

Are you just getting started with Google Forms? Never heard of it before? Either way, here are some tips to help you get going with Google’s powerful form tool and start building surveys and forms online for free.

您刚开始使用Google表单吗? 以前从未听说过吗? 无论哪种方式,这里都有一些技巧,可帮助您使用Google强大的表格工具并开始免费在线构建调查和表格。

Google Forms有什么缺点? (What the Heck Is Google Forms?)

If you already know about Google Forms, feel free to skip ahead. If you don’t, here’s the crash course. We’ll go over the basics, and get you brushed up on what Google Forms is and how you can start using it right away.

如果您已经了解Google表单,请随时跳过。 如果您不这样做,这就是速成班。 我们将介绍基础知识,让您熟悉什么是Google Forms以及如何立即开始使用它。

Google Forms is a free survey tool that’s part of G Suite—Google’s complete office suite (although some people refer to it all as Google Docs). The other main services included in the cloud-based suite are Sheets (Excel), Docs (Word), and Slides (PowerPoint).

Google Forms是G Suite(Google完整的办公套件)的一部分的免费调查工具(尽管有些人将其称为Google Docs)。 基于云的套件中包括的其他主要服务是表格(Excel),文档(Word)和幻灯片(PowerPoint)。

Google Forms lets you collect information from people via personalized quizzes or surveys. You can then connect the info to a spreadsheet on Sheets to automatically record the answers. The spreadsheet then populates with the responses from the quiz or survey in real-time. This makes Google Forms one of the easiest ways to save data directly into a spreadsheet.

Google表单可让您通过个性化的测验或调查向人们收集信息。 然后,您可以将信息连接到表格上的电子表格,以自动记录答案。 然后,电子表格将实时填充测验或调查的响应。 这使Google表单成为将数据直接保存到电子表格中的最简单方法之一。

With Forms, you can collect RSVPs, start surveys, or create quizzes for students with a simple online form. You can share your form via email, a direct link, or on social media and ask everyone to participate.

使用表格,您可以使用简单的在线表格收集RSVP,开始调查或为学生创建测验。 您可以通过电子邮件,直接链接或在社交媒体上共享表单,并要求所有人参与。

And since Forms is an online tool, you can share and collaborate with multiple people on the same form in real-time.


Have you heard enough? Let’s get started!

你听够了吗? 让我们开始吧!

如何注册一个Google帐户 (How to Sign Up for a Google Account)

Before you can use Google Forms, you have to sign up for a Google (an @gmail) account. If you already have one, feel free to move on to the next section. If not, we’ll go over the simplest way to create a Google account and get you set up with Forms.

必须先注册一个Google(@gmail)帐户,然后才能使用Google Forms。 如果您已经有一个,请继续进行下一部分。 如果没有,我们将介绍创建Google帐户的最简单方法,并帮助您设置表单。

Head over to, click “Create Account,” and then select “For Myself.”

转到 ,单击“创建帐户”,然后选择“针对我自己”。


On the next page, you provide some information—first and last name, username, and password—to create your account.



You also have to verify your phone number so Google can make sure you’re not a bot.



After you verify your phone number, the subsequent pages require you to provide a recovery email address, your date of birth, and gender. You must also agree to the privacy statement and terms of service. After that, you’re the proud new owner of a Google account.

验证电话号码后,后续页面要求您提供辅助邮箱地址,出生日期和性别。 您还必须同意隐私声明和服务条款。 之后,您便是Google帐户的新所有者。

如何创建一个空白表格 (How to Create a Blank Form)

Now that you have a Google account, it’s time to create your first Form. Head over to the Google Forms homepage and place the cursor on the multicolored plus sign (+) in the bottom-right corner.

现在您已经拥有一个Google帐户,是时候创建您的第一个表格了。 转到Google表单首页,然后将光标放在右下角的彩色加号(+)上。


The plus sign turns into a purple pencil icon; click it to create a new form.

加号变为紫色铅笔图标; 单击它以创建一个新表单。


Pro Tip: You can type into the address bar from any browser and hit Enter to create and open a new blank form automatically.

专家提示:您可以从任何浏览器在地址栏中键入 ,然后按Enter键以自动创建并打开一个新的空白表单。

如何自定义表格 (How to Customize Your Form)

One of the first things you might want to do after you create a new blank form is give it a bit of personality. Google Forms lets you customize the theme and help it stand out by adding an image, color, and font style.

