树莓派 kodi 配置文件_如何在Kodi中为单独的监视列表设置多个配置文件

树莓派 kodi 配置文件_如何在Kodi中为单独的监视列表设置多个配置文件

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树莓派 kodi 配置文件_如何在Kodi中为单独的监视列表设置多个配置文件

You’re not the only person who lives in your house, and you’re not the only person who watches things on your Kodi box. Why should there be only one media library, with one list of what has and hasn’t been watched, and one favorites list? Kodi has offered a profile system for years, and you shouldn’t overlook it.

您不是唯一一个住在房子里的人,也不是唯一一个在Kodi盒子上看东西的人。 为什么只应该有一个媒体库,其中有一个已观看和未观看的列表,以及一个收藏夹列表? Kodi多年来一直提供个人档案系统,您不应忽视它。

Maybe you and your roommate are watching the same show at different times, and want to keep track of your watched list separately. Maybe you want to log in to your own YouTube account, so you can see your subscriptions instead of your daughter’s. Or maybe you just like playing around with new themes, and don’t want to confuse your poor spouse in the process.

也许您和您的室友在不同时间观看同一场演出,并希望分别跟踪您的观看列表。 也许您想登录自己的YouTube帐户,这样就可以查看您的订阅,而不是女儿的订阅。 或者,也许您只是喜欢玩弄新主题,并且不想在此过程中混淆您的可怜配偶。

Whatever the reason, it’s easy to set up multiple Kodi profiles, with separate watch lists and add-ons. You can even see a login screen when you start up the program, making it easy to pick which user profile you want to use. Here’s how to get started.

无论出于何种原因,都可以使用单独的观察列表和加载项轻松设置多个Kodi配置文件。 启动程序时,您甚至可以看到登录屏幕,从而可以轻松选择要使用的用户个人资料。 这是入门方法。

如何创建Kodi配置文件 (How to Create Kodi Profiles)

Select the System gear at the top-left of the home screen, below the word “Kodi.”

选择主屏幕左上角“ Kodi”下方的系统齿轮。

树莓派 kodi 配置文件_如何在Kodi中为单独的监视列表设置多个配置文件

Next, head to the “Profiles” section.


树莓派 kodi 配置文件_如何在Kodi中为单独的监视列表设置多个配置文件

In the “Profiles” subsection, you’ll see one profile by default: Master user. Select “Add profile” to create a new user.

在“个人资料”小节中,默认情况下您会看到一个个人资料:主用户。 选择“添加个人资料”以创建一个新用户。

树莓派 kodi 配置文件_如何在Kodi中为单独的监视列表设置多个配置文件

You’ll be asked for a name, which you can type using either the on-screen keys or your full keyboard.


树莓派 kodi 配置文件_如何在Kodi中为单独的监视列表设置多个配置文件

Select “OK” when you’re done. Next, you’ll be asked where you want your profile’s folder to be.

完成后,选择“确定”。 接下来,系统将询问您要将个人资料文件夹放在哪里。

树莓派 kodi 配置文件_如何在Kodi中为单独的监视列表设置多个配置文件

If you’re not sure, just use the default. Select “Okay” when you’re ready.

如果不确定,请使用默认值。 准备好后,选择“确定”。

Next you’ll be taken to your new profile’s settings screen, where you can change the name, add a profile picture, and change the directory. You can also choose whether to share media info and media sources with the main profile, or to keep things completely separate.

接下来,将转到新个人资料的设置屏幕,您可以在其中更改名称,添加个人资料图片并更改目录。 您还可以选择是与主配置文件共享媒体信息和媒体源,还是将内容完全分开。

树莓派 kodi 配置文件_如何在Kodi中为单独的监视列表设置多个配置文件

“Media sources” refers to the folders where you movies and TV shows reside. It’s probably simplest to leave this synced with your main profile, but it’s nice to have the option of using entirely separate folders if that’s what you want. Media info refers to the information about your shows and movies; I recommend leaving this separate.

“媒体源”是指电影和电视节目所在的文件夹。 将此与您的主配置文件同步可能是最简单的,但是如果您愿意,可以选择使用完全独立的文件夹。 媒体信息是指有关您的节目和电影的信息; 我建议将其分开。

Feel free to leave the defaults if you’re not sure what to do. If you do keep things separate, you can do a one-time copy of your sources and media information in the next step.

如果不确定该怎么做,请随时保留默认值。 如果您要分开处理,则可以在下一步中一次性复制源和媒体信息。

树莓派 kodi 配置文件_如何在Kodi中为单独的监视列表设置多个配置文件

Your sources and media info will stay separate; this option merely lets you copy the current settings as a starting point.

您的来源和媒体信息将保持独立; 此选项仅使您可以复制当前设置作为起点。

When you’re done, you’ll see your new profile is ready.


在Kodi中的配置文件之间切换 (Switching Between Profiles in Kodi)

树莓派 kodi 配置文件_如何在Kodi中为单独的监视列表设置多个配置文件

Now that your profiles are set up, you’re probably wondering how to switch between them. There are two main ways. The simplest is to enable the login screen for Kodi; you’ll find the option in the General section of the Profiles panel in settings.

现在您的个人资料已设置完毕,您可能想知道如何在它们之间切换。 有两种主要方法。 最简单的方法是为Kodi启用登录屏幕。 您可以在“配置文件”面板的“常规”部分的设置中找到该选项。

树莓派 kodi 配置文件_如何在Kodi中为单独的监视列表设置多个配置文件

Enable the “Show login screen on startup” option and Kodi will, when loaded, give you a list of profiles to choose between.


树莓派 kodi 配置文件_如何在Kodi中为单独的监视列表设置多个配置文件

If you’d rather not see this screen every time you start Kodi, you can instead log off the main account in the Power menu. From the home screen, click the power button at top-left. You’ll see a list of options.

如果您不想在每次启动Kodi时都看到此屏幕,则可以在“电源”菜单中注销主帐户。 在主屏幕中,单击左上角的电源按钮。 您会看到一个选项列表。

树莓派 kodi 配置文件_如何在Kodi中为单独的监视列表设置多个配置文件

Select “Log off” and you’ll be brought to the login screen, allowing you to change profiles. The next time you load Kodi, however, the default profile will load again. This setup is perfect if you’re mostly using your second profile to experiment with skins or add-ons.

选择“注销”,您将进入登录屏幕,从而可以更改个人资料。 但是,下次加载Kodi时,默认配置文件将再次加载。 如果您主要是在使用第二个人资料来尝试皮肤或附加组件,则此设置非常理想。

Kodi looks more or less the same in each profile, which makes it easy to confuse one profile with another. For this reason, I recommend you customize Kodi’s default skin a little, so each profile is a different color. You could even use different skins entirely for different profiles. Whatever makes it easy to tell the profiles apart.

Kodi在每个配置文件中看起来大致相同,这使得将一个配置文件与另一个配置文件容易混淆。 因此,我建议您自定义Kodi的默认外观 ,以便每个配置文件使用不同的颜色。 您甚至可以针对不同的配置文件完全使用不同的皮肤。 无论如何,都可以轻松区分这些概要文件。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/295034/how-to-set-up-multiple-profiles-in-kodi-for-seperate-watch-lists/

树莓派 kodi 配置文件