noobs_如何通过NOOBS享受死的简单Raspberry Pi设置

noobs_如何通过NOOBS享受死的简单Raspberry Pi设置


noobs_如何通过NOOBS享受死的简单Raspberry Pi设置

If you’re looking for the simplest way to get started with your new Raspberry Pi, look no further. The Raspberry Pi foundation’s New Out Of Box Software (NOOBS) makes it easier than ever to get up and running with the powerful little project platform.

如果您正在寻找最简单的方式来开始使用新的Raspberry Pi,那就别无所求。 Raspberry Pi基金会的全新现成软件(NOOBS)使使用强大的小型项目平台启动和运行比以往更加容易。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

Installing an operating system on the Raspberry Pi isn’t the most difficult task in the world, but it does require a battery of tools and a little bit of know how. The New Out Of Box Software (NOOBS) system not only makes it extremely simple to go from a blank SD card to an installed copy of Rasbian, but it also comes prepackaged with alternative Raspberry Pi operating systems like Pidora (a Fedora-based build), RISC OS (a modern repackaging of the speedy 1990s ARM-based desktop operating system), Arch (an Arch Linux port for the Pi), and two distributions of XBMC: Raspbmc and OpenELEC.

在Raspberry Pi上安装操作系统并不是世界上最困难的任务,但是它确实需要大量工具和一些专门知识。 全新的开箱即用软件(NOOBS)系统不仅使从空白SD卡转到已安装的Rasbian副本极其简单,而且还预先包装了替代Raspberry Pi操作系统,例如Pidora(基于Fedora的版本) ,RISC OS(快速的1990年代基于ARM的桌面操作系统的现代重组),Arch(Pi的Arch Linux端口)和XBMC的两个发行版:Raspbmc和OpenELEC。

In other words, you can easily install and test drive any number of popular Raspberry Pi operating systems without so much as unpacking and wrestling with an operating system image file. The only real reason to forgo using NOOBS was if you desired to set up a multi-boot Raspberry Pi unit that allowed you to switch between installed operating systems.

换句话说,您可以轻松地安装和测试任何数量的流行Raspberry Pi操作系统,而无须解压缩操作系统映像文件即可。 放弃使用NOOBS的唯一真实原因是,如果您希望设置一个多引导Raspberry Pi单元,从而可以在已安装的操作系统之间进行切换。

Previously, you needed to use a boot-manager like BerryBoot to accomplish that goal. As of NOOBS v1.3, however, multi-boot functionality is included and even better than the multi-boot functionality in BerryBoot, as it does not share kernels between operating system installs. As a result, all your operating systems are effectively siloed;  if you make configuration changes like overclocking or changing the memory allocation in RaspBMC, you can leave your Rasbian install stock with the default allocation (or vice versa).

以前,您需要使用BerryBoot这样的启动管理器来实现该目标。 但是从NOOBS v1.3开始,它包含了多重启动功能,甚至比BerryBoot中的多重启动功能更好,因为它在操作系统安装之间不共享内核。 结果,您所有的操作系​​统都被有效地隔离了; 如果您进行配置更改(例如超频或更改RaspBMC中的内存分配),则可以将Rasbian安装存量保留为默认分配(反之亦然)。

为NOOBS做准备 (Prepping for NOOBS)

noobs_如何通过NOOBS享受死的简单Raspberry Pi设置

If you’re brand new to the Raspberry P,i we strongly recommend checking out our comprehensive startup guide to familiarize yourself with all the hardware requirements and the general layout of the Pi. Once you’re armed and ready with your Pi, SD card, and hardware peripherals, there is a tiny bit of prep work you should do before jumping into the project: properly formatting the SD card.

如果您是Raspberry P的新手,我们强烈建议您查看我们全面的启动指南,以熟悉Pi的所有硬件要求和总体布局。 武装好Pi,SD卡和硬件外围设备并做好准备后,进入项目之前,您需要做一些准备工作:正确格式化SD卡。

Windows and OS X users should use the SD Card Association’s formatting application; grab a copy for Windows here and OS X here. Linux users should use a format tool like Gparted for the same task. After downloading and installing the SDFormatter, fire it up with your SD card mounted. Make a quick stop in the options menu and make sure “Format Size Adjustment” is toggled on. After that, double check that you’ve selected the right piece of removable media and format it.

Windows和OS X用户应使用SD卡协会的格式化应用程序; 在此处获取WindowsOS X的副本。 Linux用户应使用像Gparted这样的格式工具来完成同一任务。 下载并安装SDFormatter后,请在安装SD卡的情况下启动它。 在选项菜单中快速停止并确保“格式大小调整”已打开。 之后,再次检查您是否选择了正确的可移动媒体并进行格式化。

Once the SD card is formatted, grab a copy of the NOOBS installer. The installer comes in two versions: Offline/Network and Network Only. The Offline version is large (1.1GB) and includes both the NOOBS installer and all the available installation images; once you have this copy, you no longer need internet access to complete the installation. The Network Only version is tiny (20MB) and includes just the NOOBS installer; as you select the individual operating systems you wish to install, they are downloaded from the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s central repository.

格式化SD卡后,获取NOOBS安装程序的副本。 安装程序有两个版本:脱机/网络和仅网络。 脱机版本很大(1.1GB),包括NOOBS安装程序和所有可用的安装映像。 拥有此副本后,就不再需要Internet访问即可完成安装。 “仅网络”版本很小(20MB),仅包括NOOBS安装程序。 当您选择要安装的各个操作系统时,它们将从Raspberry Pi Foundation的*存储库下载。

noobs_如何通过NOOBS享受死的简单Raspberry Pi设置

When the NOOBS installer has finished downloading, dump the contents of the .ZIP file onto your SD card (the contents of the full installer are shown above, those using the network installer with have an empty OS folder). After copying the required files over to the SD card, safely eject the card from your computer, place it into your powered down Raspberry Pi’s SD card slot, and power the system up.

