unity 2019_加入Unity参加Autodesk University Las Vegas 2019

unity 2019_加入Unity参加Autodesk University Las Vegas 2019

unity 2019

Are you one of the 10,000 people descending on Las Vegas from November 19-21 for Autodesk’s conference? Come check out our instructional demos, talks, panels, classroom sessions, and more.

您是11月19日至21日在拉斯维加斯参加Autodesk会议的10,000人中的一员吗? 快来查看我们的教学演示,讲座,小组讨论,课堂讨论等等。

Join us at AU Las Vegas 2019, the conference for those who design, make, and build the world around us, taking place at the Sands Convention Center from November 19-21. The event brings together over 10,000 professionals from the worlds of architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC), manufacturing, and media creation. 

加入我们,参加AU拉斯维加斯2019年会议,该会议面向设计,制造和建造我们周围世界的人们,将于11月19日至21日在金沙会展中心举行。 该活动聚集了来自建筑,工程和建筑(AEC),制造和媒体创作领域的10,000多名专业人员。

We’re excited to share how professionals across these industries are using Unity to solve challenges and extend the power of their design tools with real-time 3D experiences. If you’re interested in meeting with our experts on-site, get in touch with us below.

我们很高兴分享这些行业的专业人员如何使用Unity来解决挑战并通过实时3D体验扩展其设计工具的功能。 如果您有兴趣与我们的专家会面,请在下面与我们联系。

Meet us at AU Vegas

在AU Vegas与我们见面

与Autodesk合作的下一步 (What’s next in our collaboration with Autodesk)

Unity and Autodesk have a shared commitment to help our joint customers to create immersive, interactive experiences with Autodesk’s 3D tools and Unity’s real-time 3D platform. We’re working to bring full data interoperability between many Autodesk products and Unity, as evidenced by our new integration forged between Autodesk Revit and Unity Reflect.

Unity和Autodesk 共同致力于帮助我们的共同客户使用Autodesk的3D工具和Unity的实时3D平台创建身临其境的交互式体验。 我们正在努力在许多Autodesk产品和Unity之间实现完全的数据互操作性,这一点已在Autodesk Revit和 Unity Reflect 之间建立的新集成中得到了证明 。

Earlier this year, Andrew Anagnost, Autodesk President, and CEO noted that “Our collaboration with Unity is important because visualization has become a vital part of the design process, particularly in the AEC industry where time is money.” At AU, we’re excited to share what’s next in our ongoing collaboration.

今年早些时候,Autodesk总裁兼首席执行官Andrew Anagnost指出:“我们与Unity的合作非常重要,因为可视化已成为设计过程中至关重要的一部分,尤其是在时间就是金钱的AEC行业中。” 在AU,我们很高兴分享我们正在进行的合作的下一步。

查看我们跨行业的演示 (Check out our demos across industries)

Visit us at booth AE210 in the Architecture & Building Engineering Quad to test out our latest products and get insights from our on-site team of Unity experts.

请访问我们 的建筑与建筑工程四合院AE210 展位 ,以测试我们的最新产品,并从我们的Unity专家现场团队获得见解。

Here’s a sampling of what we’ll be showing:


  • Unity Reflect – If you’re a designer with no Unity experience, we’ll show you how our new AEC product takes just one click to bring multiple BIM models with all their metadata to real-time 3D. And if you’re a developer, we’ll show how you can create your own real-time BIM applications and customize the user experience by building on top of Unity Reflect.

    Unity Reflect –如果您是一位没有Unity经验的设计师,我们将向您展示我们的新AEC产品如何只需单击一下即可将具有其所有元数据的多个BIM模型带到实时3D中。 如果您是开发人员,我们将展示如何在Unity Reflect的基础上构建自己的实时BIM应用程序并自定义用户体验。

  • Reality vs. Illusion – Check out our high-fidelity graphics showcase of Unity’s real-time ray tracing.

    真实与虚幻 – 看看我们的Unity实时光线追踪的高保真图形展示。

  • Unity Simulation – Recently announced at Unite Copenhagen in September, experience our new cloud-based simulation product for running multiple instances of a Unity project in parallel, at scale on Google Cloud. See how it can accelerate applications across industries like automotive and robotics. 

    Unity Simulation – 最近于9月在哥本哈根的Unite大会上宣布,将体验我们基于云的新型仿真产品,该产品可 在 Google Cloud 上大规模 并行运行Unity项目的多个实例 。 了解它如何促进汽车和机器人等行业的应用。

  • Bonfire – Take a ride on the latest interactive VR experience from the award-winning Baobab Studios featuring a robot sidekick voiced by comedian, actress, and writer Ali Wong.

