

本文为美国科罗拉多大学(作者:Michael Wilson Otte)的博士论文,共194页。






(3)提出了一个动态团队版本的Any-Com C-FOREST,它允许多个机器人团队形成合力,然后随着机器人在环境中移动而重新组织。每个团队充当一个ad-hoc分布式计算机来解决其复合机器人的公共路径规划问题。限制团队只包括冲突的机器人提高算法性能,因为它大大降低了每个团队必须解决的问题的计算复杂度。仅通过发生冲突的配置空间的子集重新规划具有类似的计算优势。

Robust autonomous robotic systems must usecomplete or probabilistically complete path planning algorithms when lessexpensive methods fail (where completeness is the algorithmic property of beingable to find a solution to a problem when one exists). However, these methodsare sometimes so computationally complex that a solution cannot be found withina reasonable amount of time. Communication between robots tends to increasecompleteness and reduce computational complexity; however, communicationquality is environmentally dependent and often beyond control of the user orsystem. Previous approaches to the multi-robot path planning problem have eachbeen tailored to a single point within the completeness vs. computational vs.communication state space, and are often ill-equipped to solve problems outsidetheir design envelope. In contrast, I believe that truly robust multi-robotnavigation can only be achieved by algorithms that automatically tune theirperformance within this state space to maximize performance vs. each problemthe system faces. My personal bias is to maximize algorithmic completenesswhile respecting the computational resource and communication quality that iscurrently available. In order to be useful, the resulting solutions must becalculated within a reasonable amount of time. I also believe that it makessense to divide the computational effort of finding multi-robot path planningsolutions among all robots that the solution will benefit. This can beaccomplished by recasting a networked team of robots as an ad-hoc distributedcomputer—allowing the team’s computational resources to be pooled increases thecomplexity of problems that can be solved within a particular amount of time.However, distributed computation in an ad-hoc framework must respect the factthat communication between computational nodes (i.e., robots) is usuallyunreliable. I propose the thesis “Sharing Any-Time search progress over anad-hoc distributed computer that is created from a dynamic team of robotsenables probabilistically complete, centralized, multirobot path-planningacross a broad class of instances with varied complexity, communicationquality, and computational resources.” The work presented in this dissertationin support of my thesis can be divided into three related areas of focus. (1) Ipropose a new distributed planning concept called Coupled Forests Of RandomEngrafting Search Trees (C-FOREST), and demonstrate that it has parallelizationefficiency greater than 1 for many problems. (2) I propose using a robotic teamas an ad-hoc distributed computing cluster, and demonstrate that when C-FORESTis run on this type of architecture it is able to exploit perfect communicationwhen it exists, but also has graceful performance declines as communicationquality deteriorates. I coin the term “Any-Com” to describe algorithms with thelatter property. (3) I propose a dynamic team version of Any-Com C-FOREST thatallows multiple robotic teams to form and then re-form as robots move about theenvironment. Each team acts as an ad-hoc distributed computer to solve itscomposite robots’ communal path planning problem. Limiting teams to includeonly conflicting robots improves algorithmic performance because itsignificantly reduces the computational complexity of the problem that eachteam must solve. Replanning through only the subset of the configuration spacein which conflicts occurs has similar computational benefits.

  1. 引言
  2. 相关工作
  3. C-FOREST:超线性加速的分布式路径规划
  4. Any-Com C-FOREST:基于网络机器人团队创建的ad-hoc分布式计算机路径规划
  5. 动态团队Any-Com C-FOREST:具有动态团队的集中式多机器人路径规划
  6. 结论
    附录A 路径规划背景知识
    附录B 任意时间最短路径随机树路径规划算法(任意时间SPRT)
    附录C 随机图中贪婪路径的期望长度
