



iPhone battery life has increased significantly over the last few years, but it’s still possible to find yourself staring at a depleted battery by the end of the day. Extend the time between charges with  the right battery case.

在过去的几年中,iPhone的电池寿命已显着增加,但是到一天结束时,仍然有可能发现自己盯着一块耗尽的电池。 使用合适的电池盒延长充电之间的时间。

电池盒被低估了 (Battery Cases Are Underrated)

There’s a long running complaint among a not-so-small number of iPhone users that goes something like: “I don’t want a thinner iPhone, I want better battery life!” Now, in fairness, the iPhone’s battery life has increased over the years but the point still stands: if they made fatter iPhones, they could have both more efficient batteries and be more durable.

在数量如此之少的iPhone用户中,长期存在这样的抱怨:“我不想要更薄的iPhone,我想要更长的电池寿命!” 公平地说,现在,iPhone的电池寿命已经增加了很多年,但重点仍然是:如果制造出更胖的iPhone,它们既可以拥有更高效的电池,也可以更耐用。

iPhone battery cases allow you to choose which of those you want! You want a skinny phone? Don’t bother with a case. You want a fatter phone with multi-day battery life? Slap on a battery case.

iPhone电池盒可让您选择所需的电池盒! 您想要一部瘦手机吗? 不要理会案件。 您想要一部续航时间更长的胖手机吗? 拍打电池盒。

No matter what your battery-killing problem–skipping between cellphone towers on the commuter train, playing graphic-intensive games on long flights, taking advantage of your unlimited talk time–the right battery case can solve it by pumping auxiliary juice into your iPhone. In fact, with the right battery case, you can extend the already great iPhone battery life nearly threefold.  With battery life that great, you’ll never need to make eye contact with another person on your daily commute again. Ever.

不管您的电池耗尽问题是什么—在通勤火车上的手机塔之间跳来跳去,在长途飞行中玩图形密集型游戏,都可以利用无限制的通话时间–正确的电池盒可以通过将辅助汁液注入iPhone来解决。 实际上,有了合适的电池盒,您就可以将本已不错的iPhone电池寿命延长近三倍。 有了如此长的电池寿命,您在日常上下班途中就无需再与他人目光交流。 曾经

Not all iPhone battery cases are created equal, however, so let’s take a look at all the factors you’ll want to consider when case shopping.


如何选择合适的iPhone电池盒 (How to Select the Right iPhone Battery Case)

When you select a regular phone case, you make all sorts of trade-offs. If you want to preserve the look of your iPhone, then you’re stuck using very thin cases which offer less protection. If you want to protect your iPhone against a hard fall on a ceramic tile floor, or a plunge into your swimming pool, you’re stuck slapping a bulky case on it.

当您选择普通手机壳时,您需要进行各种折衷。 如果要保留iPhone的外观,则只能使用保护力较差的超薄保护套。 如果要保护iPhone避免在瓷砖地板上掉落或掉入游泳池中,您会被打上笨重的外壳。

Selecting a battery case is exactly the same: you’ll make trade-offs based on the features that are the most important to you. Let’s run through battery-case specific features you’ll want to weigh when making your case purchase.

选择电池盒是完全一样的:您将根据对您最重要的功能进行权衡。 让我们看一下购买电池盒时要权衡的电池盒特定功能。

更高的毫安意味着更多的娱乐时间 (More Milliamps Means More Playtime)

First, a word on terminology. Mobile battery capacity is measured in milliamp-hours (mAh). For frame of reference, the iPhone 6 has a battery capacity of 1810mAh, and the iPhone 6s has a slightly reduced capacity of 1715 mAh. When shopping for an iPhone battery case you want to keep those values in mind as they give you a rough guideline of how much a battery pack will extend the life of your iPhone between charges.

