classic shell_使用Classic Shell在Windows 8中获取Classic Start Menu和Explorer工具栏

classic shell_使用Classic Shell在Windows 8中获取Classic Start Menu和Explorer工具栏

classic shell

classic shell_使用Classic Shell在Windows 8中获取Classic Start Menu和Explorer工具栏

Classic Shell is an open-source utility that brings classic Windows features to newer versions of Windows. It offers the most classic Start menu for Windows 8 yet, and it lets you avoid the ribbon with a Windows Explorer toolbar.

Classic Shell是一个开源实用程序,它将经典Windows功能引入了较新版本的Windows。 它提供了Windows 8最经典的“开始”菜单,并通过Windows资源管理器工具栏避免出现功能区。

We’ve also written about getting a Windows 7-style Start button with ViStart and a Metro-style Start menu with Start 8. Or, if you’re brave, dive into the deep end and try living without the Start button for a while.

我们还写了关于如何使用ViStart获得Windows 7风格的“开始”按钮以及通过Start 8获得Metro风格的“开始”菜单的信息。 或者,如果您很勇敢,请潜入深处,尝试暂时不使用“开始”按钮生活

安装 (Installation)

Classic Shell is available as a free download from SourceForge. It also supports Windows 7 and Windows Vista, so you don’t have to use Windows 8 to take advantage of these features.

从SourceForge免费下载Classic Shell。 它还支持Windows 7和Windows Vista,因此您不必使用Windows 8即可利用这些功能。

As part of the installation process, you’ll be asked to select the features you want to install. There are four:

在安装过程中,系统会要求您选择要安装的功能。 有四个:

  • Classic Explorer – Adds a Windows XP-style toolbar and other tweaks to Windows Explorer.

    经典资源管理器–向Windows资源管理器添加Windows XP样式的工具栏和其他调整。
  • Classic Start Menu – Adds a Windows XP-style Start menu and Start button. The Start menu is fully skinnable and configurable.

    经典开始菜单–添加Windows XP风格的开始菜单和开始按钮。 “开始”菜单是完全可换肤且可配置的。
  • Classic IE9 – Adds a caption displaying the title of the current page to Internet Explorer’s title bar and displays page loading progress and the current security zone in the status bar.

    经典IE9 –在Internet Explorer的标题栏中添加显示当前页面标题的标题,并在状态栏中显示页面加载进度和当前安全区域。
  • Classic Shell Update – Automatically checks for new versions of Classic Shell.

    经典Shell更新–自动检查Classic Shell的新版本。
classic shell_使用Classic Shell在Windows 8中获取Classic Start Menu和Explorer工具栏

经典开始菜单 (Classic Start Menu)

By default, Classic Shell uses a Metro-style theme that blends into Windows 8.

默认情况下,Classic Shell使用融合到Windows 8中的Metro风格主题。

classic shell_使用Classic Shell在Windows 8中获取Classic Start Menu和Explorer工具栏

It looks like the Windows Start menu used to before Windows XP. It does have one modern feature, though — a search box. The search box only searches your installed applications, but that makes the search process practically instant.

看起来像Windows XP之前的Windows“开始”菜单。 不过,它确实具有一项现代功能-搜索框。 搜索框仅搜索已安装的应用程序,但这实际上使搜索过程变得即时。

classic shell_使用Classic Shell在Windows 8中获取Classic Start Menu和Explorer工具栏

Right-click the Start button and select Settings to view its options.


classic shell_使用Classic Shell在Windows 8中获取Classic Start Menu和Explorer工具栏

On the Basic Settings tab, you can adjust a variety of common options, including your keyboard shortcuts. If you don’t like the new search box, you can even disable it from here.

在“基本设置”选项卡上,您可以调整各种常用选项,包括键盘快捷键。 如果您不喜欢新的搜索框,甚至可以从此处禁用它。

classic shell_使用Classic Shell在Windows 8中获取Classic Start Menu和Explorer工具栏

Select the All Settings option and you’ll see even more options. For example, the Customize Start Menu tab lets you customize exactly which options appear in the Classic Start menu.

选择所有设置选项,您将看到更多选项。 例如,“自定义开始菜单”选项卡使您可以精确地自定义“经典开始”菜单中出现的选项。

classic shell_使用Classic Shell在Windows 8中获取Classic Start Menu和Explorer工具栏

From the Skins tab, you can select a variety of different looks for the Start menu. For example, select the Classic Skin for a really classic-looking Start menu. You’ll also find a transparent, glass-style skin.

在“皮肤”选项卡中,可以为“开始”菜单选择各种不同的外观。 例如,选择“经典外观”以获得真正经典的“开始”菜单。 您还会发现透明的玻璃风格皮肤。

classic shell_使用Classic Shell在Windows 8中获取Classic Start Menu和Explorer工具栏

经典浏览器 (Classic Explorer)

If you installed Classic Explorer, you’ll find a new toolbar in Windows Explorer.


classic shell_使用Classic Shell在Windows 8中获取Classic Start Menu和Explorer工具栏

Click the shell-shaped icon at the right side of the toolbar to adjust its settings. If you want to add more buttons to the toolbar, click the All Settings option and use the options on the Toolbar Buttons tab.

单击工具栏右侧的壳形图标以调整其设置。 如果要向工具栏添加更多按钮,请单击“所有设置”选项,然后使用“工具栏按钮”选项卡上的选项。

classic shell_使用Classic Shell在Windows 8中获取Classic Start Menu和Explorer工具栏

经典版IE9 (Classic IE9)

If you’ve been craving some of the features left behind in newer versions of Internet Explorer, Classic IE9 adds them.

如果您一直渴望Internet Explorer的较新版本中保留的某些功能,则Classic IE9会添加它们。

classic shell_使用Classic Shell在Windows 8中获取Classic Start Menu和Explorer工具栏

These features are implemented as browser add-ons, so ensure the add-ons are enabled in the Manage Add-ons window (click the gear menu and select Manage Add-ons) if you don’t see them.


classic shell_使用Classic Shell在Windows 8中获取Classic Start Menu和Explorer工具栏

Do you prefer Classic Shell, Start8, or ViStart? Or do you love the new Metro Start screen? Leave a comment and let us know.

您喜欢Classic Shell,Start8还是ViStart? 还是您喜欢新的Metro Start屏幕? 发表评论,让我们知道。


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