

Custom development is different from commercially distributed software or existing open source software. Individual development either creates a new application or expands the functionality of an existing one and can be executed by its own or third-party developers.

定制开发不同于商业发行的软件或现有的开源软件。 单个开发既可以创建一个新应用程序,也可以扩展现有应用程序的功能,并且可以由其自己或第三方开发人员执行。

定制开发是成功的关键 (Custom Development is The Key to Success)

Today, automation systems vary and each one is designed to solve an important problem. They can reduce costs, improve quality and yield, increase operator safety and increase production levels.

如今,自动化系统千差万别,每个系统都旨在解决一个重要问题。 它们可以降低成本,提高质量和产量,提高操作员安全性并提高生产水平。

Custom development designed to meet a specific user or group of users needs accurately. Is usually created only for this particular organization by a third party under a contract or its development team and couldn't be resale.

定制开发旨在准确满足特定用户或一组用户的需求。 通常仅由第三方根据合同或其开发团队为该特定组织创建,不能转售。

The key to success is understanding what needs to be automated and how best to achieve this within a business, taking into account budget and schedule.



定制开发专家 (Custom Development Pros)

The advantage of user development is the simple fact that it provides functions that are not in the finished product. Developing an application tailored to the needs of the organization implies an increase in productivity.

用户开发的优点是简单的事实,即它提供的功能不是最终产品中的功能。 开发适合组织需求的应用程序意味着提高生产率。

If there is an application designed to improve the performance or meet internal needs, its cost is offset by increased efficiency. If a company needs to be unique enough to guarantee a custom application, then customizing the solution, rather than selecting a complete app, becomes a reasonable solution.

如果存在旨在提高性能或满足内部需求的应用程序,那么其成本将被效率提高所抵消。 如果公司需要足够独特以保证自定义应用程序,则自定义解决方案而不是选择完整的应用程序将成为合理的解决方案。

定制开发缺点 (Custom Development Cons)

Considering that you can purchase off-the-shelf development for dollars, the specialized app requires significantly more resources to develop and, therefore, is costly and risky. When a company decides to start custom development, it must cover all costs associated with the work process. In the end, the cost alone can make up a five-digit range. The off-the-shelf app can afford a low price because the value is distributed among many different users, while the user software is created for one user, the company.

考虑到您可以以美元购买现成的开发程序,因此专用应用程序需要大量资源进行开发,因此成本高昂且具有风险。 当公司决定开始定制开发时,它必须承担与工作流程相关的所有费用。 最后,仅成本一项就可以构成五位数的范围。 现成的应用程序可以以低廉的价格提供服务,因为价值是在许多不同的用户之间分配的,而用户软件是为一个用户(公司)创建的。

A purchasing company must have a deep understanding of its needs and how it wants the final product to satisfy this need. Identifying new needs during the development process is not uncommon, although this leads to additional costs since it takes more time and effort to develop. The risk of frequent changes can lead to a loss of project volume or creep, as it is called in the world of project management, and can lead to the fact that the final product will differ or not correspond to the initial needs.

采购公司必须对自己的需求以及最终产品如何满足这种需求有深刻的了解。 在开发过程中识别新需求并不少见,尽管这会导致额外的成本,因为这需要花费更多的时间和精力进行开发。 频繁更改的风险可能导致项目数量或蠕变的损失,这在项目管理领域中是众所周知的,并且可能导致最终产品与初始需求不同或不相符的事实。

我们的哪些工具包以及我们可以构建什么? (Which Our Toolkit and What We Can Build?)

Custom web development requires different technologies. Depending on what the client wants, we can analyze and select the best tools. The Amoniac team can combine several technologies to create exactly what the client’s business needs.

定制Web开发需要不同的技术。 根据客户的需求,我们可以分析并选择最佳工具。 Amoniac团队可以结合多种技术来完全满足客户的业务需求。

We create both back end and front end solutions. For this, we use main toolkit technologies such as Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, Golang, Vue.js.

我们同时创建后端和前端解决方案。 为此,我们使用主要的工具箱技术,例如Ruby on Rails,PostgreSQL,JavaScript,Golang,Vue.js。


CRM系统 (CRM Systems)

We create a strategy for managing an organization's relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers. A CRM system helps companies stay connected to customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability.

我们创建战略来管理组织与客户和潜在客户的关系和互动。 CRM系统可帮助公司与客户保持联系,简化流程并提高盈利能力。

Like an example, our case Ninja CRM that Created for digital marketing agency Exposure Ninja allows organizing the entire database of the company's clients. Both the agency manager and the client have the opportunity to communicate freely in the system, without using third-party mail services, using the instant messenger and CRM mail. All personal information about the agency's manager and the client is displayed in the user account, as well as a list of ordered services, current questions, documents, and reports.

例如,我们为数字营销机构Exposure Ninja创建的案例Ninja CRM允许组织公司客户的整个数据库。 代理经理和客户都有机会在系统中*交流,而无需使用即时通讯程序和CRM邮件使用第三方邮件服务。 有关代理机构经理和客户的所有个人信息将显示在用户帐户中,以及订购服务,当前问题,文档和报告的列表。

电子商务决策 (E­-commerce Decisions)

Online purchasing capabilities are crucial for online businesses, stores, and any company that wants to accept virtual payments. Our e-commerce web development services stand out for being reliable, secure, convenient, and highly customized.

在线购买功能对于在线企业,商店以及任何想要接受虚拟支付的公司都至关重要。 我们的电子商务网站开发服务以可靠,安全,方便和高度定制化而著称。

Like an example our case Supplier Portal Platform for the online store operating under the dropshipping model. Connects to final suppliers and gift cards retailers through API or email and allows processing orders very fast. Automatically generates invoices and credit notes for ordered products.

像一个例子,我们的案例是在直销模式下运行的在线商店的供应商门户平台。 通过API或电子邮件与最终供应商和礼品卡零售商建立联系,并允许非常快速地处理订单。 自动为订购产品生成发票和贷方通知单。

广告平台 (Advertising Platforms)

We create beautiful web-based apps that can handle high volumes of traffic and collect insightful data. These apps may be standalone, or we can integrate them seamlessly with larger web projects.

我们创建了漂亮的基于Web的应用程序,可以处理大量流量并收集有洞察力的数据。 这些应用程序可以是独立的,也可以将它们与大型Web项目无缝集成。

For example, Natify paid media platform for the B2B market that connects personalized content with target audiences via the programmatic technology. Has own analytics system and integrates with the top marketing automation systems. Generates higher engagement and ROI.

例如,用于B2B市场的Natify付费媒体平台可通过编程技术将个性化内容与目标受众联系起来。 拥有自己的分析系统,并与*的营销自动化系统集成。 产生更高的参与度和投资回报率。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/501952/
