采样坦克3含音色库-SampleTank v3.0.1 + Content WiN-MAC

采样坦克3含音色库-SampleTank v3.0.1 + Content WiN-MAC
IK Multimedia SampleTank 3.0.1+Soud Content win&Mac 64bit | 32GB

IK Multimedia宣布发布了期待已久的第三代SampleTank软件采样器。该工具已经过重新设计:界面,声音,引擎,效果。自上一版本的SampleTank发布以来已经有10多年的历史了。在这段时间里,计算机声音技术取得了长足的进步。该产品的第三版旨在适应新的现实。例如,现在这个功能强大的采样器已经对64位体系结构提供了本机支持。
样本库已经过完全重新设计:SampleTank 3包含超过33 GB的声音,超过4000种不同的乐器和发音-从录制的现场钢琴,吉他和鼓到合成的主音声,低音和fx-s。该插件还包含一个广泛的MIDI循环,凹槽和预设库。所有这些都在一个方便的新界面中,其中包括:SampleTank 3还具有一个内置的调音台,支持内部发送(发送)和22种新效果,包括从AmpliTube和T-Racks导入的效果。例如,著名的Black 76和White 2A压缩机。总的来说,该工具具有通用的简易性和多合一的设备,并且其预购价非常低,仅为249美元,因此可以与Native Instruments Kontakt竞争。一方面,用户不必像Kontakt那样烦恼搜索必要的第三方库,而无需为每个单独的附件付费。另一方面,当进行正面对比时,Native Instruments的专有库似乎仍在质量和自然音质方面受益。


“ Round robin”,并可通过按键开关,调制轮或速度
可作为Mac OS X和Windows上的AAX,VST和音频单元平台的独立和64位插件使用,
兼容所有以前的“ SampleTank技术支持”声音模块和声音(可以导入所有以前的声音和Combis)

Completely redesigned interface with 3 main environments: Play, Mix and Edit that retain SampleTank’s legendary ease-of-use and fast operation
16 channel multi-part Play interface with easy layering and an integrated MIDI player and mixer
All-in-one sound Edit page with 3 sample engines (including formant preserving pitch-shifting and time-stretching engines), 10 filter types and 8 macro controls per instrument for quick multi-parameter editing
“Round robin” and multiple articulations that are triggerable via key switch, modulation wheel or velocity
Multi-channel mixer-like Mix interface with 5 insert effects per channel, 4 stereo effect returns (with 5 insert effects each) and a master channel with 5 insert effects that allow for up to 30 effects per instrument
55 high-quality integrated effects, including 22 new effects for mixing, mastering and more creative applications derived from IK’s studio-grade T-RackS and AmpliTube production software
New Live mode lets you organize sounds for setlist and song for instant recall during performance
Accurate 3D renderings of instruments for easy identification and recall
Available as standalone and 64-bit plug-in for AAX, VST and Audio Units platforms on Mac OS X and Windows
Compatible with all previous “Powered by SampleTank” sound modules and sounds (can import all previous sounds and Combis)