首先,关于术语。 移动电池容量以毫安小时(mAh)为单位。 作为参考,iPhone 6的电池容量为1810mAh,iPhone 6s的电池容量略有降低,为1715 mAh。 购买iPhone电池盒时,您要牢记这些价值观,因为它们为您提供了一个大致的指导原则,即在两次充电之间,电池组的寿命将延长iPhone的寿命。

If, for example, in a typical day you get about 7 hours of use out of your phone (this amount will vary wildly between people), then it is safe to assume that a ~1,800 mAh battery case will roughly double your use time to 14 hours. Whatever percent-increase the mAh capacity of the case can safely be assumed to be the general percent-increase you’ll see in your general battery life.

例如,如果在典型的一天中,您的手机可以使用7个小时左右(这个数字在不同人之间会有很大差异),那么可以肯定地认为,约1,800 mAh的电池盒将使您的使用时间增加一倍左右14小时。 无论将电池盒的mAh容量增加多少,就可以肯定地将其视为一般电池寿命中增加的百分比。

容量要付出(庞大)的代价 (Capacity Comes at a (Bulky) Cost)

Despite advances in battery technology, batteries have heft, and higher capacity batteries have even bigger heft. The more mAh a battery case has, the bulkier the case will be. As a general rule of thumb, you should assume that a battery case will increase the general weight and volume of your iPhone by 100-200%.

尽管电池技术取得了进步,但电池还是有重量的,而容量更大的电池的重量甚至更大。 电池盒的电量越多,电池盒的体积就越大。 一般而言,您应该假设电池盒会使iPhone的整体重量和体积增加100-200%。

It might only be in millimeters, but there’s a wide variety in case depths.

This seems like a huge increase when written out as a percent value, but in practice it’s really not that big of a deal–especially if you’re one of those people that isn’t a huge fan of how skinny the iPhone has become. That said, if you want battery life with a more slender profile, be prepared to pay more (and get less of a battery boost).

当以百分比值的形式写出来时,这似乎是一个巨大的增长,但是实际上,这并没有什么大不了的,特别是如果您是那些不喜欢iPhone的纤薄外观的人中的一员。 就是说,如果您希望电池寿命更长一些,请准备多付钱(减少电池电量消耗)。

计费方法和数据同步可能会破坏交易 (Charging Methods and Data Syncing Can Be Deal Breakers)

The majority of iPhone battery packs on the market charge via micro USB cable. For a lot of iPhone owners (who have got away from using micro USB and prefer Apple’s lightning cables) this is an annoyance at best, and a deal breaker at worst.

市场上大多数iPhone电池组都通过micro USB电缆充电。 对于许多iPhone所有者(已不再使用微型USB并偏爱Apple的避雷线),这充其量是一件令人烦恼的事情,而在最坏的情况下,这会破坏交易。

You’ll also need to consider pass-through charging. Cheaper battery cases don’t offer pass-through charging, so in order to charge your iPhone each night, you have to take the case off. Better cases do offer pass-through charging, charging the iPhone first, then the battery pack.

您还需要考虑直通充电。 便宜的电池盒不提供直通充电功能,因此要每晚为iPhone充电,您必须先将其取下。 更好的保护套可提供直通充电功能,先为iPhone充电,然后再为电池组充电。

Although this is less important to a lot of people these days (as the popularity of iCloud has cut down on manual cable-based data syncing) the final cable-related consideration is whether or not the case supports data pass-through. Again, higher end cases will support it–so you can both charge and sync your phone with the port–but cheaper cases won’t.

尽管近来这对于许多人而言并不那么重要(因为iCloud的普及已减少了基于电缆的手动数据同步),但与电缆相关的最终考虑因素是该案例是否支持数据直通。 同样,更高端的手机壳将支持它-因此您既可以为手机充电,也可以将手机与端口同步-但是便宜的手机壳则不支持。

容量指示器可帮助您检查剩余电量 (Capacity Indicators Help You Check Remaining Charge)

There is a very wide range of case capacity indicator styles. Apple’s official iPhone battery case does it best in that it, actually puts the capacity of both the phone and the battery case right on your screen, inside iOS. In terms of battery indicators, it doesn’t get much better than that.

