



If you’re switching to macOS from Windows, you might be confused about installing software. Sure, there’s the Mac App Store, but not everything is in there.

如果要从Windows切换到macOS,可能会对安装软件感到困惑。 当然,有Mac App Store,但并不是所有内容都在其中。

If you look for apps outside the store, you’ll find different kinds of installers: DMG files with apps in them, PKG installers, and simple applications inside ZIP archives. It can seem overwhelming, but it’s relatively straightforward once you get the hang of it. Here’s how to install software on your Mac, from the App Store and beyond, and why all these different methods exist.

如果您在商店外查找应用程序,则会发现不同类型的安装程序:其中包含应用程序的DMG文件,PKG安装程序以及ZIP存档中的简单应用程序。 它似乎势不可挡,但是一旦掌握了它,它就相对简单了。 这是在Mac上从App Store以及其他地方安装软件的方法,以及为什么存在所有这些不同方法的原因。

Mac App Store:单击按钮以安装应用程序 (Mac App Store: Click a Button to Install an App)


We’re all used to app stores on our phones, but on the desktop they remain an oddity. Still, the Mac App Store is a decent first place to check. Open the store, search for the app you want, and click “Get” then “Download.”

我们都习惯在手机上使用应用程序商店,但在台式机上它们仍然很奇怪。 尽管如此,Mac App Store还是不错的检查对象。 打开商店,搜索所需的应用程序,然后单击“获取”,然后单击“下载”。


Your application will download and show up in your “Applications” folder. Updates are all handled by the store, which is convenient, and any application you purchase on one Mac will work on another. There are all kinds of upsides here.

您的应用程序将下载并显示在“应用程序”文件夹中。 更新全部由商店处理,这很方便,您在一台Mac上购买的任何应用程序都可以在另一台Mac上运行。 这里有各种各样的好处。

Still, you probably won’t install all of your software this way, because the App Store doesn’t have all the applications you want. There are several reasons for this. First: apps from the Store are sandboxed, which is great for security, but limits what applications can do. Pretty much any application that customizes macOS can’t run in a sandbox, which is why you’ll have to look elsewhere for tools like Dropbox, which by definition need to work outside the sandbox in order to function properly.

不过,您可能不会以这种方式安装所有软件,因为App Store没有所需的所有应用程序。 有几个原因。 第一:将商店中的应用程序沙盒化,这对安全性很有用,但限制了应用程序可以执行的操作。 几乎所有可自定义macOS的应用程序都无法在沙箱中运行,这就是为什么您必须在其他地方寻找Dropbox之类的工具的原因,Dropbox定义上必须在沙箱外部工作才能正常运行。

There’s also the matter of money. Apple gets a cut of all sales in the Mac App Store, and companies like Microsoft and Adobe don’t like that, which is why Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite won’t be in the Store anytime soon. Even some smaller companies avoid the Mac App Store for this reason.

还有钱的问题。 苹果削减了Mac App Store的所有销售额,而像Microsoft和Adobe这样的公司则不喜欢这一点,这就是为什么Microsoft Office和Adobe Creative Suite很快将不在商店中的原因。 因此,即使是一些较小的公司也避免使用Mac App Store。

We could go on, but needless to say not everything you want will be in the App Store.

我们可以继续,但是不必说并非您想要的所有内容都可以在App Store中找到。

DMG和其他档案:只需拖放 (DMGs and Other Archives: Just Drag and Drop)

Most macOS applications downloaded from outside the store come inside a DMG file. Double-click the DMG file to open it, and you’ll see a Finder window. Often these will include the application itself, some form of arrow, and a shortcut to the Applications folder.

从商店外部下载的大多数macOS应用程序都位于DMG文件中。 双击DMG文件将其打开,您将看到Finder窗口。 通常这些将包括应用程序本身,某种形式的箭头以及“应用程序”文件夹的快捷方式。


Simply drag the application’s icon to your Applications folder and you’re done: the software is now installed. It’s so simple it confuses some people—surely there must be more to it than that? There isn’t: dragging the application to your Applications folder is the entire process.

只需将应用程序的图标拖到“应用程序”文件夹中,即可完成操作:该软件现已安装。 它是如此简单,以至于使某些人感到困惑-当然,还必须有更多的东西吗? 没有:将应用程序拖到“应用程序”文件夹是整个过程。

You don’t have to put your programs in the Applications folder, though: they’ll run from anywhere. Some people create a “Games” directory, to keep games separate from other applications. But Applications is the most convenient place to put things, so we suggest you just put everything there.

不必把你的程序应用程序文件夹,但:他们会从任何地方运行。 有些人创建了一个“游戏”目录,以使游戏与其他应用程序分开。 但是“应用程序”是放东西的最方便的地方,因此我们建议您将所有东西放在那里。

DMG files are mounted by your system, like a sort of virtual hard drive. When you’re done installing the application, it’s a good idea to unmount the DMG in Finder when you’re done installing: just click the “Eject” arrow.

DMG文件由您的系统挂载,就像某种虚拟硬盘一样。 安装完应用程序后,最好在安装完成后在Finder中卸载DMG:只需单击“弹出”箭头。


Then you can feel free to delete the original DMG file: you don’t need it anymore.


