excel取消保存微软_如何在Microsoft Excel中按日期排序

excel取消保存微软_如何在Microsoft Excel中按日期排序


excel取消保存微软_如何在Microsoft Excel中按日期排序

When you’re trying to look at a set of data in a spreadsheet over time, it’s often helpful to be able to sort the data using the dates in that range, which Microsoft Excel allows you to do using the built-in sort tool. Here’s how.

当您尝试随着时间查看电子表格中的一组数据时,使用该范围内的日期对数据进行排序通常会很有帮助,Microsoft Excel允许您使用内置的排序工具来完成此操作。 这是如何做。

按升序或降序排列日期 (Sorting Dates in Ascending or Descending Order)

The easiest way to sort data in Microsoft Excel by date is to sort it in chronological (or reverse chronological) order. This sorts the data with the earliest or latest date starting first, depending on your preference.

按日期对Microsoft Excel中的数据进行排序的最简单方法是按时间顺序(或反向时间顺序)对其进行排序。 这会根据您的喜好对最早或最早的日期开始的数据进行排序。

To do this, open your Excel workbook and select your data. You can do this using your mouse or trackpad, or by clicking a cell in the range and pressing Ctrl+A on your keyboard.

为此,请打开Excel工作簿并选择数据。 您可以使用鼠标或触控板,或单击范围内的单元格并按键盘上的Ctrl + A来执行此操作。

excel取消保存微软_如何在Microsoft Excel中按日期排序

With your data selected, click the “Sort & Filter” button in the “Home” tab of the ribbon bar. This is where you go to sort values in Excel in various ways, including by date.

选择数据后,单击功能区栏“主页”选项卡中的“排序和筛选”按钮。 在这里,您可以通过各种方式(包括日期) 对Excel中的进行排序

In the “Sort & Filter” drop-down menu, you’ll have options to sort data in ascending or descending order. If Excel detects dates in your selected data, the options should show as “Sort Oldest To Newest” or “Sort Newest To Oldest.”

在“排序和过滤器”下拉菜单中,您可以选择按升序或降序对数据进行排序。 如果Excel在您选择的数据中检测到日期,则这些选项应显示为“从最旧到最新排序”或“从最新到旧排序”。

If you want to sort the data so that the earliest date comes first, click the “Sort Oldest To Newest” option. Otherwise, click “Sort Newest To Oldest” to sort the data so that the latest date comes first.

如果要对数据进行排序,以使最早的日期排在第一位,请单击“从最旧到最新的排序”选项。 否则,请单击“将最新到最旧排序”以对数据进行排序,以使最新日期排在第一位。

excel取消保存微软_如何在Microsoft Excel中按日期排序

Once you select your preferred option, Excel will automatically sort the data in that order, using the date column as the reference point.


The first date (under your column label) will be the earliest or latest date in the set.


excel取消保存微软_如何在Microsoft Excel中按日期排序

If you’re having problems, select only the column containing the dates and then click Home > Sort & Filter > Sort Oldest To Newest or Sort Newest To Oldest.


Microsoft Excel will display a “Sort Warning” box, asking you whether you wish to sort the data around it (the rest of your data) to ensure that the overall data stays intact, otherwise only the date column will be sorted.

Microsoft Excel将显示“排序警告”框,询问您是否要对周围的数据(其余数据)进行排序,以确保整体数据保持完整,否则仅对日期列进行排序。

Make sure that “Expand The Selection” is highlighted and then click the “Sort” button.


excel取消保存微软_如何在Microsoft Excel中按日期排序

This will ensure that your entire data set is sorted in ascending or descending order, using the dates as the reference point.


按月或年对日期排序 (Sorting Dates by Month or Year)

It can sometimes be useful to organize data by specific months or years. You might, for instance, be looking to see how many birthdays fall in these groups.

有时按特定月份或年份组织数据可能会很有用。 例如,您可能正在查看这些组中有多少个生日。

You can do this by using the MONTH or YEAR functions. This identifies the month or year number from a date and provides it in a separate column. This column can then be sorted in ascending or descending order.

您可以使用MONTHYEAR函数来完成此操作。 这将从日期中识别月份或年份数字,并将其提供在单独的列中。 然后可以将该列按升序或降序排序。

To do this, create a new column called “Month” or “Date” to the right of your existing data. In the first cell below the column label, type =MONTH(A2) or =YEAR(A2) , where “A2” is the first cell in your data range to contain a date.

为此,请在现有数据的右侧创建一个名为“月”或“日期”的新列。 在列标签下方的第一个单元格中,键入=MONTH(A2)=YEAR(A2) ,其中“ A2”是数据范围中包含日期的第一个单元格。

excel取消保存微软_如何在Microsoft Excel中按日期排序

To ensure that your MONTH or DATE formula is used for your entire data set, double-click the small green square icon in the bottom-right corner of the cell. This will automatically duplicate the formula for all other rows where it can find data to the left of it.

为确保将MONTHDATE公式用于整个数据集,请双击该单元格右下角的绿色小方形图标。 这将自动为所有其他行复制该公式,以便在该行的左侧找到数据。

excel取消保存微软_如何在Microsoft Excel中按日期排序

With your MONTH or DATE formula in place, select your “Month” or “Date” column and then click Home > Sort & Filter.


From the drop-down menu, select either the “Sort Smallest To Largest” or “Sort Largest To Smallest” options. If you sort by smallest to largest, Excel will sort your data with the earliest year or month coming first.

从下拉菜单中,选择“从最小到最大排序”或“从最大到最小排序”选项。 如果按最小到最大的顺序排序,则Excel将按照最早的年份或月份排序数据。

Likewise, Microsoft Excel will sort by the latest year or month if you choose the largest to smallest option.

同样,如果您选择最大到最小的选项,Microsoft Excel将按最新的年份或月份排序。

excel取消保存微软_如何在Microsoft Excel中按日期排序

You’ll need to confirm that you want to use the entire data set, so make sure that “Expand The Selection” is highlighted and then click “Sort” in the “Sort Window” warning box.


excel取消保存微软_如何在Microsoft Excel中按日期排序

Depending on the options you selected, Excel will immediately sort your data using the month or year column you created.


excel取消保存微软_如何在Microsoft Excel中按日期排序

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/679749/how-to-sort-by-date-in-microsoft-excel/
