Qualcomm’s Connectivity Engine (CnE)


nE,字面上的意思就是Connectivity Engine。是qualcomm在android 2.3中添加到Android source code中的。目的在于管理连接,并上用户端提供控制操作的接口。

  • A mechanism to provide operator’s policy for unplanned networks to the device in a dynamic fashion
  • Algorithms in the device to detect characteristics of unplanned Wi-Fi networks and determine the best possible use of available networks
  • A Mechanism to allow seamless handovers between 3G/LTE and Wi-Fi

A mechanism to provide operator’s policy for unplanned networks to the device in a dynamic fashion

3GPP release 8:实现了网络的Wifi 后台查找,并支持用户选择使用的网络。
                          不支持对并发网络。例如不能同时使用3G/LTE, WiFi 传输数据。
3GPP release 10: 支持了并发网络,能同时使用3G/LTE, Wifi传输数据,并能定义更复杂的规则实现对网络的控制,
                          1. Access Point Name(APN) --对特定的设备可以控制数据是否接入。
                          2. 对特定的IP控制,--可以选择3G,或者Wifi。
                          3. 对特定端口控制。
                          4. 对APN + 端口。

Qualcomm’s Connectivity Engine (CnE)

3GPP release 11:
                         1. 支持QOS
                         2. 支持对文件传输的大小限制。例如不使用3G网络传输大型文件,可以避免费用的产生。
                         3. 应用程序级的访问,可以单独对应用程序进行访问控制。
                         4. 对应用程序中的流访问控制,例如可以访问VoIP, 但不能访问video Stream。
                         5. FQDN //还不明白。

Algorithms in the device to detect characteristics of unplanned Wi-Fi networks and determine the best possible use of available networks
          The goal of a smart connectivity engine should be to select the best interface for any given application
        高通定义了三种策略来分析网络:信号强度, 下载质量评估, internet 连接侦测。bug高通不肯说算法,要继续研究。
A Mechanism to allow seamless handovers between 3G/LTE and Wi-Fi

Qualcomm’s CnE enables improved system selection by implementing operator policies for:

  • efficient capacity management
  • improvements in user experience through seamless handovers
  • longer battery life by making intelligent decisions
  • support for simultaneous 3G/LTE and Wi-Fi access