office 查找 通配符_如何在Office 2010中查找Office 2003命令

office 查找 通配符_如何在Office 2010中查找Office 2003命令

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Are you new to the ribbon interface in Office 2010?  Here’s how you can get up to speed and learn where everything is quickly and easily.

您是Office 2010中功能区界面的新手吗? 这是您如何快速掌握并快速轻松地了解所有内容的方法。

Microsoft has made an interactive guide to Office 2010’s new interface to help users learn their way around the new version.  If you’ve already used Office 2007, then Office 2010 will be very easy to transition to, but if you’re still using Office 2003 you may find the learning curve more steep.  With this interactive guide, upgrading your Office skills doesn’t have to be hard.

Microsoft已为Office 2010的新界面制作了交互式指南,以帮助用户了解新版本的方法。 如果您已经使用过Office 2007,则很容易过渡到Office 2010,但是如果您仍在使用Office 2003,则学习曲线可能会更加陡峭。 使用此交互式指南,不必费劲地提升Office技能。

Learn Your Way Around the Office Ribbon


Open the Office 2010 interactive guides site (link below) in your browser, and select the Office app you want to explore.

在浏览器中打开Office 2010交互式指南网站( 下面的链接 ),然后选择要浏览的Office应用程序。

office 查找 通配符_如何在Office 2010中查找Office 2003命令

The guides are powered by Silverlight, so if you don’t already have it installed you will be prompted to do so.


office 查找 通配符_如何在Office 2010中查找Office 2003命令

Once the guide has loaded, click Start to begin.


office 查找 通配符_如何在Office 2010中查找Office 2003命令

Select any menu or toolbar item in the Office 2003 mockup.  A tooltip will appear to show you how to find this option in Word 2010.

选择Office 2003样机中的任何菜单或工具栏项。 将显示一个工具提示,向您展示如何在Word 2010中找到此选项。

office 查找 通配符_如何在Office 2010中查找Office 2003命令

If you click the item, the interface will switch to an Office 2010 mockup and will interactively show you how to access this feature.  The Thumbnails view isn’t available by default in Word 2010, so it shows us how to add it to the ribbon.  When you’ve figured this command out, click anywhere to go back to the Office 2003 mockup and find another item.

如果单击该项目,则界面将切换到Office 2010样机,并以交互方式向您显示如何访问此功能。 在Word 2010中,默认情况下“缩略图”视图不可用,因此它向我们展示了如何将其添加到功能区。 找到此命令后,请单击任意位置以返回到Office 2003样机并找到另一个项目。

office 查找 通配符_如何在Office 2010中查找Office 2003命令

Currently the guides are available for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, but the site says that guides for the other Office apps will be available soon.  Here’s the PowerPoint guide showing where the Rehearse Timings option is in PowerPoint 2010.

目前,这些指南适用于Word,Excel和PowerPoint,但该网站称其他Office应用程序的指南将很快面市。 这是PowerPoint指南,显示“排练时间”选项在PowerPoint 2010中的位置。

office 查找 通配符_如何在Office 2010中查找Office 2003命令

Install the Interactive Guides to Your Computer


You can also install the guides to your computer so you can easily access them even if you’re not online.  Open the guide you want to install, and click the Install button in the top right corner of the guide.

您还可以将指南安装到计算机上,这样即使您不在线也可以轻松访问它们。 打开要安装的指南,然后单击指南右上角的“安装”按钮。

office 查找 通配符_如何在Office 2010中查找Office 2003命令

Choose where you want the shortcuts, and click Ok.


office 查找 通配符_如何在Office 2010中查找Office 2003命令

Here’s the Interactive Word 2010 guide installed on our computer.  The downloaded version seemed to work faster in our tests, likely because all the content was already saved to the computer.  If you decide you don’t need it any more, click Uninstall in the top right corner.

这是我们计算机上安装的Interactive Word 2010指南。 在我们的测试中,下载的版本似乎运行得更快,可能是因为所有内容都已经保存到计算机了。 如果您决定不再需要它,请单击右上角的“卸载”。

office 查找 通配符_如何在Office 2010中查找Office 2003命令

Download Office Cheat Sheets


If you’d like a cheat-sheet of Office commands that have changed or are new in Office 2010, Microsoft’s got that for you, too.  You can download Office reference workbooks (link below) that show how to access each item that was in Office 2003’s menus.  Here’s the Word guide showing where each of Word 2003’s commands from the help menu are in Word 2010.

如果您想要一份已更改的Office命令速写表或Office 2010中的新增功能,Microsoft也会为您提供。 您可以下载Office参考工作簿( 下面的链接 ),以显示如何访问Office 2003菜单中的每个项目。 这是Word指南,显示了帮助菜单中每个Word 2003命令在Word 2010中的位置。

office 查找 通配符_如何在Office 2010中查找Office 2003命令

Learn Your Way Around Office 2007, Too!

了解Office 2007的方法!

Microsoft offers similar interactive guides for learning the ribbon in Office 2007, so if you’re still using Office 2007 but can’t find a command, feel free to check it out as well (link below).  Guides are available for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Outlook 2007.  You can also download cheat sheets for Office 2007 at this site as well.  Here’s the tutorial showing us where the font options are in PowerPoint 2007.

Microsoft提供了类似的交互式指南来学习Office 2007中的功能区,因此,如果您仍在使用Office 2007但找不到命令,也可以随时对其进行检查( 下面的链接 )。 指南适用于Word,Excel,PowerPoint,Access和Outlook2007。您也可以在此站点上下载Office 2007备忘单。 这是向我们展示PowerPoint 2007中字体选项的位置的教程。

office 查找 通配符_如何在Office 2010中查找Office 2003命令



We have found the ribbon interface to be a great addition to Office, but if you’ve got years of Office 2003 experience under your belt you may find it difficult to locate your favorite commands.  These tutorials can help you use your old Office knowledge to learn Office 2010 or 2007 in a quick and easy way!

我们发现功能区界面是Office的一个很好的补充,但是如果您有多年的Office 2003经验,您可能会发现很难找到自己喜欢的命令。 这些教程可以帮助您使用旧的Office知识来快速轻松地学习Office 2010或2007!



Office 2010 interactive guide

Office 2010互动指南

Download Office 2010 reference workbooks

下载Office 2010参考工作簿

Office 2007 interactive guide

Office 2007交互式指南


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