http shield_很快您就可以使用Google Assistant控制NVIDIA SHIELD

http shield_很快您就可以使用Google Assistant控制NVIDIA SHIELD

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http shield_很快您就可以使用Google Assistant控制NVIDIA SHIELD

The NVIDIA SHIELD is the quintessential Android TV box. It’s been the face of Google’s smart TV platform for years now, and it’s about to get a whole lot better. NVIDIA announced some new integration with Google Home, and it makes the SHIELD so much better.

NVIDIA SHIELD是典型的Android电视盒。 多年来,它一直是Google智能电视平台的代表,并且将变得越来越好。 NVIDIA宣布与Google Home进行一些新的集成,这使SHIELD变得更好。

您今天能做什么? (What Can You Do Today?)

The NVIDIA SHIELD has already let users do some things with Google Assistant commands. You can do the same things that you can do with any Android TV: ask Google to show a specific video on YouTube, bring up playlists in Google Play Music, or bring up a photo album in Google Photos.

NVIDIA SHIELD已经允许用户使用Google Assistant命令执行某些操作。 您可以执行与任何Android TV相同的操作:要求Google在YouTube上显示特定视频,在Google Play音乐中显示播放列表,或在Google相册中显示相册。

接下来是什么? (What’s Coming Next?)

http shield_很快您就可以使用Google Assistant控制NVIDIA SHIELD

Those commands were great—and they’ll still work—but now Google Assistant will almost be able to replace your SHIELD remote entirely. You’ll be able to use your voice to turn the SHIELD on and off, open any app, change or mute volume, play a specific show from some services.

这些命令很棒,并且仍然可以使用,但是现在Google Assistant几乎可以完全替换SHIELD遥控器了。 您将可以使用声音打开和关闭SHIELD,打开任何应用程序,更改或静音音量,从某些服务播放特定节目。

You’ll need a Google Home or another Google Assistant device with a microphone, and the update should be rolling out to you soon. NVIDIA has the full list of commands on its site, so you know just what to say to your machine. 

您将需要一台带麦克风的Google Home或其他Google Assistant设备,并且此更新应尽快推出。 NVIDIA在其站点上提供了完整的命令列表 ,因此您只知道对计算机说什么。

为什么这么酷? (Why is This Cool?)

http shield_很快您就可以使用Google Assistant控制NVIDIA SHIELD

Voice commands are cool, but the SHIELD already has a nice remote and controller for getting around the interface. Well, you may have times when the remote or controller is all the way over there (points to a far away corner of the living room). You don’t want to interrupt your epic Netflix binge to walk across the room. So just use your voice.

语音命令很酷,但是SHIELD已经有了一个不错的遥控器和控制器,可以绕过界面。 好吧,有时候遥控器或控制器一直在那边(指向客厅的一个角落)。 您不想打断史诗般的Netflix狂欢来走过整个房间。 因此,请使用您的声音。

On a more serious note, you may know some who’s a bit hard of seeing, or who is losing sensation in their fingers. Yeah, they can see what’s on the TV, but they struggle a bit finding the exact button they need to press. Since they could open their favorite app with their voice, that’s not a problem. And that’s super cool.

更严重的是,您可能会知道有些人很难看见,或者手指失去知觉。 是的,他们可以看到电视上的内容,但是他们很难找到需要按下的确切按钮。 由于他们可以用自己的声音打开自己喜欢的应用程序,所以这不是问题。 那太酷了。

This update will be rolling out to SHIELD users this month, but if you want to give it a go now you need only restart your SHIELD. After that, you’ll get the update within a day. Neat.

该更新将在本月向SHIELD用户推出,但是如果您现在就尝试,则只需重新启动SHIELD。 之后,您将在一天内获得更新。 整齐。

Source: NVIDIA

资料来源: NVIDIA


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