火狐 新标签页_使用NewTabURL修改Firefox中的新标签页行为

火狐 新标签页_使用NewTabURL修改Firefox中的新标签页行为

火狐 新标签页

Wanting Firefox to open a specific page or URL whenever you open a new tab? Now you can specify exactly what opens in that new tab each time with the NewTabURL extension.

希望Firefox在您打开新标签页时打开特定的页面或URL吗? 现在,您可以每次使用NewTabURL扩展名确切指定在新标签中打开的内容。

Setting NewTabURL Up


Once you have finished installing the extension, the best place to start is with the options for NewTabURL. There is only one window, but it gives you very nice options to work with!

完成扩展的安装后,最好的起点是使用NewTabURL的选项。 只有一个窗口,但是它为您提供了非常不错的选择!

As you can see, you can choose the specific page or URL to be loaded when a new tab is opened. One of the very nice features of this extension is the ability to load an URL that is in the Windows Clipboard as soon as you open a new tab (very convenient!). Notice that you can have the extension use that specific URL only once or more than once.

如您所见,您可以选择打开新选项卡时要加载的特定页面或URL。 此扩展的一个很好的功能之一是能够在打开新选项卡后立即加载Windows剪贴板中的URL( 非常方便! )。 请注意,您可以让扩展名仅使用一次或多次使用该特定URL。

火狐 新标签页_使用NewTabURL修改Firefox中的新标签页行为

Here you can see an example of an URL that was in the Windows Clipboard and was immediately loaded when a new tab was opened. Notice that the entire address is also automatically selected.

在这里,您可以看到一个Windows剪贴板中的URL的示例,该URL在打开新选项卡后立即被加载。 请注意,整个地址也会被自动选择。

火狐 新标签页_使用NewTabURL修改Firefox中的新标签页行为



If you find yourself opening new tabs often and needing something specific each time, then NewTabURL will definitely help make your browsing experience more enjoyable. Have fun!

如果您发现自己经常打开新标签页并且每次都需要特定的内容,那么NewTabURL绝对可以使您的浏览体验更加愉悦。 玩得开心!



Download the NewTabURL extension (version 1.6.3)


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/2808/modify-new-tab-behavior-in-firefox-with-newtaburl/

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