kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

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kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

If you’ve spent any amount of time exploring the set-top box software scene, you’ve likely heard of Kodi. Formerly called XBMC, Kodi can extend your Fire TV’s functionality with more channels and content. The thing is, it can be a bit more difficult to install than on other platforms. Here’s how to do it.

如果您花了很多时间探索机顶盒软件,那么您可能听说过Kodi。 Kodi(以前称为XBMC)可以通过更多频道和内容扩展Fire TV的功能。 事实是,与在其他平台上相比,安装起来可能会有些困难。 这是操作方法。

第一步:准备好消防电视 (Step One: Get the Fire TV Ready)

Before you can do anything, you’ll need to get the Fire TV ready, which basically involves allowing Apps from Unknown Sources—in a nutshell, this means you can install apps from outside of the Appstore. To do that, jump into the Fire TV’s menu by scrolling over to Settings.

在执行任何操作之前,您需要准备好Fire TV,这基本上涉及允许来自未知来源的应用程序-简而言之,这意味着您可以从Appstore外部安装应用程序。 为此,请滚动到“设置”以跳入Fire TV的菜单。

kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

From there, scroll over to Device.


kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

Then head down to Developer Options.


kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

In this menu, there are three options, including the one you’re looking for: Apps from Unknown Sources. Go ahead and enable it.

在此菜单中,有三个选项,包括您要寻找的一个:来自未知来源的应用。 继续并启用它。

kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

A warning will pop up, but that’s normal—go ahead and accept it to enable the feature.


kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

第二步:安装Kodi (Step Two: Install Kodi)

Since Kodi isn’t available in the Amazon Appstore, we’re going to have to install it remotely. There are several ways of going about this, but we’re going to focus on two: installing it with a Fire TV app called “Downloader” (which is the Kodi-recommended method), or installing it from another Android device.

由于Kodi在Amazon Appstore中不可用,因此我们将不得不远程安装它。 有几种解决方法,但我们将重点关注两种:使用名为“ Downloader”的Fire TV应用程序(这是Kodi推荐的方法)安装它,或从其他Android设备安装它。

Let’s get started.


Installing Kodi with Downloader


First things first—you’ll need to install Downloader from the Amazon Appstore. You can do so remotely from here, or just search for “Downloader” directly from your Fire TV.

首先,您需要从Amazon Appstore安装Downloader。 您可以从此处远程进行操作 ,也可以直接从Fire TV中搜索“下载器”。

kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

Once installed, go ahead and fire it up.


Using Downloader is pretty simple: you’ll just enter the URL for the file you want to install. Here’s a list of available Kodi applications at the time of writing:

使用Downloader非常简单:您只需输入要安装的文件的URL。 以下是撰写本文时可用的Kodi应用程序的列表:

Just enter the URL for the version you want on your Fire TV into Downloader’s URL box. A keyboard will speed things up here, but isn’t totally necessary. Once entered, just click the Download button.

只需在Fire TV的“下载器的URL”框中输入所需版本的URL。 键盘可以加快操作速度,但这不是完全必要的。 输入后,只需单击下载按钮。

kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

Alternatively, you can just enter “kodi.tv” into the URL box, which will prompt to open the browser. From there, you can navigate to the APK download—this is a useful solution if you’re looking for a newer version of Kodi than what’s listed here.

或者,您可以在URL框中输入“ kodi.tv”,这将提示您打开浏览器。 从那里,您可以导航到APK下载-如果您要寻找的Kodi版本比此处列出的要新,这是一个有用的解决方案。

kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

Either way, once you’ve found the appropriate download, the app will connect to the URL and start downloading the file.


kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

Once the APK file is finished downloading, the installation prompt should automatically pop up. Click the Install button.

APK文件下载完成后,安装提示将自动弹出。 单击安装按钮。

kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

After installation, choose “Done.” It should throw you back into Downloader, where you can delete the APK file if you want. You won’t need it again, so there’s no reason to keep it around.

安装后,选择“完成”。 它应将您带回到Downloader中,如果需要,您可以在其中删除APK文件。 您将不再需要它,因此没有理由保留它。

kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

At this point, Kodi should be ready to go.


kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

Installing Kodi from Android with Apps2Fire


If you’re an Android user, there’s also a very simple way of getting Kodi onto your Fire TV using an app called Apps2Fire. Basically, this allows you to send any installed application from your phone or tablet to your Fire TV. It’s rad. That means also need to install Kodi from Google Play onto that Android device, too. So grab your phone or tablet and install both apps.

