
Do you want to run a photo contest in WordPress? Photo contests are a great way to build user engagement and quickly get lots of new visitors to your website.

您想在WordPress中举办摄影比赛吗? 摄影比赛是建立用户参与度并快速吸引大量新访问者访问网站的好方法。

Photo contests require users to submit a photo to join the contest or giveaway. Active user participation makes them highly engaging and quite fun.

摄影比赛要求用户提交照片才能参加比赛或赠品。 积极的用户参与使他们高度参与并且非常有趣。

You can run photo contests on almost any kind of website including business websites, online stores, WordPress blog, etc.


In this article, we’ll show you step by step instructions to easily create a photo contest in WordPress.



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步骤1.安装并**RafflePress (Step 1. Install and Activate RafflePress)

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the RafflePress plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并**RafflePress插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

You’ll need at least their Pro plan to access the image submit feature.


RafflePress is the best WordPress giveaway / contest plugin on the market. It allows you to easily run viral contests on your website, so you can increase your traffic, email subscribers, and social media followers.

RafflePress是市场上最好的WordPress赠品/竞赛插件 。 它使您可以轻松地在您的网站上进行病毒竞赛,因此可以增加流量,电子邮件订阅者和社交媒体关注者。

It comes with built-in social actions and integrates with all top email marketing platforms.


Note: RafflePress plugin was built our team, so we can use it on WPBeginner. Due to popular request, we have released it as a plugin for everyone.

注意: RafflePress插件是我们团队构建的,因此我们可以在WPBeginner上使用它。 由于受欢迎的要求,我们已将其作为插件发布给所有人。

Once you have activated RafflePress, the plugin will add a new menu item labeled RafflePress to your WordPress admin sidebar. Clicking on it will take you to the plugin’s settings.

**RafflePress后,插件将在WordPress管理员侧栏中添加一个名为RafflePress的新菜单项。 单击它会将您带到插件的设置。

First, you’ll need to enter your plugin license key. You can find this information under your account on the RafflePress website.

首先,您需要输入插件许可证**。 您可以在RafflePress网站上的帐户下找到此信息。


Simply enter the license key and click the ‘Verify license’ button. RafflePress will verify and store your licensing information.

只需输入许可证**,然后单击“验证许可证”按钮。 RafflePress将验证并存储您的许可信息。

After that, you can move on to create your photo contest.


第2步。创建您的第一个比赛 (Step 2. Create Your First Contest)

After setting up the plugin, you need to visit RafflePress » Add New page to create your first contest.


RafflePress will launch its contest builder interface. First, you need to enter a title for this campaign and then select a template.

RafflePress将启动其竞赛生成器界面。 首先,您需要为此广告系列输入标题,然后选择一个模板。


The templates are pre-made campaigns based on your business goals. You can start with a template and customize it to match your needs. You can also choose the classic template to start with a basic campaign.

模板是基于您的业务目标的预制活动。 您可以从模板开始并对其进行自定义以满足您的需求。 您也可以选择经典模板,从基本广告系列开始。

We’ll go ahead and select the Classic Template.


On the next screen, click on the prize title to enter your prize details and image.



After that, you need to select the contest duration under the Start and End time. You can select the date, time, and timezone for your contest duration.

之后,您需要在开始时间和结束时间下选择比赛持续时间。 您可以为比赛持续时间选择日期,时间和时区。


So far so good.


Now, let’s add some actions. These are the things you want users to do in order to join your contest giveaway.

现在,让我们添加一些动作。 这些是您希望用户为了加入比赛赠品而要做的事情。

Switch to the ‘Actions’ tab and you will see a list of actions that you can add to your contest.


For a photo contest giveaway, you would want to add ‘Submit an image’ action.



Simply click to add the action to your contest. RafflePress will now show you action settings in the left column.

只需单击即可将动作添加到您的比赛中。 RafflePress现在将在左列显示操作设置。


You can provide a title for the action and select the number of entries users will be rewarded for completing it.


You can also make an entry mandatory and even allow users to submit daily entries. Below that, you can provide additional instructions on how users can participate.

您还可以将条目设为必填项,甚至允许用户提交每日条目。 在此之下,您可以提供有关用户如何参与的其他说明。

Now let’s add some more actions to your contest. This will enable you to stay in touch with those users and build a following.

现在,让我们为比赛添加更多操作。 这将使您能够与这些用户保持联系并建立关注群。

RafflePress allows you to add social media actions like visit Facebook page, send a tweet, follow on Instagram, and more.


You can also connect your email marketing service to grow your email list.


步骤3.设计摄影比赛 (Step 3. Design Your Photo Contest)

RafflePress gives you easy to use design tools to customize the appearance of your photo contest widget.


Simply switch to the Design tab, and you will see options to choose a layout, button color, and fonts for your campaign.



If you plan to run the photo contest as a standalone landing page vs embedding it in a blog post, page, or a sidebar widget, then you can also choose the page background color.


RafflePress allows you to add your giveaway to any WordPress post or page. You can also create a custom landing page for your photo contest by using any of the top WordPress page builders and adding your giveaway contest widget there. (more on this later).

RafflePress允许您将赠品添加到任何WordPress帖子或页面。 您还可以通过使用任何*WordPress页面构建器并在其中添加赠品竞赛小部件来为照片竞赛创建自定义登录页面 。 (稍后会对此进行详细介绍)。

步骤4.配置比赛设置 (Step 4. Configure Contest Settings)

After tweaking the design options, switch to the ‘Settings’ tab under the builder to review other settings.


