


If you can’t stand the User Account Control prompts, but you’d still like to retain a little bit of security, you can disable it for Administrator accounts only. What we’ll be doing is actually changing Windows Vista to automatically elevate the privilege level for administrators without prompting.

如果您不能忍受“用户帐户控制”提示,但仍然想保留一点安全性,则可以仅对管理员帐户禁用它。 实际上,我们要做的是更改Windows Vista,以在不提示的情况下自动为管理员提升特权级别。

Note: Disabling UAC will lead to a less secure system, so be warned.


The nice thing about doing it this way is that regular users as well as Internet Explorer still run as regular users, and would still use the normal security mechanisms.

这样做的好处是,普通用户以及Internet Explorer仍以普通用户身份运行,并且仍将使用常规安全机制。

Disable on Windows 7 or Vista Business or Ultimate

在Windows 7或Vista Business或Ultimate上禁用

To configure this setting on Windows 7 / Vista Business and Ultimate, you can use the Local Security Policy configuration. Just type in secpol.msc into the Start menu search box and hit enter.

要在Windows 7 / Vista Business和Ultimate上配置此设置,可以使用“本地安全策略”配置。 只需在“开始”菜单搜索框中键入secpol.msc ,然后按Enter。


Now browse down to Local Policies \ Security Options


Find the following in the list: “User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approval Mode” and double-click on it.



Change the setting to “Elevate without prompting”. You should be all done.

将设置更改为“不提示就升高”。 你应该做好了。

Disable for Windows 7 or Vista Home

对Windows 7或Vista Home禁用

For Windows Vista Home users, the Local Security Policy doesn’t come with the distribution, so you’ll have to use the following registry file.

对于Windows Vista Home用户,本地安全策略不随发行版一起提供,因此您必须使用以**册表文件。

Just download, extract and double-click on the registry hack file to add the information into the registry. That’s all there is to it. Update: I’ve added in another registry hack file to re-enable UAC again.

只需下载,提取并双击注册表hack文件,即可将信息添加到注册表中。 这里的所有都是它的。 更新 :我已经添加了另一个注册表黑客文件,以再次重新启用UAC。

Download DisableUACforAdmin Registry Hack


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/disable-user-account-controluac-for-administrators-only/
