
Integrating IIoT equipment

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) equipment should be integrated even into older manufacturing systems to optimize facility and system operations. Think you’re using IIoT technologies? Are you adding sensors in 12 steps or 6 steps?

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has been brought up in the media, and many mainstream instrumentation and controls vendors even remarket their existing product lines as IIoT products. Engineers often suggest they’ve “been doing IIoT for years.” However, there is a lack of understanding around IIoT. What the industry has been doing often differs from what IIoT promises. Just like calling a goose a duck, it’s incorrect.
Yes, the sensors used in manufacturing are becoming smarter and better connected. Yes, they are coming with onboard web configuration interfaces, but are they really IIoT? What does the process of implementing additional sensors into manufacturing systems using traditional methods look like?
Adding sensors in 12 steps
For example, if a proximity switch was going to be added to a manufacturing line to count the number of units produced, the process would include the following steps:
1. Identify the need
2. Define requirements and specify hardware and cabling
3. Identify an open contact on a digital input module or add an expensive high-speed counting module, depending on speed requirements and engineering in step one
4. Purchase the sensor
5. Mechanically install the proximity switch
6. Wait for downtime on production systems
7. Add a new module to the programmable logic controller (PLC) rack, if needed
8. Run wire from the proximity switch to the input module
9. Modify the PLC program to execute logic based on the new functionality to count pulses and identify when the counter will roll over to avoid an overflow situation 

10. Test the PLC program logic
11. Create a human-machine interface (HMI) display to use production counts, or configure a historian to log production counts
12. Optionally, take additional steps to tie the new counter into higher level manufacturing execution system (MES)/line performance system to capture overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).
To add one sensor and leverage the information it provides, writing the PLC code, and building the appropriate applications require a significant time and money investment. This becomes even more challenging if the equipment is aging and doesn’t currently have a PLC, as there are still mechanical manufacturing lines operating today. For example, a few years back, a pie shell machine was in operation and was comprised entirely of motors, gears, pulleys, and relays—not one PLC. Don’t assume that because the system is old, the need to gather smart data metrics diminishes. Many vendors would recommend adding a PLC to this system to gather critical production metrics—requiring designing a control panel, electrical wiring, and buying a PLC with an input/output (I/O).
Adding sensors in 6 steps
Now, let’s compare this process with a modern IIoT implementation process:
1. Identify the need
2. Purchase the IIoT device and sensor
3. Mechanically install the proximity switch
4. Connect the IIoT device to a wireless network, hardwired ethernet, or purchase the IIoT device with onboard 2G/3G connectivity already activated
5. Plug into 120 V or 24 Vdc power
6. Create an account in the cloud web application.
Done. No engineering. No coding. Just plug-and-play. Personnel can walk down to the plant floor from the boardroom and have a wealth of collected data within an hour. Data may include being able to count parts, display and trend, downtime metrics. Added capabilities may include access to downtime metrics, mean time between failures (MTBF), mean time to repair (MTTR), OEE, and other analytics. For example, if a worker were to place an internet browser window near the line, stop causes would be received that were selected by a prepopulated list from the operator, allowing the worker to analyze production stoppages.
The total cost for this would be approximately $150 per month, per sensor, with unlimited users—a cost that would report a big return on investment.
IIoT acceleration
As a system integrator, this could be quite unnerving. There has been gradual shift from original equipment manufacturers (OEM) vendors to minimize the friction for implementing their products and lower the total cost of implementation by reducing the labor of system integration.
So why is IIoT a game changer? For example, at a house, each floor may have its own HVAC unit, totaling three unique systems that operate independent of each other. These systems have no onboard Ethernet or wireless connectivity. Like many machines and systems existing on plant floors, they’re disconnected and self-contained operational units. By connecting smart thermostats, in less than an hour, all three units were connected to the internet and operating together. To turn the heat on, all units can be switched to that mode through a mobile device. A central supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system
can offer control and monitoring capabilities, and the units no longer operate independently. Built-in analytics and smart control features are included saving money and increasing operational efficiency.
Smarter, faster systems
This is the true power of IIoT—making existing systems smarter, without a rip-and-replace.
This is the future of manufacturing—purpose-built applications with a mixture of computing and control at the edge, connected to cloud-based applications with ready-to-go analytics.
Many manufacturers were left behind during the Industry 3.0 movement while others are in states of “islands of automation” with disconnected assets. In many cases, moving from disconnected production assets to enterprise connected assets with traditional engineering could mean either a complete re-control or rip-and-replace. This requires huge capital investment for systems that may still be functioning profitably. The need for data to drive decisions is increasing.
IIoT allows manufacturers to smart-enable their assets to potentially save thousands in operational expenditure funding, and tens of millions of dollars in capital expenditure funding. IIoT means smarter production systems now, with minimal investment costs. 



Adapt适应 Prescriptive Enterprise规范企业

Leveraging Analytics and AI
Investing in multiple areas of Industry 4.0


Predict - “When”预测 - “何时” Connected Enterprise连接企业

Vertical/Horizontal Data Flow
Beginning to invest in Industry 4.0


Understand - “Why”明白 - “为什么” Islands of Information信息孤岛

Highly connected systems | Disjointed Information
No Vertical/Horizontal data flow

高度连接的系统| 脱节的信息

Visibility - “What”可见性 - “什么” Integrated Automation综合自动化

Highly connected systems/networked
Built/Recontrol in 21st century


Lack of System Connectivity缺乏系统连接 Islands of Automation自动化孤岛

Mix of Legacy and Modern Automation
Stand-Alone Systems


Need for Digitization - Blind Operations需要数字化 - 盲目操作

Legacy/Mechanical Automation


Minimal investments
Requires retool/recontrol to move


To move up the digitization continuum can be cost prohibitive, until now. IIoT helps any organization capture critical data using low-cost edge devices, skipping layers at relatively little cost. Courtesy: Avid Solutions



要添加一个传感器并利用它提供的信息,编写PLC代码以及构建适当的应用程序需要大量的时间和金钱投入。如果设备老化并且目前没有PLC,这将变得更具挑战性,因为目前仍有机械生产线运行。例如,几年前,一台馅饼壳机器正在运行,它完全由电机,齿轮,皮带轮和继电器组成 - 而不是一台PLC。不要认为因为系统已经过时,收集智能数据指标的需求会减少。许多供应商会建议在该系统中添加PLC以收集关键的生产指标 - 需要设计控制面板,电线和购买带输入/输出(I / O)的PLC。
4.将IIoT设备连接到无线网络,硬连线以太网,或购买已**板载2G / 3G连接的IIoT设备
5.插入120 V或24 Vdc电源
对于每个传感器,每个传感器的总成本约为150美元,用户数量不受限制 - 这一成本将带来巨大的投资回报。

这是IIoT的真正力量 - 使现有系统更加智能,无需拆除。
IIoT允许制造商智能化其资产,可以节省数千美元的运营支出资金,以及数千万美元的资本支出资金。 IIoT意味着现在更智能的生产系统,投资成本最低。


到目前为止,向上移动数字化连续体可能成本过高。 IIoT可帮助任何组织使用低成本边缘设备捕获关键数据,以相对较低的成本跳过层。礼貌:Avid解决方案