


KISS 原则是用户体验的高层境界,简单地理解这句话,就是要把一个产品做得连白痴都会用,因而也被称为“懒人原则”。换句话说来,“简单就是美”。同样在SAP系统的二次开发中适用,其核心思想就是“解耦,解耦,再解耦”,职责单一化,功能单一化为以后的维护和重构都会带来极大的便利。



The KISS principle says that you should always choose the simplest solution for a problem. KISS is an acronym and can have any of the following meanings (the list is not exhaustive):

KISS 原则是说你应该总该为一个问题选择最简单的解决方案。KISS其实是一个缩略词,可以有以下任何含义(列表并不详尽):

  1. Keep it simple, stupid.
  2. Keep it small and simple.
  3. Keep it sweet and simple.
  4. Keep it simple and straightforward.
  5. Keep it short and simple.
  6. Keep it simple and smart.
  7. Keep it strictly simple.

The basic statement of the KISS principle is similar to Occam’s razor, which says that in science the preferred theory is the one that makes fewest assumptions to explain observations (see Wikipedia entry on the KISS principle).

关于KISS 原理的基本陈述类似于奥卡姆剃刀定律,它是说在科学中,首选的理论是用最少的假设来解释观察结果的理论(参见*关于KISS原理的条目)。

Tip:奥卡姆剃刀定律(Occam's Razor, Ockham's Razor)又称“奥康的剃刀”,它是由14世纪英格兰的逻辑学家、圣方济各会修士奥卡姆的威廉(William of Occam,约1285年至1349年)提出。这个原理称为“如无必要,勿增实体”,即“简单有效原理”。正如他在《箴言书注》2卷15题说“切勿浪费较多东西去做,用较少的东西,同样可以做好的事情。”





Follow the KISS principle

Follow the KISS principle, and limit the complexity of your programs as far as possible.





The best solution to a problem is usually the one that is as simple, minimalist, and easy to understand as possible, while ensuring stability, understandability, and maintainability in addition to functional correctness.

There are plenty of bad examples of the KISS principle. Why is this?

1、Programs are too complex right from the start. This can be due to poor design or simply a rash, undisciplined programming style.

2、Programs are maintained for lengthy periods. Instead of creating new implementations for old and new functions together, new functions are simply added (usually using IF control structures) to old functions. Programs that were initially simple thus become ever more complex, although this is not justified by the complexity of the task at hand.

To develop according to the KISS principle, you should ensure right from the start that the complexity of the program remains manageable. Rules that support this approach relate to the structure and style of programs, in particular comments and complexity.








If existing programs do not follow the KISS principle, and these programs need to be further developed, we recommend refactoring as appropriate. Refactoring refers to the process of manually or automatically improving the structure of programs while retaining the observable program behavior. It improves legibility, understandability, maintainability, and extensibility, as well as considerably reducing the related effort for troubleshooting and functional enhancements (see Wikipedia entry on refactoring). The (incremental) refactoring of an existing program is not only useful for following the above rule, but also for all following rules.

The refactoring of existing code is supported by the required coverage by unit tests. Comprehensive unit tests can ensure that a program behaves in the same way after the refactoring process.





The figure below shows the structure of a method that does not follow the KISS principle. The method consists of approximately 160 statements and reaches a nesting depth of 12 levels. The method, which is only illustrated schematically, is a real example from a live ABAP program, which reached the state shown on the left after continuous additional developments. The method had become so complex that it was practically impossible to make another necessary change, and the developer was forced to refactor in line with the KISS principle.



The result is illustrated on the right of the figure. By splitting the method M into three methods, each with less than 100 statements and a maximum nesting depth of 5 levels, manageable modularization units were generated, which follow the rules for complexity, and allow the required modification to be made. Ideally, however, the state shown on the left side of the figure should never occur.