创建新的空白表单后,您可能要做的第一件事就是赋予其个性。 Google表单可让您自定义主题并通过添加图像,颜色和字体样式来突出主题。

Click the artist’s palette at the top of the screen. From here, you can choose a header image from one of the many stock photos provided (or upload one of your own), the primary color of the form, the background color, and font style.

单击屏幕顶部的艺术家调色板。 在这里,您可以从提供的许多照片之一(或上传自己的照片),表格的原色,背景颜色和字体样式中选择标题图像。


While customization is lacking when it comes to the theme of forms (aside from being able to upload any image for the header), Google Forms makes up for it with everything else it has to offer.


After you customize your form, close the theme options to return to your survey.



如何选择问题类型 (How to Choose Question Types)

When you create a Google Form, you can choose the types of questions you want people to answer. Whether you want static answers from a multiple-choice form or essay-length responses, you can create your ideal form in a snap!

创建Google表单时,您可以选择希望人们回答的问题类型。 无论您是要从多项选择形式还是篇幅长度的答案中获得静态答案,都可以快速创建理想的形式!

Click the drop-down menu next to the question field.



Then, select the type of question you want from the list.



Your choices are:


  • Short Answer: Responses only require a few words. You can set rules people have to follow in their answer with data input validation. Great for email addresses or URLs.

    简短的答案:回答只需要说几句话。 您可以设置用户必须遵循的规则以进行数据输入验证 。 非常适合用于电子邮件地址或URL。

  • Paragraph: Responses require long-form answers of one or more paragraphs. Data input validation is available for this type of response, as well.

    段落:回答需要一个或多个段落的长格式答案。 数据输入验证也可用于此类响应。

  • Multiple Choice: People choose between a set of options (one per question). You can include “Other” and an option so people can input a short answer. Depending on a person’s answer, you can also send them to a different section of the form.

    多项选择:人们在一组选项中选择(每个问题一个)。 您可以包括“其他”和一个选项,以便人们可以输入简短答案。 根据一个人的答案,您也可以将其发送到表单的其他部分。

  • Checkboxes: Responders choose one or more of a set of options, including the “Other” option for a short answer. Depending on a person’s answer, you can send them to a different section of the form.

    复选框:响应者选择一组选项中的一个或多个,包括“其他”选项以获得简短答案。 根据一个人的答案,您可以将其发送到表单的其他部分。

  • Drop-down: People choose their answer from a set of options in a drop-down menu (one per question). Based on the answer, you can, again, send people to another section of the form.

    下拉菜单人们从下拉菜单的一组选项中选择答案(每个问题一个)。 根据答案,您可以再次将人们送到表格的另一部分。

  • File Upload: This allows the person to upload a file in response to a question. Uploaded files use Google Drive space for the survey owner. You can specify the size and type of files people can upload.

    文件上传:这允许人员上传文件以回答问题。 上传的文件使用Google云端硬盘空间供调查所有者使用。 您可以指定人们可以上传的文件的大小和类型。

  • Linear Scale: People can rate your question on a scale that starts at 0 or 1, and ends on a whole number from 2 to 10.


  • Multiple Choice Grid: This creates a grid from which people can select one answer per row. Optionally, you can limit answers to one choice per column and shuffle the row order.

    多项选择网格:这将创建一个网格,人们可以从中选择每行一个答案。 (可选)您可以将答案限制为每列一个选项,并随机排列行顺序。

  • Checkbox Grid: This option creates a grid from which people can select one or more answer per row. Optionally, you can limit answers to one choice per column and shuffle the row order.

    复选框网格:此选项创建一个网格,人们可以从中选择每行一个或多个答案。 (可选)您可以将答案限制为每列一个选项,并随机排列行顺序。

  • Date: Responder must choose the date as an answer to the question. The default is day, month, and year. Optionally, you can include the time in people’s answers.

    日期:响应者必须选择日期作为问题的答案。 默认值为日,月和年。 (可选)您可以将时间包括在人们的答案中。

  • Time: Responder must choose the time of day or a duration of time.


如何添加更多问题 (How to Add More Questions)

If you’re creating a survey or quiz, you’re likely going to include more than one question on it. Google Forms makes it super-easy to add as many questions as you want, and you can vary the types of questions. You can even separate them into sections, so everything doesn’t appear on a single page.

如果您要创建调查或测验,则可能会包含多个问题。 Google表单可让您轻松添加任意数量的问题,并且可以更改问题的类型。 您甚至可以将它们分成几部分,因此所有内容都不会出现在单个页面上。

To add more questions to your form, click the plus sign (+).