当NOOBS安装程序完成下载后,将.ZIP文件的内容转储到SD卡上(完整安装程序的内容如上所示,那些使用网络安装程序的程序具有空OS文件夹)。 将所需文件复制到SD卡后,安全地从计算机弹出卡,将其放入关机的Raspberry Pi的SD卡插槽中,然后打开系统电源。

noobs_如何通过NOOBS享受死的简单Raspberry Pi设置

The first thing you’ll see is the screen above: the Raspberry Pi logo, a small box running some basic automated setup steps, and the instructions on the background that indicate you can switch into recovery mode by pressing up-arrow and Shift. (Although we didn’t need the recovery function because the whole process was nice and smooth, we did test it out. If anything goes wrong with your installation and you need to bring this installation wizard back up, up-arrow Shift is the way to do it.)

您会看到的第一件事是上面的屏幕:Raspberry Pi徽标,一个运行一些基本自动设置步骤的小框,以及背景说明,它们指示您可以通过按向上箭头和Shift进入恢复模式。 (尽管我们不需要恢复功能,因为整个过程很顺利而且很顺利,但是我们已经对其进行了测试。如果您的安装有任何问题,并且您需要恢复此安装向导,则向上箭头键是Shift的方法去做吧。)

Once the initialization process is done, you’ll be kicked into the NOOBS wizard like so:


noobs_如何通过NOOBS享受死的简单Raspberry Pi设置

The process is about as painless as it gets. As of this tutorial, there are seven operating systems available. Rasbian (the standard Debian Wheezy port), Rasbian (a boots-right-to-Scratch, lightweight and beginner-oriented programming platform popular on Raspberry Pis), Arch Linux, Pidora (a Fedora branch optimized for the Pi), OpenELEC (an XBMC branch), RaspBMC (an XBMC branch specifically tweaked for the Pi), and RISC OS (a revival of a very lightweight and snappy 1980s/1990s era Acorn-based OS optimized for the Pi).

该过程将尽其所能。 截至本教程,共有七个操作系统。 Rasbian(标准的Debian Wheezy端口),Rasbian(在Raspberry Pis上很流行的从头到尾,轻量级且面向初学者的编程平台),Arch Linux,Pidora(为Pi优化的Fedora分支),OpenELEC( XBMC分支),RaspBMC(专门针对Pi进行了调整的XBMC分支)和RISC OS(非常轻巧且活泼的1980年代/ 1990年代针对Pi进行了优化的基于Acorn的OS的复兴)。

The only thing you really need to pay attention to in this step is the Disk space portion of the wizard’s display. Just installing Rasbian and Pidora sucks up around 4GB of our 16GB SD card. If you want to install all available operating systems and have room left to play, you’ll definitely want to use a 32GB card.

在此步骤中,您唯一真正需要注意的是向导显示的“磁盘空间”部分。 仅安装Rasbian和Pidora就会占用我们16GB SD卡中的约4GB。 如果您想安装所有可用的操作系统并有足够的可用空间,则肯定要使用32GB的卡。

After making your selections, simply click the install button or press I on your keyboard:


noobs_如何通过NOOBS享受死的简单Raspberry Pi设置

We’ve already properly formatted our card, so this isn’t a concern. Press Yes to confirm.

我们已经正确格式化了卡的内容,因此无需担心。 按是确认。

noobs_如何通过NOOBS享受死的简单Raspberry Pi设置

At this point, you’ll want to grab a cup of coffee; it takes a pretty decent chunk of time to unpack and install all the operating systems (even longer if you’re using the lighter weight on-demand network-based installer). If you have nothing else better to do than stare at it and wait, at least the NOOBS designers had the courtesy to turn the installer into a slideshow highlighting features and resources for all the operating systems you’re installing.

此时,您将要喝杯咖啡。 解压缩和安装所有操作系统需要花费相当多的时间(如果您使用的是轻量级的基于网络的按需安装程序,则需要更长的时间)。 如果您除了盯着等待没有其他更好的选择,至少NOOBS设计师有礼貌地将安装程序转换为幻灯片,以突出显示要安装的所有操作系统的功能和资源。

noobs_如何通过NOOBS享受死的简单Raspberry Pi设置

Once the process is finished, you can boot right into your installed operating systems. On each subsequent startup, you’ll be given a 10 second window to select your OS before it boots into the last-used operating system.

该过程完成后,您可以直接启动到已安装的操作系统。 在随后的每次启动时,系统将在启动进入最后使用的操作系统之前,为您提供10秒钟的窗口来选择您的操作系统。

You will need to go through the setup process for each operating system the first time you boot it (remember, NOOBS siloes your installations, so there are no shared variables or config files).


下一步是什么? (What’s Next?)

noobs_如何通过NOOBS享受死的简单Raspberry Pi设置

With the NOOBS installation out of the way and your operating systems configured, it’s time to play with your easier-than-ever-to-set-up Raspberry Pi. Here’s a list of some of our fun and helpful Raspberry Pi projects to cut your teeth on:

无需安装NOOBS并配置了操作系统,现在就可以使用比以往更容易设置的Raspberry Pi玩游戏。 以下列出了一些有趣且有用的Raspberry Pi项目,以帮助您:

Have a Raspberry Pi project you’d love to see us tackle? Join in the conversation below and let us know.

有一个您希望看到我们解决的Raspberry Pi项目吗? 加入下面的对话,让我们知道。