    篝火晚会(Bonfire) –从屡获殊荣的猴面包树工作室(Baobab Studios)中获得最新的交互式VR体验,该工作室具有喜剧演员,女演员和作家阿里·王(Ali Wong)表示的机器人助手。

讲座,小组讨论和课堂讨论 (Talks, panels and classroom sessions)

Here are a few Unity-led sessions at AU Vegas – we’ll continue to add more sessions in the coming weeks:


Technology Trends: Purposeful Innovation with Autodesk CTO Scott Borduin

技术趋势:借助Autodesk CTO Scott Borduin进行有目的的创新

Tuesday, November 19: 4:30–5:45 p.m.


This executive panel is hosted by Autodesk SVP and CTO Scott Borduin and will feature Unity VP of Product Andrew Bowell as well as a leader from ANSYS, Dell, HP, Lenovo, NVIDIA, and more. Sit in on a fascinating conversation on how the convergence of industries is impacting how we design and what we can make; and the ways in which new design technologies are enabling a future that is economically, socially, and environmentally better.

该执行小组由Autodesk高级副总裁和CTO Scott Borduin主持,将由产品Unity副总裁Andrew Bowell以及ANSYS,戴尔,惠普,联想,NVIDIA等公司的负责人担任。 参加关于行业融合如何影响我们的设计方式和制造方式的精彩演讲; 以及新设计技术如何为经济,社会和环境上更好的未来创造条件。

Your Future Workforce Is Changing: Learn How VR, AR, and XR Technologies Are Tools Not Toys


Tuesday, November 19: 4:30–5:30 p.m.


This community meetup group is for all interested in virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and extended reality (XR) technology. Unity Technical Product Manager for AEC David Menard will present and demo Unity Reflect at the meetup.

该社区聚会小组适合所有对虚拟现实(VR),增强现实(AR),混合现实(MR)和扩展现实(XR)技术感兴趣的人。 AEC的Unity技术产品经理David Menard将在聚会上介绍和演示Unity Reflect。

Revit to Unity Reflect: Enable Real-Time 3D Experiences Wednesday, November 20: 8–9 a.m. This classroom session is led by Unity’s Leo Nguyen, AEC solutions engineer, and Elizabeth Guzman, AEC field evangelist. During this session, learn how Unity Reflect can be used out of the box or extended with Unity Pro to make better design decisions.

Revit to Unity Reflect:启用实时3D体验 11月20日,星期三:上午8–9 该课堂会议由Unity的AEC解决方案工程师Leo Nguyen和AEC现场宣传员Elizabeth Guzman主持。 在本课程中,学习如何直接使用Unity Reflect或将其与Unity Pro结合使用以做出更好的设计决策。

Accelerate BIM Design and Communication Through Immersive AR/VR

通过沉浸式AR / VR加速BIM设计和通信

Wednesday, November 20: 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m.


This networking lunch and learn is hosted by our partner Intel. Learn how Unity Reflect works with Revit to enable designers to accelerate design communication and workflows when running on Intel Xeon platforms.

该网络午餐和学习活动由我们的合作伙伴英特尔主持。 了解Unity Reflect如何与Revit配合使用,以使设计人员在Intel Xeon平台上运行时可以加速设计交流和工作流程。

Unity for Manufacturing: Bring Your Products to Life


Wednesday, November 20: 12–1 p.m.

11月20日,星期三:12–1 pm

This community meetup is led by Unity’s senior product manager for automotive and manufacturing, Ed Martin. Learn how manufacturing companies are using Unity to extend their capabilities for product development, manufacturing, marketing, and service.

这次社区聚会由Unity汽车和制造业高级产品经理Ed Martin领导。 了解制造业公司如何使用Unity来扩展其产品开发,制造,营销和服务能力。

Introducing real-time BIM


Wednesday, November 20: 4:30–5:30 p.m.


This theater talk from Unity’s Julien Faure, Director of Product Marketing, Industrial, will cover how it is becoming easier to put BIM data into the hands of every user, on any device.

Unity公司工业产品营销总监Julien Faure的演讲内容将涵盖如何在任何设备上将BIM数据交到每个用户的手中变得越来越容易。

Accelerating communication in AEC with Revit and Unity Reflect

使用Revit和Unity Reflect加速AEC中的通信

Thursday, November 21: 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m.


This networking lunch and learn is led by Unity’s Leo Nguyen, AEC solutions engineer. Learn how to transform your Revit models into real-time 3D experiences to win more projects, conduct immersive design reviews, and connect design and construction. 

这次网络午餐和学习由Unity的AEC解决方案工程师Leo Nguyen领导。 了解如何将Revit模型转换为实时3D体验,以赢得更多项目,进行沉浸式设计审查以及将设计与施工联系起来。


We hope to see you at AU Las Vegas! As a reminder, you can book a meeting with our experts here. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for live updates throughout the event. 

我们希望在非盟拉斯维加斯见! 提醒一下,您可以 在这里与我们的专家预约会议 。 而且,不要忘了在 TwitterInstagramFacebook 上关注我们,以了解 整个活动的实时更新。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/10/31/join-unity-at-autodesk-university-las-vegas-2019/

unity 2019