it’s not as simple as just paying someone to care for the translation, setting up the plugin, pasting it in and just leaving it as it is.

标准翻译率绝对可以帮助您获得预算所需的感觉。 如果您选择专业途径,请记住,这不只是简单地付钱给某人照顾翻译,设置插件,将其粘贴并保留原样。

First of all, it’s a complex task to manage a translation project and you will have to go through sensible guidelines when it comes to sourcing a professional.


Capturing new customers or readers from different locations will also require a certain level of support. Before you invest in translation services, consider whether it’ll be viable for your company to engage with these new visitors and customer base. You might need to also review getting some extended support.

吸引来自不同位置的新客户或读者也需要一定程度的支持。 在投资翻译服务之前,请考虑您的公司与这些新访客和客户群互动是否可行。 您可能还需要查看获得一些扩展支持的信息。

最终裁决 (The Final Verdict)

Do you still think translation of your site is tough job even after reading the above points? Don’t worry! All you need to start small, even with just one alternative language first. Any of these plugins will definitely help you stand out of the crowd.

即使阅读了以上几点,您是否仍然认为网站的翻译工作艰巨? 不用担心 您需要从小处着手,即使仅使用一种替代语言也是如此。 这些插件中的任何一个绝对可以帮助您脱颖而出。

What are your favorite multilingual plugins? Do you have any recommendations for other developers and website owners who are contemplating implementing multi-language functionality? If so, please share your comments below.

您最喜欢的多语言插件是什么? 您对正在考虑实现多语言功能的其他开发人员和网站所有者有何建议? 如果是这样,请在下面分享您的评论。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-multilingual-plugins-to-level-up-your-global-reach/
