http shield_如何在打开SHIELD Android TV时自动打开电视

http shield_如何在打开SHIELD Android TV时自动打开电视

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http shield_如何在打开SHIELD Android TV时自动打开电视

It’s a little thing, but having your TV turn on automatically when you turn on your Android TV box is nice. The thing is, not all Android TVs support this, which is just one of the many things that makes the NVIDIA SHIELD console the best Android TV box out there.

这是一件小事,但是当您打开Android电视盒时,自动打开电视是不错的选择。 问题是,并非所有的Android电视都支持此功能,这只是使NVIDIA SHIELD控制台成为目前最好的Android电视盒的众多功能之一。

If you have a SHIELD, there’s a super easy to way to allow it to control your TV—that means both turning it on and off with the unit. It uses the same method used by countless other devices to do this: HDMI-CEC, which stands for HDMI Consumer Electronics Control.

如果您有SHIELD,有一种超级简单的方法可以让它控制电视,这意味着可以使用本机打开和关闭它。 它使用了无数其他设备所使用的相同方法: HDMI-CEC ,代表HDMI消费电子控制。

Before you do anything on your SHIELD unit, however, you must first enable this feature on your TV. The process varies across different manufacturers’ sets, so refer to your TV’s manual or the company’s website to find out how. (Keep in mind that it may have a different name depending on your TV—Samsung calls it Anynet+, LG calls it SimpLink, and so on.)

但是,在SHIELD单元上执行任何操作之前,必须先在电视上启用此功能。 该过程因制造商的不同设置而异,因此请参阅您的电视手册或该公司的网站以了解操作方法。 (请记住,根据电视的不同,其名称可能有所不同-三星称其为Anynet +,LG称其为SimpLink, 依此类推 。)

Once you’ve got CEC enabled on your TV, jump into the Settings menu on SHIELD.


http shield_如何在打开SHIELD Android TV时自动打开电视

From there, scroll over to the “HDMI” entry and click it.

从那里,滚动到“ HDMI”条目,然后单击它。

http shield_如何在打开SHIELD Android TV时自动打开电视

This menu is pretty straightforward, and the option you’re looking for is the first one: HDMI-CEC.


http shield_如何在打开SHIELD Android TV时自动打开电视

This menu is simple and only offers two options: Auto turn on TV and Auto turn off TV.


http shield_如何在打开SHIELD Android TV时自动打开电视

These are both pretty much self-explanatory, so enabled the ones you’ll actually use. Personally, I don’t need SHIELD to turn my TV off, so I have no reason to toggle that one on.

这些几乎都是不言自明的,因此启用了您将实际使用的功能。 就个人而言,我不需要SHIELD即可关闭电视,因此我没有理由将其打开。

http shield_如何在打开SHIELD Android TV时自动打开电视

Once you’ve toggled either (or both!) to “On,” you’re done. Now when you turn the SHIELD on (or wake it from sleep), the TV will turn on automatically. Along the same lines, if you have it on a different input, SHIELD will automatically force a switch when you turn the unit on.

一旦将其中一个(或两者都)切换为“打开”,就完成了。 现在,当您打开SHIELD(或从睡眠状态唤醒)时,电视将自动打开。 同样,如果您在其他输入上使用它,则在打开设备电源时,SHIELD会自动强制执行开关。

As an aside, when you’ve enabled CEC on your TV, some units will be able to control SHIELD with the TV remote. It’s neat.

顺便说一句,当您在电视上启用CEC时,某些设备将能够使用电视遥控器控制SHIELD。 干净利落


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