d3 设置方形节点_如何订购和设置免费的方形信用卡读卡器

d3 设置方形节点_如何订购和设置免费的方形信用卡读卡器

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d3 设置方形节点_如何订购和设置免费的方形信用卡读卡器

Most people don’t carry a ton of cash around anymore. That can be super inconvenient if you’re an independent artist or a small business owner. Fortunately, Square offers a free credit card reader (though it does charge transaction fees) that you can plug into your phone. Here’s how to get your free reader and start taking credit card payments from your customers or clients.

大多数人不再携带大量现金了。 如果您是独立艺术家或小企业主,那么可能会非常不便。 幸运的是,Square提供了免费的信用卡读卡器(尽管它确实收取交易费用),您可以将其插入手机。 这是获取免费阅读器并开始从客户处接受信用卡付款的方法。

The Square reader is handy way to take credit card payments without having to spend a ton of money on the fancy point of sale systems you see in stores. Square offers two types of readers. The first is a free simple reader that lets you swipe credit cards’ magnetic strips. It plugs into the headphone jack of an Android or iOS device. The second, which costs $50, allows you to take NFC payments and read chip cards. This one connects wirelessly to your phone.

Square读卡器是一种便捷的方式来付款,而无需在商店中看到的昂贵的销售点系统上花费大量资金。 Square提供两种类型的阅读器。 第一个是免费的简单阅读器 ,可让您刷信用卡的磁条。 它插入Android或iOS设备的耳机插Kong。 第二个费用为50美元,可让您进行NFC付款并读取芯片卡 。 此无线连接到您的手机。

Of course, Square’s not giving away free credit card readers for nothing. In exchange for the readers, Square charges a processing fee for each transaction. These fees start at 2.75% for swiped, chip, or contactless payments. These can be a little higher than other more elaborate point of sale systems, but you save a lot of money on the front end for the hardware.

当然,Square不会免费赠送免费的信用卡阅读器。 作为读者的交换,Square会为每笔交易收取手续费。 对于刷卡付款,芯片付款或非接触式付款,这些费用的起价为2.75% 。 这些可能比其他更复杂的销售点系统要高一些,但是可以为硬件节省很多钱。

Getting your Square reader is pretty simple. To get yours, head here and click Get A Free Reader.

获取Square阅读器非常简单。 要获取您的书,请前往此处 ,然后单击获取免费读者。

d3 设置方形节点_如何订购和设置免费的方形信用卡读卡器

First, you’ll need to create an account. Start by entering an email address and creating a password. Make sure Square has your correct location, then click Continue.

首先,您需要创建一个帐户。 首先输入电子邮件地址并创建密码 。 确保Square的位置正确,然后单击“继续”。

d3 设置方形节点_如何订购和设置免费的方形信用卡读卡器

Next, you’ll enter some personal information about yourself, including your name, address, birthday, last four digits of your social security number, phone number, and how you’ll be using the Square reader. When you’re done, click Continue.

接下来,您将输入一些有关您自己的个人信息,包括您的姓名,地址,生日,社会保险号的后四位数字,电话号码以及如何使用Square阅读器。 完成后,单击继续。

d3 设置方形节点_如何订购和设置免费的方形信用卡读卡器

Next, you can add a bank account to your Square account. You can skip this step for now if you want, but you’ll need to add a bank account before you can accept payments. Enter the name of the account holder, account type, routing number, and account number. Click Continue when you’re done.

接下来,您可以在Square帐户中添加一个银行帐户。 如果需要,您可以暂时跳过此步骤,但是您需要先添加一个银行帐户,然后才能接受付款。 输入帐户持有者的姓名,帐户类型,路由号和帐户号。 完成后,单击继续。

d3 设置方形节点_如何订购和设置免费的方形信用卡读卡器

On the next page, you can choose whether you want to order just the free magnetic stripe reader, or pay $50 for the extra NFC and chip reader as well. You’ll get the free reader either way. Pick the package you want and click Continue.

在下一页上,您可以选择是只订购免费的磁条读取器,还是要为额外的NFC和芯片读取器支付50美元。 无论哪种方式,您都会获得免费的阅读器。 选择所需的软件包,然后单击继续。

d3 设置方形节点_如何订购和设置免费的方形信用卡读卡器

Next, confirm your shipping address. You won’t have to pay for shipping, but if you chose to buy the extra $50 NFC/chip reader, you’ll need to enter payment information to pay for your payment reader system. Got all that?

接下来,确认您的送货地址。 您无需支付运费,但是如果您选择购买额外的$ 50 NFC /芯片读取器,则需要输入付款信息来为您的付款读取器系统付款。 知道了吗?

d3 设置方形节点_如何订购和设置免费的方形信用卡读卡器

After this, you’ll get a page with a referral link. Normally, you might skip this step—you don’t always need to be someone else’s promotion service—but Square will let you process up to $1,000 in sales for every other person you get to sign up. Since the accounts and magstripe reader are free, this isn’t a bad deal—especially if you’re running a small side business and won’t do a ton of transactions very often.

之后,您将获得一个带有引荐链接的页面。 通常,您可以跳过此步骤-您不一定总是要成为别人的促销服务-但Square可以让您为每位注册的人处理不超过1,000美元的销售。 由于帐户和magstripe阅读器是免费的,所以这不是一件坏事-尤其是如果您经营的是小型副业并且不经常进行大量交易。

d3 设置方形节点_如何订购和设置免费的方形信用卡读卡器

Finally, you can send a link to your phone to download Square’s Point of Sale app for iOS or Android.

最后,您可以将链接发送到手机,以下载适用于iOSAndroid的 Square的销售点应用程序。

d3 设置方形节点_如何订购和设置免费的方形信用卡读卡器

The first time you run the Point of Sale app, it will walk you through how to conduct a transaction. Once you receive it, plug in your card reader, open the app, and you can start charging people for your goods and services. Just make sure to account for those fees in your pricing.

首次运行销售点应用程序时,它将引导您完成交易。 收到后,插入读卡器,打开应用程序,就可以开始向人们收取商品和服务的费用。 只要确保在您的定价中计入这些费用即可。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/320485/how-to-order-and-set-up-a-free-square-credit-card-reader/

d3 设置方形节点