They are all very self-explanatory, but we’ll go through them one by one.



First, you’ll review the general settings. If you wanted to create a standalone photo contest page, then you can do that here. Provide a name for your campaign page under the Page Permalink option without any spaces.

首先,您将检查常规设置。 如果您想创建一个独立的摄影比赛页面,则可以在此处进行。 在“页面永久链接”选项下,为您的广告系列页面提供一个名称,不要包含任何空格。

You can also show and hide the number of entries, contest winners, and the powered by link.


Next, switch to the ‘Giveaway Rules’ tab. This is where you’ll list the rules for joining the giveaway. You can start by clicking on the ‘Generate Rules’ button to automatically generate rules using a sample template.

接下来,切换到“赠予规则”标签。 您将在此处列出加入赠品的规则。 您可以先单击“生成规则”按钮以使用示例模板自动生成规则。


After that, switch to the email verification. From here you can tun email verification on and off. Turning this on would make it compulsory for users to confirm their email address.

之后,切换到电子邮件验证。 在这里,您可以打开和关闭电子邮件验证功能。 启用此选项将强制用户确认其电子邮件地址。


If you want to add Google Analytics or other tracking codes like Facebook pixel, then switch to the ‘Success Tracking’ tab. Here you can add those codes and track users for on-site and off-site retargeting.

如果您想添加Google Analytics(分析)或其他跟踪代码(例如Facebook pixel) ,请切换到“成功跟踪”标签。 在这里,您可以添加这些代码并跟踪用户以进行现场和非现场重定向。


Next comes the Success Redirect tab. This is where you can tell RafflePress to redirect users to a specific page after they have joined the contest.

接下来是成功重定向选项卡。 您可以在此处告诉RafflePress将用户加入竞赛后将其重定向到特定页面。


Finally, you can turn the social login feature On/Off from the social logins tab.


That’s all you have completed the photo contest setup. Don’t forget to click on the Save button to store your campaign.

这就是您完成摄影比赛设置的全部。 不要忘记单击“保存”按钮来存储您的广告系列。

步骤5.将摄影比赛小部件添加到您的网站 (Step 5. Add Photo Contest Widget to Your Website)

RafflePress offers multiple ways to add your contest campaign anywhere on your website.


You can simply edit a post or page or create a new one, and then add the RafflePress block to the Gutenberg editor.



After that, you need to select the giveaway contest you created earlier. RafflePress block will now load a preview of your giveaway widget inside the WordPress content editor.

之后,您需要选择您之前创建的赠品竞赛。 RafflePress块现在将在WordPress内容编辑器中加载您的赠品小部件的预览。


You can also add your giveaway by using the shortcode. This comes in handy when you want to display the contest in a sidebar widget, add it to your page builder layout, or use it in the Classic Editor.

您还可以使用简码添加赠品。 当您要在边栏小部件中显示比赛,将其添加到页面构建器布局或在“ 经典编辑器”中使用比赛时,这非常方便。

Simply edit your giveaway and switch to the ‘Publish’ tab in the builder interface. From here, click on the shortcode option and RafflePress will show the shortcode you can use.

只需编辑您的赠品,然后切换到构建器界面中的“发布”选项卡。 在此处,单击简码选项,RafflePress将显示您可以使用的简码。


Copy the shortcode and edit the post or page where you want to display the giveaway. Simply paste the shortcode inside the post editor and you are done.

复制简码并编辑要显示赠品的帖子或页面。 只需将简码粘贴到帖子编辑器中,即可完成。

If you want to display it in a sidebar widget, then go to Appearance » Widgets page and add a Text widget to your sidebar.



After that, simply paste the shortcode inside the widget settings and click the save button.


You can now visit your website to see the photo contest widget in the sidebar.



第6步。宣传您的摄影比赛赠品 (Step 6. Publicize Your Photo Contest Giveaway)

For a successful photo contest, you’ll need to plan ahead. Start promoting the event beforehand through social media, a blog post, and your email newsletter.

为了成功举办摄影比赛,您需要提前计划。 通过社交媒体,博客文章和您的电子邮件时事通讯预先开始宣传活动。

You can also add a countdown timer banner to create FOMO effect and build anticipation.


We recommend adding the contest widget to your sidebar because it allows users to see it before the contest begins.


第7步:宣布摄影大赛获奖者 (Step 7. Announcing The Photo Contest Winners)

Once you have added the photo contest giveaway to your website, it would automatically go live at the date and time you choose.


After that, you can go to RafflePress » Giveaways and click on the Image Entries link below your photo contest campaign.

之后,您可以转到RafflePress»赠品 ,然后单击照片竞赛活动下方的图像条目链接。


You’ll now see all the images submitted to the contest. You can pick the winners or let RafflePress choose a winner randomly.

现在,您将看到提交给竞赛的所有图像。 您可以选择获奖者,也可以让RafflePress随机选择一位获奖者。

Again go back to the RafflePress » Giveaways page and click on the Need Winners link next to your giveaway.

再次返回RafflePress»赠品页面,然后单击赠品旁边的Need Winners链接。


RafflePress will now randomly select a winner for your giveaway.



You can now notify the winner via email and let them know how to claim their prize.


We hope this article helped you learn how to easily create a photo contest in WordPress. You may also want to see our other practical tips to quickly get more traffic to your WordPress blog.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何轻松地在WordPress中创建摄影比赛。 您可能还想查看我们的其他实用技巧,以快速获取更多到WordPress博客的访问量

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress****。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-create-a-photo-contest-in-wordpress/