一、jQuery $(document).ready()执行顺序-------------二、jquery $(document).ready() 与windo

jQuery $(document).ready()执行顺序


While JavaScript provides the load event for executing code when a page is rendered, this event does not get triggered until all assets such as images have been completely received. In most cases, the script can be run as soon as the DOM hierarchy has been fully constructed. The handler passed to .ready() is guaranteed to be executed after the DOM is ready, so this is usually the best place to attach all other event handlers and run other jQuery code.

当页面DOM 元素全部加载完毕后就执行.ready()。

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <span>This page is shown to understand '$(document).ready()' in jQuery. <br /><span>
        If you see this line, it means DOM hierarchy has been loaded. NOW loading jQuery from server and execute JS...<br /><br />
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
        document.write('The JS is doing sth after DOM loaded and before executing $(document).ready()...<br /><br />');
        //alert('The JS is doing sth after DOM loaded and before executing $(document).ready()...');
        document.write('DOM is loaded and $(document).ready() will now be executed!<br /><br />');
        //alert('DOM is loaded and $(document).ready() will now be executed!');
        $(document).ready(function () {
            $(document.body).append("$(document).ready() is now been executed!!!<br /><br />");
            //alert("$(document).ready() is now been executed!!!");


This page is shown to understand '$(document).ready()' in jQuery. 
If you see this line, it means DOM hierarchy has been loaded. NOW loading jQuery from server and execute JS...
The JS is doing sth after DOM loaded and before executing $(document).ready()...
DOM is loaded and $(document).ready() will now be executed!
$(document).ready() is now been executed!!!





一、jQuery $(document).ready()执行顺序-------------二、jquery $(document).ready() 与windo


另外,需要注意一点,由于在 $(document).ready() 方法内注册的事件,只要 DOM 就绪就会被执行,因此可能此时元素的关联文件未下载完。例如与图片有关的 html 下载完毕,并且已经解析为 DOM 树了,但很有可能图片还没有加载完毕,所以例如图片的高度和宽度这样的属性此时不一定有效。要解决这个问题,可以使用 Jquery 中另一个关于页面加载的方法 ---load() 方法。 Load() 方法会在元素的 onload 事件中绑定一个处理函数。如果处理函数绑定给 window 对象,则会在所有内容 ( 包括窗口、框架、对象和图像等 ) 加载完毕后触发,如果处理函数绑定在元素上,则会在元素的内容加载完毕后触发。
Jquery 代码如下: 
$(window).load(function (){ 
// 编写代码 
});等价于 JavaScript 中的以下代码 
Window.onload = function (){ 
// 编写代码 