geek_How-To Geek正在招聘程序员

geek_How-To Geek正在招聘程序员


geek_How-To Geek正在招聘程序员

How-To Geek has grown a ton in the last few years—we brought on a great new Editor-in-Chief, hired a bunch of new writers, and we’ve branched out into new areas. So why am I still doing the programming?

在过去的几年中,How-To Geek增长了很多 ,我们聘请了 一位出色的新主编 ,并聘请了许多新作家 ,而且我们已经涉足新领域 。 那么为什么我仍在进行编程?

Before starting this site, I had spent most of my career working as a programmer, so it only made sense at the beginning to just do all the code myself. But as we have grown over the years, it has been more difficult to keep up.

在开始创建本站点之前,我一生的大部分时间都是程序员,因此,一开始只自己编写所有代码才有意义。 但是随着我们这些年来的成长,跟上它的步伐变得更加困难。

Now that we are one of the top 500 websites in the US (and top 1000 in the world), the time has finally come to hand off the development to somebody more talented and passionate about writing great code.

现在,我们已经成为美国排名前500位的网站之一 (全球排名前1000位),现在是时候将开发工作移交给更有才华和热情的人来编写伟大的代码了。

我们在寻找什么 (What We’re Looking For)

We’re looking for a motivated, self-starting, experienced programmer that also has experience managing Linux web servers in a high-traffic environment.

我们正在寻找一个积极进取,经验丰富,经验丰富的程序员,并且他们在高流量环境中管理Linux Web服务器方面也具有丰富的经验。

geek_How-To Geek正在招聘程序员

What that means in non-buzzword lingo is that we’ve got a lot of traffic and I don’t have the time or desire to micro-manage you. You’ll need to get things done without me having to bug you all the time—and the servers need to always stay running and secure, so this shouldn’t be your first rodeo.

在非流行术语中,这意味着我们的流量很大,我没有时间或渴望微管理您。 您需要完成所有工作,而无需我总是打扰您-并且服务器需要始终保持运行和安全,因此这不应该成为您的第一场竞赛。

We’re using WordPress/PHP and a lot of other technology to run this site, but the ideal candidate will have experience outside of just WordPress since we need to build a lot of new technology.

我们正在使用WordPress / PHP和许多其他技术来运行此站点,但是理想的候选人将只有WordPress以外的经验,因为我们需要构建许多新技术。

Since we are an internet company without an office, you’ll be expected to work from home in your pajamas. Note: we are only accepting US-based candidates at this time.

由于我们是一家没有办公室的互联网公司,因此您应该穿着睡衣在家中工作。 注意:我们目前仅接受美国境内的候选人。

This is a full-time job with health insurance, 401k, and lots of vacation time.


如何申请 (How to Apply)

To make things simple, we’re using Stack Overflow Jobs to handle the application process, so you can head over there to see the details of the job and apply.


Be sure to read everything carefully to decide if it’s the job for you.


Apply at Stack Overflow Jobs