其他存档文件和宽松的应用程序图标 (Other Archive Files, and Loose Application Icons)

Occasionally, applications will come in ZIP, RAR, or 7Zip archives instead of the standard DMG. In these cases, you need to open the archive.

有时,应用程序将以ZIP,RAR或7Zip存档的形式出现,而不是标准DMG。 在这种情况下,您需要打开存档。


ZIP files open fine out of the box, but you’ll need something like The Unarchiver in order to open RAR and 7Zip archives on macOS. Once you open the archive, you’ll see the Application icon appear in the same folder.

ZIP文件可以直接打开,但是您需要使用The Unarchiver之东西才能在macOS上打开RAR和7Zip存档。 打开档案后,您将看到“应用程序”图标出现在同一文件夹中。


Simply drag this icon to your Applications folder and you’re done.


Some applications don’t come in any sort of archive at all; instead, you’ll download the application file directly. In these cases, simply drag the icon to Applications in order to install it.

有些应用程序根本不包含任何归档文件。 相反,您将直接下载应用程序文件。 在这些情况下,只需将图标拖动到“应用程序”即可进行安装。

PKG安装程序:Windows上的安装向导 (PKG Installers: Installation Wizards Like On Windows)

Every once and a while you’ll come across a PKG file. Sometimes this will be inside a DMG; sometimes you will download it directly. In all cases, you need to double-click the PKG file to run it instead of dragging it somewhere. You’ll see an interface not that different from Windows installation wizards.

偶尔,您会遇到一个PKG文件。 有时这会在DMG中; 有时您将直接下载它。 在所有情况下,您都需要双击PKG文件来运行它,而不是将其拖到某个位置。 您会看到与Windows安装向导没什么不同的界面。


These sorts of installers can do things the drag and drop installers can’t do, like installing system services and putting files elsewhere on the computer. When you’re done installing the app, you can delete the PKG file and any DMG file it came in (after ejecting it, of course).

这类安装程序可以完成拖放式安装程序无法完成的工作,例如安装系统服务并将文件放置在计算机上的其他位置。 安装完该应用程序后,您可以删除PKG文件及其中包含的任何DMG文件(当然,在弹出该文件之后)。

如何绕过Gatekeeper并运行身份不明的开发人员的应用程序 (How to Bypass Gatekeeper and  Run Applications From Unidentified Developers)

By default, your Mac won’t open any software made by “unidentified developers”. This is a security feature called “Gatekeeper”, intended to stop the spread of malware and other unwanted software, but every once and a while a program you want to run fall into this category, showing you a message like saying your program “can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.”

默认情况下,您的Mac将不会打开“身份不明的开发人员”开发的任何软件。 这是一种称为“ Gatekeeper”的安全功能,旨在阻止恶意软件和其他有害软件的传播,但您要运行的程序有时会不时地属于此类别,向您显示一条消息,例如说您的程序“可以”不能打开,因为它来自一个身份不明的开发商。”


If you’re absolutely certain the application in question is trustworthy, you can open apps from unauthorized developers by holding Option, right-clicking the application, and clicking “Open.” You can also disable Gatekeeper entirely, if you so choose.

如果您绝对确定所涉及的应用程序是可信任的,则可以通过按住Option键,右键单击该应用程序并单击“打开”,从未经授权的开发人员打开应用程序。 您也可以选择完全禁用Gatekeeper。

To disable Gatekeeper, open the System Preferences window—click the Apple icon at the top-left corner of your screen or click the System Preferences icon on your dock—and click the Security & Privacy icon. Click the lock icon, enter your password, and set the “Allow apps downloaded from” option to “Anywhere.” This will reduce your security as it allows unsigned apps to run, so be sure you know what you’re doing if you use this option.

要禁用Gatekeeper,请打开“系统偏好设置”窗口,单击屏幕左上角的Apple图标,或单击扩展坞上的“系统偏好设置”图标,然后单击“安全和隐私”图标。 单击锁定图标,输入密码,然后将“允许从以下位置下载应用程序”选项设置为“任何地方”。 这将降低安全性,因为它允许未签名的应用程序运行,因此请确保您知道使用此选项时的操作。


Steam和其他第三方App Store (Steam and Other Third Party App Stores)

The Mac App Store isn’t the only app store out there for the Mac. Gamers are no doubt familar with Steam, and it offers a Mac version capable of installing any game supported on macOS. Installing software works the same as on Windows systems.

Mac App Store不是Mac上唯一的应用程序商店。 毫无疑问,游戏玩家熟悉Steam ,并且它提供了Mac版本,能够安装macOS支持的任何游戏。 安装软件的工作方式与Windows系统相同。


There are few other notable app stores out there. Setapp offers unlimited access to dozens of popular Mac applications for $10 a month. Installing is dead simple, but you’d have to want a lot of the applications offered for that price point to be worthwhile. There’s also Homebrew, which lets you install free command line software quickly the way you can on Linux systems.

那里几乎没有其他著名的应用商店。 Setapp每月10美元,可无限制访问数十种流行的Mac应用程序。 安装非常简单,但是您必须希望为该价位提供的许多应用程序值得。 还有Homebrew ,它使您可以像在Linux系统上一样快速地安装免费的命令行软件

None of these tools can completely replace the other methods of installing Mac software, but they’re all worth knowing about.


