物体计数--Learning To Count Objects in Images

Learning To Count Objects in Images
NIPS 2010
Matlab code: http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/research/counting/index_org.html

Visual Geometry Group University of Oxford 还是很厉害的。

物体计数--Learning To Count Objects in Images

2 The Framework
2.1 Learning to Count
这里首先介绍了怎么把人工标记的 dot 变为密度图,这里提出使用 normalized 2D Gaussian kernel

2.2 The MESA distance
measures the mismatch between the ground truth and the estimated densities (the loss) and has a significant impact on the performance of the entire learning framework

物体计数--Learning To Count Objects in Images

2.3 Optimization
误差函数的优化变为一个 a convex quadratic program

3 Experiments
cell counting
物体计数--Learning To Count Objects in Images

people counting
物体计数--Learning To Count Objects in Images