excel重命名图片_如何在Microsoft Excel中重命名数据系列

excel重命名图片_如何在Microsoft Excel中重命名数据系列


excel重命名图片_如何在Microsoft Excel中重命名数据系列

A data series in Microsoft Excel is a set of data, shown in a row or a column, which is presented using a graph or chart. To help analyze your data, you might prefer to rename your data series.

Microsoft Excel中的数据系列是一组数据,以行或列显示,使用图形或图表显示。 为了帮助分析数据,您可能希望重命名数据系列。

Rather than renaming the individual column or row labels, you can rename a data series in Excel by editing the graph or chart. You might want to do this if your data labels are opaque and difficult to immediately understand.

您可以通过编辑图形或图表来重命名Excel中的数据系列,而不必重命名各个列或行标签。 如果您的数据标签不透明并且难以立即理解,则可能需要这样做。

You can rename any data series presented in a chart or graph, including a basic Excel bar chart.


To demonstrate, we have a basic bar chart showing a list of fruit sales on a quarterly basis. The chart shows four bars for each product, with the bars labeled at the bottom—these are your data series.

为了演示,我们有一个基本的条形图,其中显示了每个季度的水果销售清单。 图表显示每种产品的四个条形,底部标有条形-这些是您的数据系列。

In this example, the data series are labeled alphabetically from A to D.


excel重命名图片_如何在Microsoft Excel中重命名数据系列

Labels such as these wouldn’t be hugely helpful for this example purpose, as you wouldn’t be able to determine the periods of time.


This is where you’d look to rename the data series. To do this, right-click your graph or chart and click the “Select Data” option.

这是您要重命名数据系列的地方。 为此,请右键单击您的图形或图表,然后单击“选择数据”选项。

excel重命名图片_如何在Microsoft Excel中重命名数据系列

This will open the “Select Data Source” options window. Your multiple data series will be listed under the “Legend Entries (Series)” column.

这将打开“选择数据源”选项窗口。 您的多个数据系列将列在“**条目(系列)”列下。

To begin renaming your data series, select one from the list and then click the “Edit” button.


excel重命名图片_如何在Microsoft Excel中重命名数据系列

In the “Edit Series” box, you can begin to rename your data series labels. By default, Excel will use the column or row label, using the cell reference to determine this.

在“编辑系列”框中,您可以开始重命名数据系列标签。 默认情况下,Excel将使用单元格引用来确定列或行标签。

Replace the cell reference with a static name of your choice. For this example, our data series labels will reflect yearly quarters (Q1 2019, Q2 2019, etc).

用您选择的静态名称替换单元格引用。 在此示例中,我们的数据系列标签将反映年度季度(2019年第一季度,2019年第二季度等)。

You could also replace this with another cell reference if you prefer to use labels that are separate from your data. This will ensure that your chart updates automatically if you decide to change the labels shown in those cells at a later date.

如果您希望使用与数据分开的标签,也可以用另一个单元格引用替换它。 如果您决定以后更改这些单元格中显示的标签,这将确保图表自动更新。

Once you’ve renamed your data series label, click “OK” to confirm.


excel重命名图片_如何在Microsoft Excel中重命名数据系列

This will take you back to the “Select Data Source” window, where you can repeat the steps for each data series label.


If you want to restore your labels to the same as your column or row labels, repeat the steps above, replacing the static labels with the cell reference for each column or row label.


You will need to name the worksheet containing the label when you do this. For instance, using =Sheet1!$B$1 here would show the label in cell B1.

执行此操作时,您将需要命名包含标签的工作表。 例如,在此处使用=Sheet1!$B$1将在单元格B1中显示标签。

For this example, this would show the letter A.


excel重命名图片_如何在Microsoft Excel中重命名数据系列

This will mean that any changes to your column or row labels will also update the data series labels in your chart or graph.


Once you’ve renamed all of the data labels, click “OK” to save the changes.


excel重命名图片_如何在Microsoft Excel中重命名数据系列

Your graph or chart will show your updated data series labels.


These are shown at the bottom of your chart, and are color-coded to match your data.


excel重命名图片_如何在Microsoft Excel中重命名数据系列

You can make further changes to the formatting of your graph or chart at this point. For instance, you could add a trendline to your Microsoft Excel chart to help you see further patterns in your data.

此时,您可以进一步更改图形或图表的格式。 例如,您可以在Microsoft Excel图表中添加趋势线,以帮助您查看数据中的其他模式。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/682077/how-to-rename-a-data-series-in-microsoft-excel/