To add another section to separate questions, click the icon that looks like two rectangles.



Optionally, you can give the section a name and description to distinguish it from other sections later on.



If you want to add any questions to a different section, it’s simple! Just drag and drop them between sections. At the end of the section, click the drop-down menu to choose where the form should direct people next.

如果您想在其他部分添加任何问题,这很简单! 只需将它们拖放到各节之间即可。 在此部分的末尾,单击下拉菜单以选择表单下一个将人员指引到的位置。


如何创建测验 (How to Create a Quiz)

Google Forms isn’t just for surveys or event invites. Teachers can use Forms to create digital quizzes, which automatically grade, send results (if enabled), and collect student responses.

Google表单不仅适用于调查或活动邀请。 教师可以使用表格创建数字测验,这些测验将自动评分,发送结果(如果启用)并收集学生的回答。

It’s one of the easiest ways to give students immediate feedback and reduce the amount of time you spend grading quizzes.


Click the Settings cog at the top of the page.



Click the “Quizzes” tab, and then toggle on “Make This a Quiz.”



After you enable quiz mode, you can choose when to release a student’s mark, and what information he can see after he’s submitted his quiz. When you finish, click “Save” to exit the window.

启用测验模式后,您可以选择何时释放学生的成绩,以及他提交测验后可以看到的信息。 完成后,单击“保存”退出窗口。


Once you return to your quiz, select one of the questions, and then click “Answer Key” to edit the correct response, and the weight each question has in the quiz.



Here’s where you set the correct answer(s), decide how many points each one is worth, and add answer feedback for the answers to each question.



Click “Edit Question” to close the answer key and save your changes.



Note: While you can only select correct answers for multiple-choice, checkbox, and drop-down questions, you can associate any question with a point value for correctness.


Google Forms Google表格

如何在表格上进行协作 (How to Collaborate on Forms)

Like all Google suite applications, Forms lets you collaborate with others. Anyone you share a unique link with can edit the questions in your form. This makes it a lot easier to work on the same survey with a group.

与所有Google套件应用程序一样,表单可让您与他人协作。 与您共享唯一链接的任何人都可以在表单中编辑问题。 这使得与小组一起进行同一调查变得容易得多。

To do this, click the three dots at the top of the page, and then click “Add Collaborators.”



Next, under the heading “Who Has Access,” click “Change.”



Select “On – Anyone with the link” to generate a shareable link. Anyone with this link can then access and edit your form. Click “Save.”

选择“打开–知道链接的任何人”以生成可共享的链接。 然后,拥有此链接的任何人都可以访问和编辑您的表单。 点击“保存”。


Now, you can copy and share the link with anyone you want to have access to your form.



You can do a lot more with these shareable links, as they also work with other Drive files and on mobile. For a deeper look at how links work and how to generate them, check out our guide.

您可以通过这些共享链接做更多的事情,因为它们也可以与其他云端硬盘文件一起使用,也可以在移动设备上使用。 要深入了解链接如何工作以及如何生成链接, 请查看我们的指南

如何在Google表格中存储回复 (How to Store Responses in Google Sheets)

Google Forms stores the answers to your Form automatically. It saves each response in the “Responses” tab at the top of your form and updates in real-time as people answer questions.

Google表单会自动将答案存储到您的表单中。 它将每个响应保存在表单顶部的“响应”选项卡中,并在人们回答问题时实时更新。


However, if you prefer a more in-depth way to analyze responses from your form, you can generate a new Google Sheet—or link to an existing one—to store and view answers. When viewing data stored in a spreadsheet, you can apply many types of calculations and Google Sheets’ functions to create formulas that manipulate your responses.

但是,如果您希望使用更深入的方法来分析表单中的回复,则可以生成新的Google表格(或链接到现有的Google表格)来存储和查看答案。 查看电子表格中存储的数据时,您可以应用多种类型的计算和Google表格的功能来创建用于处理响应的公式。

To do this, select the “Responses” tab, and then click the green Sheets icon.



Next, click “Create” to generate a new spreadsheet to store all your answers.



Each spreadsheet contains all responses, along with a timestamp of when the survey was completed.



If you already have a spreadsheet you want to use, you can do that, too! Instead of clicking “Create,” click “Select existing spreadsheet,” and then click “Select.”

