mcafee_三星借助McAfee-Even Smart TV使一切膨胀

mcafee_三星借助McAfee-Even Smart TV使一切膨胀


mcafee_三星借助McAfee-Even Smart TV使一切膨胀

Samsung has a long-running relationship with McAfee. And while it’s bad enough that it bundles this nigh-useless junk on its computers, it’s “extending” this partnership to the S10 and all 2019 Smart TVs.

三星与McAfee有着长期的合作关系。 尽管它很糟糕,无法在计算机上捆绑这个几乎毫无用处的垃圾,但它正在将这种伙伴关系“扩展”到S10 所有2019年的智能电视。

Of course, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen Samsung throw McAfee on Galaxy smartphones, as it shipped the S8 with the antivirus app installed too. Then Samsung later brought it to previous Galaxy devices with an update, which is honestly just disgusting.

当然,这不是我们第一次看到三星将McAfee投放到Galaxy智能手机上,因为它还附带安装了防病毒应用程序的S8。 然后,三星随后通过更新将其引入了以前的Galaxy设备,这实在令人恶心。

Make no mistake here: McAfee is paying Samsung a pile of cash to do this, which is a pretty common practice for all PC makers. It lets McAfee extend its presence, especially for less-savvy users who honestly don’t know that antivirus apps on Android are nearly useless. Just like with bundled antivirus software on computers, you simply don’t need it. (For Windows machines, Microsoft’s Windows Defender does a great job, and it’s integrated).

在此请不要犯错:迈克菲(McAfee)向三星(Samsung)支付了一大笔现金,以实现这一目标,这对所有PC制造商来说都是很普遍的做法。 它使McAfee得以扩展其业务范围,特别是对于那些不太了解Android的杀毒软件几乎毫无用处的不那么精明的用户。 就像计算机上捆绑的防病毒软件一样,您根本不需要它。 (对于Windows计算机,Microsoft的Windows Defender做得很好,并且已集成)。

But here’s where things are really starting to get out of hand: as of 2019, Samsung will include McAfee on its smart TVs. Straight from the PR:

但是,这里的事情真的开始失控了:从2019年起,三星将在其智能电视中加入迈克菲。 直接从公关:

McAfee extended its contract to have McAfee Security for TV technology pre-installed on all Samsung Smart TVs produced in 2019. Along with being the market leader in the Smart TV category worldwide, Samsung is also the first company to pre-install security on these devices, underscoring its commitment to building security in from the start. McAfee Security for TV scans the apps that run on Samsung smart TVs to identify and remove malware.

迈克菲(McAfee)扩大了其合同,以便在2019年生产的所有三星智能电视中预安装McAfee Security for TV技术。三星不仅是全球智能电视类别的市场领导者,而且还是第一家在这些设备上预安装安全性的公司,强调了从一开始就致力于建立安全性的承诺。 McAfee Security for TV会扫描在三星智能电视上运行的应用程序,以识别和删除恶意软件。

Samsung is “the first company to pre-install security on these devices” for good reason: you don’t need it. First off, Samsung’s Smart TVs run its own Tizen OS (which is based on Linux) for which malware is virtually non-existent. So, right out of the gate, it’s inherently a non-issue.

三星是“第一家在这些设备上预安装安全性的公司”,这有充分的理由:您不需要它。 首先,三星的智能电视运行其自己的Tizen操作系统 (基于Linux),该操作系统几乎不存在恶意软件。 因此,从本质上讲,这本质上不是问题。

Secondly, the same rule applies to smart TVs that apply to Android, which is basically to be smart about what you install. If you don’t know what it is, then don’t install it. If it’s not from the TV’s official store, don’t install it. Don’t sideload random stuff. Just, you know, use common sense.

其次,相同的规则适用于适用于Android的智能电视,这基本上是要明智地安装产品。 如果您不知道它是什么,请不要安装它。 如果不是从电视的官方商店购买的,请不要安装它。 不要随机加载东西。 只是,您知道,请使用常识。

While there are documented cases of Android-based smart TVs getting infected with ransomware, installing apps from unofficial stores or websites is nearly always the culprit. So if you don’t do that, then you should be fine. And again, Samsung TVs don’t run Android—they run Tizen.

虽然有记录显示基于Android的智能电视感染了勒索软件,但从非官方商店或网站安装应用程序几乎总是罪魁祸首。 因此,如果您不这样做,那应该很好。 同样,三星电视不运行Android,而是运行Tizen。

Don’t get it twisted here, we’re not suggesting that smart TVs are even remotely “secure”—these always-connected devices are undoubtedly going to become bigger targets for attackers as time goes on and manufacturers haven’t historically done the most to keep them safe. Certain models are still vulnerable to man in the middle attacks (which would require an attacker to be on the same Wi-Fi network), but that’s not something an antivirus is going to prevent in the first place.

不要在这里扭曲它,我们不是在建议智能电视甚至是远程“安全”的-随着时间的流逝,这些始终连接的设备无疑将成为攻击者的更大目标,而且制造商历来没有做得最多确保他们安全。 某些模型在中间攻击中仍然很容易受到人的攻击(这将要求攻击者位于同一Wi-Fi网络上),但这并不是防病毒首先要防止的事情。

But seriously, an antivirus on a TV? Give me a break. ????

但是说真的,电视上的杀毒软件呢? 休息一下 ????



