ios 长按 放大镜_如何在iOS 10中将iPhone的相机用作放大镜

ios 长按 放大镜_如何在iOS 10中将iPhone的相机用作放大镜

ios 长按 放大镜

ios 长按 放大镜_如何在iOS 10中将iPhone的相机用作放大镜

If you’ve ever found yourself wishing you had a magnifying glass with you, iOS 10 can now serve as an excellent replacement. The new Magnifier–not to be confused with the Text Size and Zoom features that makes your on-screen text bigger–uses your phone’s camera and flashlight to make sure you can always read that receipt or dig out that splinter.

如果您曾经希望自己带一个放大镜,现在可以将iOS 10用作替代品。 新的放大镜(不要与使您的屏幕上的文本变大的文本大小和缩放功能混淆)使用手机的摄像头和手电筒,以确保您始终可以读取收据或挖出碎片。

如何启用放大镜 (How to Enable the Magnifier)

Before using the Magnifier, you’ll have to enable it. In Settings, tap “General.”

在使用放大镜之前,您必须先启用它。 在“设置”中,点击“常规”。

ios 长按 放大镜_如何在iOS 10中将iPhone的相机用作放大镜

On the General settings screen, tap “Accessibility.”


ios 长按 放大镜_如何在iOS 10中将iPhone的相机用作放大镜

On the Accessibility screen, tap the “Magnifier” setting.


ios 长按 放大镜_如何在iOS 10中将iPhone的相机用作放大镜

Turn on the “Magnifier” option. And if you want iOS to automatically set the default brightness and contrast when you open the Magnifier, go ahead and turn on the “Auto-Brightness” setting. You can always adjust them yourself when you’re using Magnifier, regardless of whether “Auto-Brightness” is turned on.

打开“放大镜”选项。 而且,如果您希望iOS在打开放大镜时自动设置默认的亮度和对比度,请继续并打开“自动亮度”设置。 使用放大镜时,无论是否打开“自动亮度”,都可以自己进行调整。

ios 长按 放大镜_如何在iOS 10中将iPhone的相机用作放大镜

And now that you’ve got Magnifier enabled, it’s time to put it to use.


如何使用放大镜 (How to Use the Magnifier)

To start the Magnifier, triple-click your Home button. If Magnifier is the only accessibility option you have enabled to use triple-click, Magnifier will open immediately. If you have more than one setting assigned to use triple-click, you’ll see a pop up menu with your options. Just tap “Magnifier.”

要启动放大镜,请三按“主页”按钮。 如果放大镜是您已启用使用三次单击的唯一辅助功能选项,则放大镜将立即打开。 如果您分配了多个设置来使用三次单击,则将看到一个包含选项的弹出菜单。 只需点击“放大镜”。

ios 长按 放大镜_如何在iOS 10中将iPhone的相机用作放大镜

The Magnifier opens to its lowest level zoom, which is pretty much no zoom at all. Below on the left, you can see the default zoom on some 4-point type. Slide the “Zoom” slider, though, and all is revealed.

放大镜打开到最低级别的缩放,几乎完全没有缩放。 在左下方,您可以看到某些4点类型的默认缩放比例。 但是,滑动“缩放”滑块,所有内容都会显示出来。

ios 长按 放大镜_如何在iOS 10中将iPhone的相机用作放大镜
ios 长按 放大镜_如何在iOS 10中将iPhone的相机用作放大镜

If you’re in a dark room–say, trying to read a receipt in a dimly-lit restaurant–you can turn on your flashlight to illuminate things by hitting the “Flashlight” button with the lightning bolt. And don’t worry, it uses a lower setting than the blinding default used by the normal flashlight (which, by the way, you can now change). If you’re having trouble with the focus going in and out at higher zoom levels, tap the “Lock” button to lock the focus and stabilize things a bit.

如果您在黑暗的房间里(例如,尝试在光线昏暗的餐厅中阅读收据),则可以用闪电击中“手电筒”按钮来打开手电筒以照亮事物。 不用担心,它使用的设置比普通手电筒使用的默认值低(顺便说一下, 您现在可以更改 )。 如果您在以较高的缩放级别来回移动焦点时遇到麻烦,请点按“锁定”按钮以锁定焦点并稍微稳定一下。

ios 长按 放大镜_如何在iOS 10中将iPhone的相机用作放大镜

Perhaps one of the best features of the Magnifier is the ability to freeze the frame and then look at it without having to hold your hand in place over what you’re looking at. Tap the big “Freeze Frame” button at the bottom center.

放大镜的最佳功能之一就是可以冻结框架然后看着它,而无需将手放在待查看内容上。 点击底部中心的大“冻结框架”按钮。

ios 长按 放大镜_如何在iOS 10中将iPhone的相机用作放大镜

Whatever you were looking at is captured and displayed full screen. You can move the screen around by dragging it and adjust the zoom level however you want. When you want return to the Magnifier, just tap the screen. Note that this doesn’t actually save a picture of what you’re looking at, but you can always take a screenshot of your captured image by pressing your Home and Power buttons at the same time.

无论您在看什么,都将捕获并全屏显示。 您可以通过拖动屏幕来移动屏幕,并根据需要调整缩放级别。 当您想返回放大镜时,只需点击屏幕。 请注意,这实际上并不会保存您正在查看的图片,但是您始终可以通过同时按下“主页”和“电源”按钮来拍摄捕获图像的屏幕截图

ios 长按 放大镜_如何在iOS 10中将iPhone的相机用作放大镜

Back on the main Magnifier screen, you also have a set of filters you can play with that might make what you’re looking at a little more visible. Just tap the “Filters” button.

回到“放大镜”主屏幕,您还可以使用一组过滤器,这些过滤器可以使您所看到的内容更加清晰可见。 只需点击“过滤器”按钮。

ios 长按 放大镜_如何在iOS 10中将iPhone的相机用作放大镜

At the top of the controls, you can slide left and right to select different color filters like “Yellow/Blue,” “Grayscale,” “Red/Black,” and more. You can also tap the “Invert Filters” button to invert the colors of whatever filter you have applied or just invert the normal colors if you have no filter applied. You can also use this screen to change brightness and contrast levels.

在控件的顶部,您可以左右滑动以选择不同的滤色器,例如“黄色/蓝色”,“灰度”,“红色/黑色”等等。 您也可以点击“反转滤镜”按钮来反转已应用的任何滤镜的颜色,或者如果您未应用滤镜,则仅反转正常的颜色。 您也可以使用此屏幕更改亮度和对比度。

ios 长按 放大镜_如何在iOS 10中将iPhone的相机用作放大镜
ios 长按 放大镜_如何在iOS 10中将iPhone的相机用作放大镜

The filter you choose will stay applied until you turn it off by disabling the Invert Filters switch and sliding the filter setting back to none. This means that once you set a filter, you can return to the main Magnifier screen by tapping the “Filters” button again. There, you can adjust zoom levels or take a freeze frame while your filter is still applied.

您选择的滤镜将保持应用状态,直到您通过禁用“反转滤镜”开关并将滤镜设置滑回无而将其关闭。 这意味着,一旦设置了滤镜,就可以再次点击“滤镜”按钮返回到放大镜主屏幕。 在那里,您可以在仍应用滤镜的同时调整缩放级别或拍摄定格画面。

All in all, Magnifier is a pretty handy addition for anyone, even if you don’t have difficulty reading fine print.



ios 长按 放大镜