
December Headline: What about Visual Basic?

Microsoft's Visual Basic. NET is currently at position 5 of the TIOBE index with an all time high. This is very surprising. Professional software developers don't think much of Visual Basic. It is considered a toy language meant for people who start to learn programming. This is true, but it can't be denied that there are many programs and applications written in Visual Basic, also in the professional domain. Many dedicated office applications for small and medium enterprises have been developed with this programming language because of its rapid prototyping and because it is easy to pick up. Microsoft is slowly saying goodbye to Visual Basic by stopping the co-evolution strategy with C#. So I think the current popularity of Visual Basic will sooner or later go into decline again.


编程语言排行榜 TOP 50 榜单

排名 编程语言 流行度 对比上月 年度明星语言
1 Java 15.932%  0.814% 2015, 2005
2 C 14.282%  0.114% 2017, 2008
3 Python 8.376%  0.693% 2010, 2007
4 C++ 7.562%  0.72% 2003
5 Visual Basic .NET 7.127%  0.637%  
6 C# 3.455%  0.497%  
7 JavaScript 3.063%  0.408% 2014
8 PHP 2.442%  0.066% 2004
9 SQL 2.184%  0.34%  
10 Objective-C 1.477%  0.001% 2012, 2011
11 Delphi/Object Pascal 1.396%  0.027%  
12 Assembly language 1.371%  0.263%  
13 MATLAB 1.283%  0.253%  
14 Swift 1.220%  0.235%  
15 Go 1.189%  0.306% 2016, 2009
16 R 1.111%  0.296%  
17 Ruby 1.109%  0.018% 2006
18 Perl 1.013%  0.012%  
19 Visual Basic 0.979%  0.125%  
20 PL/SQL 0.844%  0.156%  
21 Groovy 0.794%  0.194%  
22 SAS 0.746%  0.058%  
23 Dart 0.569%  0.121%  
24 COBOL 0.521%  0.13%  
25 D 0.511%  0.17%  
26 Scratch 0.490%  0.107%  
27 Fortran 0.478%  0.099%  
28 ABAP 0.463%  0.126%  
29 Scala 0.440%  0.005%  
30 Lua 0.371%  0.074%  
31 Prolog 0.351%  0.027%  
32 Lisp 0.332%  0.132%  
33 Ada 0.320%  0.052%  
34 Rust 0.297%  0.046%  
35 LabVIEW 0.273%  0.033%  
36 Kotlin 0.253%  0.037%  
37 Transact-SQL 0.246%  0.01% 2013
38 Haskell 0.229%  0.023%  
39 F# 0.227%  0.155%  
40 Apex 0.223%  0.038%  
41 Ladder Logic 0.214%  0.063%  
42 Scheme 0.197%  0.147%  
43 Awk 0.192%  0.05%  
44 Julia 0.188%  0.042%  
45 Logo 0.185%  0.013%  
46 Erlang 0.178%  0.031%  
47 Bash 0.167%  0.012%  
48 Clojure 0.145%  新上榜  
49 PL/I 0.140%  0.019%  
50 PowerShell 0.139%  新上榜


from :https://hellogithub.com/report/tiobe/