



Have you ever wanted to use your iPhone as a simple voice recorder to take simple notes? Or to record speeches, lectures, or presentations? The iPhone includes a simple app that will allow you to do just that.

您是否曾经想过将iPhone用作简单的录音机来做简单的笔记? 还是录制演讲,讲座或演示文稿? iPhone包含一个简单的应用程序,可让您做到这一点。

The app you’re looking for is called “Voice Memos” and can be found in a folder on your home screen called “Extras”. You’ll note there’s a few other items in here you might be interested in, but today we’re solely concentrating on Voice Memos.

您要查找的应用程序称为“语音备忘录”,可以在主屏幕上的“其他”文件夹中找到该应用程序。 您会注意到这里可能还有其他一些项目,但是今天我们仅专注于语音备忘。


The app is very simple to use: just press the red record button and the app will begin recording whatever you want to preserve.


The volume icon in the upper-right corner mutes playback. When tapped, it turns white.
右上角的音量图标会使播放静音。 轻按时,它变成白色。

Note that while you’re recording, the header at the top of the screen will indicate you are doing so. When you’re finished, you can tap the red square stop button.

请注意,在录制时,屏幕顶部的标题将指示您正在录制。 完成后,您可以点击红色正方形停止按钮。


Seems simple and obvious, right? But now, you actually have a few options. There’s a blue square symbol on the right screen edge. This is the “Edit” button, and tapping it will expose options to Delete or Trim your new recording. Trimming is useful in case you recorded a little too long, or started recording a little too early. Of course, deleting a recording speaks for itself.

看起来简单明了,对不对? 但是现在,您实际上有一些选择。 屏幕右边缘有一个蓝色方形符号。 这是“编辑”按钮,点击它会显示“删除”或“修剪您的新录音”选项。 如果您录制的时间太长或开始录制的时间太早,则整理会很有用。 当然,删除录音是不言而喻的。


Alternatively, you can tap “Done” and save your new voice memo, giving it an appropriate name.



Whenever you save a voice memo, it will appear in the saved recordings list below the app’s main interface. That way you can easily play back any recordings with a simple tap.

每当您保存语音备忘录时,该备忘录都会出现在应用程序主界面下方的已保存录音列表中。 这样,您只需轻按一下即可轻松播放任何录音。


When you play back a voice memo, you can share it, edit, or trash it. You can also share your voice memos by tapping the Share button on the left.

播放语音备忘录时,可以对其进行共享,编辑或删除。 您还可以通过点击左侧的“共享”按钮来共享语音备忘录。


Remember, Voice Memos aren’t just for voice memos. Realistically, you can use it for a variety of useful things. For example, if you’re a college student, you can augment your note taking by recording your lectures. If you’re a reporter or writer, you can use it to record interviews, this making it a whole lot easier to remember everything.

请记住,语音备忘录不仅仅用于语音备忘录。 实际上,您可以将其用于各种有用的事情。 例如,如果您是一名大学生,则可以通过录制讲座来增加笔记记录。 如果您是记者或作家,则可以使用它来记录采访,这使记住所有内容变得更加容易。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/238475/how-to-create-voice-memos-on-your-iphone/
