

Every day is exactly the same. Even before the COVID lockdowns, in a sense. Each day, when I have a moment, I scroll through various feeds of information and save articles to read later. I’ve been doing this for years at this point. And every day really is the same in that, at the end of the day, when I sit down to read those saved articles, I never get through them all.

每天都是一样的。 从某种意义上说,甚至在COVID锁定之前。 每天我有时间时,都会滚动浏览各种信息源,并保存文章以供以后阅读。 在这一点上,我已经做了很多年了。 每天的生活确实是一样的,最终,当我坐下来阅读那些保存的文章时,我从没有经历过所有的事情。

And it’s actually worse than that. Because the ones I do get through happen to be the ones I most recently saved. This means that for years, I’ve probably read substantially more articles posted at, say, 4pm than say at 9am. And it’s all just random luck of the reverse chronological draw. This seems… less than ideal.

而且它实际上更糟塔n表示。 因为我碰到的那些碰巧是我最近保存的那些。 这意味着多年来,我可能阅读的文章多于上午9点,例如下午4点。 这全都是倒序抽奖的随机运气。 这似乎……不理想。

Honestly, this all annoys me greatly. Both because I’m a completist at heart — Pocket Zero! — but also because I know that the only real solution here is to… save fewer articles. I mean, sure, but it’s not like I’m saving articles I don’t want to read. I’m saving articles I want to read and just hope the feed gods will surface them later.¹ They rarely do. Because they’re stupid.

老实说,这一切使我非常恼火。 两者都是因为我是一个内心的完成者- 零口袋! —也是因为我知道,这里唯一真正的解决方案是……节省更少的文章。 我的意思是,肯定的,但它并不像我保存的文章,我不想读。 我保存的是我想阅读的文章,只是希望以后的饲料神能浮出水面。¹他们很少这样做。 因为他们很愚蠢。

That’s the real solution here: to make these feeds smarter.


I think an ideal product would let me save as many articles as I wanted to read later, and then would serve them up to me in an intelligent way. Maybe it knows that I like to read sports articles before bed. Or maybe it knows that I want to read everything about Apple. Or maybe it knows that I saved a ton of articles about the Peacock launch and it should bucket those all together to serve up to me to make sure I get to them. Or maybe it even knows that I’m walking around and may like to listen to some articles. Etc.

我认为理想的产品可以让我保存以后想要阅读的文章,然后以一种明智的方式将它们提供给我。 也许它知道我喜欢睡前阅读体育文章。 也许它知道我想阅读有关Apple的所有信息。 或者,也许它知道我保存了很多关于Kong雀发射的文章,应该将它们全部整理起来以确保我能到达。 或者,也许它甚至知道我正在四处走走,并且可能想听听一些文章 。 等等。

I say all this, admittedly, as a power user. Most people don’t save nearly the number of articles that I do. And that’s fine. Maybe my power saving can help those people in some way as a signal for what’s interesting. Or if those users never find anything I save of interest, that’s a signal too. Ditto for other power users. Or just users in aggregate.

我承认, 作为超级用户 ,所有这一切。 大多数人不会保存所发表文章的数量。 很好。 也许我的节电可以以某种方式帮助那些人,这是有趣的信号。 或者,如果这些用户永远找不到我感兴趣的东西,那也是一个信号。 与其他高级用户一样。 或者只是用户总数。

With the recent hubbub about TikTok, the most interesting element of that service has been highlighted: it’s not the network, it’s the algorithm. They are very, very good at serving up the content you want. As is Netflix on the longer-form side of the equation. But whereas video services are good at this, text-based ones have seemingly never nailed this. Even though Google News and the like have been around for nearly two decades at this point. Perhaps that’s why News Break — another app with Chinese connections, mind you — is doing so well of late. It’s the algorithmic feed of articles which allowed TikTok parent Bytedance to become huge in the first place, with Toutiao.

随着最近关于TikTok的喧闹声, 该服务最有趣的元素已被突出显示: 它不是网络,而是算法 。 他们非常非常擅长提供您想要的内容。 Netflix在等式的较长形式方面也是如此。 但是,尽管视频服务擅长于此,但基于文本的服务似乎从未钉住这一点。 尽管此时Google新闻之类的内容已经存在了将近20年 。 也许这就是为什么新闻之旅-与其他应用进行中国的连接记住你 -是做得很好的晚。 这是文章的算法提要,它使TikTok的父本Bytedance可以与Tiaoiao一起首先变得庞大。

But those are slightly different products than what I’m talking about. I don’t want or need another general news app that serves up content to me.² I want a service that takes the things I’ve chosen to read later and serves those to me on an algorithmic platter. I do the picking, they do the sorting, as it were.³

但是这些产品与我所说的产品略有不同。 我不需要或不需要另一个向我提供内容的通用新闻应用程序。²我想要一项服务,该服务可以将我选择的内容稍后阅读,然后通过算法的拼盘提供给我。 我负责领料,他们负责领料。³

Let’s save them all, and let the algorithms sort them out.⁴ Which is also the way I think about photos these days. I take pictures of almost everything and rely on Apple and Google to serve up highlights to me later on. I feel like this is going to become a normalized behavior for more and more things in our ever increasing age of abundance.

让我们保存它们,然后让算法对它们进行分类。⁴这也是我最近对照片的思考方式。 我拍摄几乎所有东西的照片,然后依靠苹果和谷歌为我提供亮点 。 我觉得在我们日益丰富的时代中,这将成为越来越多事物的规范化行为。

I would love to get to all of these — but they’re now 2 weeks old…

¹ I should note that my situation is so insane at this point that I use not one, not two, not three, not four, but five separate read-it-later services or features to try to hack my way into serving up good content. Pocket. Instapaper. Reeder (which recently added a save-for-later feature). The Economist. Medium. And those are just the ones I regularly use. There are others like the NYT app. And then there are some newer entrants, like a new service called Matter which may be getting closer to what I’m talking about…

¹我要注意的是,我的处境如此疯狂,以至于我没有使用一种,不是两种,不是三种,不是四种,而是五种单独的读取后服务或功能来尝试**提供优质内容的方式。 口袋。 影印纸。 Reeder(最近添加了以后保存功能)。 经济学家 。 中。 这些只是我经常使用的。 还有其他类似NYT应用程序的应用程序。 然后有一些新进入者,例如一项名为Matter的新服务,可能会越来越接近我在说的…

² Though I am looking forward to the attempt by Apple News+ to serve it up in audio form — if it’s good, I’ll probably even pay for that — well, maybe!

²尽管我很期待Apple News +尝试音频形式提供它-如果很好,我可能会为此付出代价- 也许吧!

³ This is one thing I’ve always appreciated about Instapaper — the “shuffle” functionality which shakes up the order of the articles you’ve saved. (Pocket has a random button too, but it’s extremely buried and only serves up one random article at a time.)

³对于Instapaper,这是我一直很欣赏的一件事-“随机播放”功能可以改变您保存的文章的顺序。 (口袋也有一个随机的按钮,但是它非常埋藏,一次只能提供一个随机物品。)

⁴ This is a pretty obscure and strange movie reference. But it popped into my head for whatever reason.

⁴这是一部晦涩难懂的 电影参考资料 。 但是无论出于什么原因,它突然出现在我的脑海中。

翻译自: https://500ish.com/save-them-all-and-let-the-algorithms-sort-em-out-9a70ee4cf8ce
