unity使用属性添加组件_注册以抢先使用Unity BlackBerry附加组件公开测试版

unity使用属性添加组件_注册以抢先使用Unity BlackBerry附加组件公开测试版


Do you want to see how your Unity-authored content looks on a new mobile platform with powerful global reach? Then pre-register for our Unity Blackberry add-on open beta which will start later this Spring.

您是否想看看Unity创作的内容在具有强大全球影响力的新移动平台上的外观? 然后预先注册我们的Unity Blackberry附加公开测试版,该测试版将于今年Spring晚些时候开始。

We’re very happy to be bringing our over 1.8 million users another awesome platform for Unity games and interactive content. You’ll soon be able to create new content for BlackBerry 10 with the same amazing tools and intuitive workflows you use today to port your games to iOS and Android. And, you’ll be able to take your already existing mobile content and seamlessly publish it to this exciting new platform.

我们非常高兴为超过180万用户带来另一个出色的Unity游戏和互动内容平台。 您将很快能够使用今天用于将游戏移植到iOS和Android的惊人工具和直观的工作流程,为BlackBerry 10创建新内容。 而且,您将能够使用已经存在的移动内容并将其无缝发布到这个令人兴奋的新平台。

As many of you know Unity has supported BlackBerry via Union for a while. There are over 30 Unity-authored games for the BlackBerry Playbook, and many of these games are now being migrated to BlackBerry 10. Additionally we have had a number of games published in BlackBerry App World during the Alpha including:

众所周知,Unity通过Union支持BlackBerry已有一段时间了。 BlackBerry Playbook为Unity开发了30多种游戏,其中许多游戏现已迁移到BlackBerry10。此外,Alpha期间,BlackBerry App World中发布了许多游戏,其中包括:

Shadowgun, Crevures, Wizard Ops Chapter 1, Astroslugs, The Metal Adventures of Sam, Qbism, Hungry MonstR, Double Bubble Trouble, My Horse, Hairy Tales, Sneaky Duck Lite, City of Ages DELUXE, MonsterThon, Karkov Circus, Dog Puppies Puzzle, Kitten Slider Puzzle, My Horse, Pony Puzzle, Knights of Voden and Defence of Ouril

Shadowgun,Cruvures,Wizard Ops第1章,Astroslugs,Sam的金属历险,Qbism,饥饿的MonstR,Double Bubble麻烦,我的马,多毛的故事,偷偷摸摸的鸭子精简版,世纪之城豪华版,MonsterThon,Karkov马戏团,狗小狗拼图,小猫滑梯拼图,我的马,小马拼图,沃登骑士和乌尼尔防御

Play with the latest tech from Unity and BlackBerry


We are calling on intermediate and advanced Unity users to pre-register in the BlackBerry add-on open beta. This is your chance to have an influence on software still under development. Some features are not yet fully supported, and others are still being optimized. You’ll get to test our new platform, report bugs and provide relevant feedback that will help Unity create a great product and jump start your BlackBerry plans.

我们呼吁Unity中级和高级用户预先注册BlackBerry附加公开测试版。 这是您对仍在开发中的软件产生影响的机会。 某些功能尚未完全支持,而其他功能仍在优化中。 您将测试我们的新平台,报告错误,并提供相关的反馈意见,这将有助于Unity创建出色的产品并Swift启动BlackBerry计划。

You can pre-register here. Note that depending on the number of people who pre- register for the program it could take time for us to process the requests and send you the link to the beta site.

您可以在此处进行预注册。 请注意,根据预先注册该程序的人数,我们可能需要一些时间来处理请求并将链接发送给您Beta版站点。

Just as with our other open betas for upcoming new platforms, there are important points to note before your sign up:

与即将发布的新平台的其他其他开放测试版一样, 在注册之前需要注意以下几点:

The hardware


You will be able to publish games to all BlackBerry 10 devices including the Z10 and the Q10 along with future devices. Once BlackBerry releases BlackBerry 10 for Playbook you will also be able to bring games to the tablet as well.

您将能够将游戏发布到包括Z10和Q10在内的所有BlackBerry 10设备以及将来的设备。 BlackBerry发行适用于Playbook的BlackBerry 10后,您还可以将游戏引入平板电脑。

Publishing to BlackBerry AppWorld

发布到BlackBerry AppWorld

You will be able to port your existing games to the BlackBerry 10 platform using the Unity 4.2 alpha/beta builds. We will provide a two month trial license key for all registered beta participants that will unlock BlackBerry platform support in the Unity toolset.

您将能够使用Unity 4.2 alpha / beta版本将现有游戏移植到BlackBerry 10平台。 我们将为所有注册的Beta参与者提供两个月的试用许可证**,以解锁Unity工具集中的BlackBerry平台支持。

Please note that any project deployed with a trial license will be watermarked and not for commercial release. Developers who wish to publish their games on BlackBerry App World using our alpha/beta builds should contact the Unity Sales Department.

请注意,任何部署有试用许可证的项目都将加水印,不得用于商业发行。 希望使用我们的alpha / beta版本在BlackBerry App World上发布游戏的开发人员,应联系Unity销售部门。

Be cautious about signing up if you’re on a tight deadline


It’s not ideal to become a beta-tester if you have any time sensitive dependencies to release your Unity product in BlackBerry App World. This Unity Beta product will not be fully functional nor contain a full commercial feature locked set of tools. New users to Unity should wait to develop in Unity for BlackBerry until after the public commercial release.

如果您有任何时间敏感的依赖关系要在BlackBerry App World中发布Unity产品,则成为beta测试者并不理想。 此Unity Beta产品将无法完全发挥作用,也不会包含具有完整商业功能锁定的工具集。 Unity的新用户应该等到公开商业发布之后,才能在Unity for BlackBerry中进行开发。

We’re excited to include our incredible community of users in the progress this product!


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2013/04/19/sign-up-for-early-access-to-the-unity-blackberry-add-on-open-beta/