如果您是Android用户,则还有一种非常简单的方法,可以使用名为Apps2Fire的应用程序将Kodi放入 Fire TV。 基本上,这使您可以将任何已安装的应用程序从手机或平板电脑发送到Fire TV。 是rad。 这意味着还需要将Google Play的Kodi安装到该Android设备上。 因此,抓住您的手机或平板电脑并安装两个应用程序。

Before Apps2Fire will work, you’ll need to enable ADB Debugging and USB Debugging on your Fire TV. Scroll over the Settings > Device, then Developer Options. Enable both ADB and USB Debugging here.

在Apps2Fire正常运行之前,您需要在Fire TV上启用ADB调试和USB调试。 滚动到“设置”>“设备”,然后滚动到“开发人员选项”。 在此处同时启用ADB和USB调试。

kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

Your Android device and Fire TV will also need to be on the same Wi-Fi network for this to work. Once they are, jump into the Fire TV’s Settings, then scroll over to Device > About.

您的Android设备和Fire TV也必须位于同一Wi-Fi网络上,这样才能正常工作。 找到它们后,跳到Fire TV的“设置”,然后滚动到“设备”>“关于”。

kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

In this menu, scroll down to the Network entry and make note of the Fire’s IP Address. This is how your phone or tablet will remotely connect to the Fire TV.

在此菜单中,向下滚动到“网络”条目,并记下Fire的IP地址。 这是电话或平板电脑将远程连接到Fire TV的方式。

kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

With that noted, go ahead and open Apps2Fire on your phone or tablet. Scroll to the very end of the menu bar and tap on “Setup.” Enter your Fire TV’s IP Address here, then tap Save.

注意到这一点,请继续在手机或平板电脑上打开Apps2Fire。 滚动到菜单栏的最末端,然后点击“设置”。 在此处输入您的Fire TV的IP地址,然后点击“保存”。

kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

Now, scroll back over to the “Local Apps” menu entry. It should automatically connect to your Fire TV and load the list of installed applications.

现在,滚动回到“本地应用程序”菜单项。 它应自动连接到Fire TV并加载已安装的应用程序列表。

kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

Once everything has loaded—which can take a few minutes, depending on how many apps you have installed and your network connection speed—scroll down the list and find Kodi. Tap on it, then “Install.”

加载完所有内容后(取决于安装的应用程序数量和网络连接速度),这可能需要几分钟,然后向下滚动列表并找到Kodi。 点击它,然后“安装”。

kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

This will take a few minutes, but Kodi will be remotely pushed from the Android device to the Fire TV. Go grab a beverage.

这将需要几分钟,但是会将Kodi从Android设备远程推送到Fire TV。 去拿一杯饮料。

kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

When it’s done, a little popup will appear. That means you’re done.

完成后,将出现一个小弹出窗口。 那意味着你完成了。

kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

The app will now show up in your Apps Library. Good for you.

该应用程序现在将显示在您的应用程序库中。 对你有好处。

kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

第三步:开始使用Kodi (Step Three: Start Using Kodi)

At this point, you’ve opened up a whole wide world of content, all at your fingertips. You can add all your ripped DVD and Blu-ray movis, install Add-Ons aplentyuse Kodi as a DVR, and so much more.

至此,您已经触手可及了一个广阔的内容世界。 您可以添加所有翻录的DVD和Blu-ray影片,大量安装附加组件将Kodi用作DVR 等等

kodi tv版_如何在您的Amazon Fire TV或Fire TV Stick上安装Kodi

At this point it’s up to you to figure out how Kodi fits into your viewing, but enjoy it. This is likely the best thing you’ll ever do to your Fire TV.

在这一点上,您可以确定Kodi如何适合您的观看效果,但是请尽情享受。 这可能是您对Fire TV所做的最好的事情。

There’s one downside worth mentioning here: since Kodi isn’t available in the Amazon Appstore, it won’t automatically update. That means once an update is available, if you want the latest version, you’ll have to manually install it every time. It’s of a bummer, but if you’re lazy, the originally-loaded version should continue to work just fine. You just won’t get new features or fixes.

这里有一个缺点值得一提:由于Kodi在Amazon Appstore中不可用,因此不会自动更新。 这意味着一旦有可用的更新,如果您想要最新版本,则必须每次手动安装。 这简直令人难以置信,但是如果您很懒惰,最初加载的版本应该可以继续正常工作。 您只是不会获得新功能或修复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/293330/how-to-install-kodi-on-your-amazon-fire-tv-or-fire-tv-stick/

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