如果您已经有要使用的电子表格,也可以这样做! 不用单击“创建”,而是单击“选择现有电子表格”,然后单击“选择”。


Choose the spreadsheet you want from the list of those saved on your Google Drive, and then click “Select.”



As people answer each question in the form, their responses dynamically appear in the selected Google Sheet spreadsheet.


如何使用表格模板 (How to Use a Form Template)

Sometimes, you don’t want to think about the format—or questions—of a survey. When that’s the case, you can use a template from the Google Forms template gallery. It has templates for everything from party invites to course evaluation forms.

有时,您不想考虑调查的格式或问题。 在这种情况下,您可以使用Google表单模板库中的模板。 它具有用于从聚会邀请到课程评估表的所有内容的模板。

To get started, head over to the Google Forms homepage and place the cursor on the multicolored plus sign (+) in the bottom-right corner.



The plus sign becomes a purple pencil and purple page icon. Click the purple page icon.

加号变为紫色铅笔和紫色页面图标。 单击紫色页面图标。


Once the window opens, choose a template from one of the three sections: Personal, Work, or Education.



Click on a template. The form opens in the current tab and saves to your Drive with all your other forms. If you want to add any questions or edit any existing ones, the templates are customizable, just like any other form.

单击模板。 该表格会在当前标签页中打开,并与其他所有表格一起保存到您的云端硬盘中。 如果您要添加任何问题或编辑任何现有问题,则可以像其他表格一样自定义模板。


添加最后的修饰 (Add the Final Touches)

Before you share your form with everyone, be sure to check out the settings. From here, you can collect email addresses, create a confirmation message, limit responses to one per person, and more.

与所有人共享表单之前,请务必先检查一下设置。 在这里,您可以收集电子邮件地址,创建确认消息,将响应限制为每人一个,等等。

Click the Settings cog at the top of the page.



The first tab has a few settings you can enable. From here, you can collect email addresses and limit each person to one submission. You can also choose whether respondents can edit their answers after they’re submitted or see a summary chart at the end of the survey.

第一个选项卡具有一些可以启用的设置。 在这里,您可以收集电子邮件地址,并将每个人限制为一次提交。 您还可以选择受访者在提交答案后可以编辑其答案,还是在调查结束时查看摘要表。


Note: If you enable “Limit to 1 response,” the respondent must log in with their Google account to access your form. Anyone without a Google account won’t be able to submit answers to your form. Unless you’re positive everyone has a Google account, leave this option disabled.

注意:如果您启用“限制为1条回复”,则受访者必须使用其Google帐户登录才能访问您的表单。 没有Google帐户的任何人将无法为您的表单提交答案。 除非您确定每个人都有一个Google帐户,否则请禁用此选项。

The “Presentation” tab has settings that show a progress bar that lets people know how far along they are in the form. You can also shuffle the question order, show a link to submit the form again (if “Limit to 1 response” is disabled), or compose a confirmation message that respondents see after they submit the form.

“演示文稿”选项卡的设置显示进度条,使人们知道表单中的进度。 您也可以调整问题顺序,显示链接以再次提交表单(如果“限制为1条回复”被禁用),或者撰写确认消息,供受访者提交表单后看到。


After you finish, hit “Save” to save the changes and return to your form.


如何分享您的表格 (How to Share Your Form)

After you’ve completed creating a form, it’s time to send it out and get some responses. You can share the form via email, a direct link, on your social media account, or you can embed it into your website.

创建完表单后,就可以将其发送并获得一些回复了。 您可以通过电子邮件,直接链接在您的社交媒体帐户上共享表单,也可以将其嵌入到您的网站中。

To get sharing, open the form you want to share, and then click “Send.”



Choose how you want to share your form from the options at the top of the pane. From left to right, your choices are: email, direct link, an embedded link for your website, Facebook, and Twitter.

从窗格顶部的选项中选择共享表单的方式。 从左到右,您的选择是:电子邮件,直接链接,网站,Facebook和Twitter的嵌入式链接。


This beginner’s guide will have you creating Google Forms in no time! Whether you need a survey to find out what everyone’s bringing to the BBQ, or a quiz for your physics class, Google Forms is an easy-to-use, powerful tool. And it doesn’t cost a dime.

本入门指南将帮助您立即创建Google表单! 无论您需要进行调查以了解每个人带给烧烤的东西,还是参加物理课的测验,Google Forms都是易于使用且功能强大的工具。 而且不花一毛钱。