案例容量指示器样式非常广泛。 苹果官方的iPhone电池盒最能做到这一点,它实际上将手机和电池盒的容量都放在了iOS内部的屏幕上。 在电池指示器方面,没有比这更好的了。

Don’t expect on-screen indicators from anything but an Apple-brand case.

Every other case on the market displays remaining battery-case life in different ways–none of which, unfortunately, include on-screen indicators. Some cases have a single LED indicator in the case’s power button, some go for the indicator bar look with a series of 3-4 small LEDs across the bottom of the case, and so on.

市场上的所有其他情况下,电池剩余寿命都以不同的方式显示-不幸的是,其中没有一个显示在屏幕上。 有些案例的案例在案例的电源按钮中有一个LED指示灯,有些案例的指标栏外观带有贯穿整个案例底部的3-4个小LED系列,依此类推。

Typical LED indicator design, as found on the popular Mophie Juicepack case.
典型的LED指示器设计,如流行的Mophie Juicepack机壳上所见。

As long as the indicator gives you at least some sort of feedback as to how much capacity is left, however, it should suffice.


我们的建议 (Our Recommendations)

When we write guides like this, we always start by explaining the general concepts you should look for while shopping, but we completely understand that many readers simply want a good recommendation. To that end, let’s highlight a few high quality iPhone 6/6s cases for your consideration. Note that because of the identical body size and button/port placement cases for the iPhone 6 and 6s are interchangeable.

当我们编写这样的指南时,我们总是从解释您在购物时应该寻找的一般概念开始,但是我们完全理解,许多读者只是想要一个好的建议。 为此,让我们重点介绍一些高质量的iPhone 6 / 6s手机壳供您考虑。 请注意,由于iPhone 6和6s具有相同的机身尺寸和按钮/端口放置盒,因此可以互换。


Although a lot of people were disappointed by the ugly bump-on-the-back form factor, it’s tough to go wrong with the official Apple iPhone battery case ($99). Despite people complaining about the $99 price tag, the going rate for a premium iPhone battery case is, across the third-party vendor spectrum, about a hundred bucks, so Apple’s about average here.

尽管很多人对这种丑陋的后背凹凸外观感到失望,但官方的Apple iPhone电池盒(99美元)很难出错。 尽管人们抱怨99美元的价格标签,但优质的iPhone电池盒在整个第三方供应商范围内的出厂价格约为100美元,因此苹果在这里的平ASP格是大约100美元。

The Apple case offers 1877 mAh capacity, pass-through charging and data syncing via (of course) a lightning cable, and–as we noted above–it’s the only iPhone battery case that can provide on-screen battery life. If you don’t mind the odd looks-like-a-2005-era-extended-smartphone-battery bump on the back, it’s a very solid option.

Apple机壳提供1877 mAh容量,可通过(当然)通过避雷线进行直通充电和数据同步,并且-如上文所述,它是唯一可以提供屏幕电池寿命的iPhone电池盒。 如果您不介意背面看起来像“ 2005年时代”延伸的智能手机电池凸起,这是一个非常可靠的选择。


If you’re put off by the bump on the Apple case but you still want a slim and good looking case, we’d encourage you to check out the Thin Charge ($129). Out of all the battery cases we tested, this one was our favorite, far and away. It is, as the name implies, incredibly thin. It only bumps the width of the iPhone out a scant 2mm (which is on par with a lot of non-battery cases). We really can’t emphasize enough how little ThinCharge feels like just a regular sturdy case and not a bulky battery add-on.

如果您不愿为Apple机壳的颠簸而烦恼,但仍希望使用纤巧美观的机壳,我们建议您查看Thin Charge ($ 129)。 在我们测试过的所有电池盒中,这是我们的最爱,无论远近。 顾名思义,它非常薄。 它仅将iPhone的宽度减小了不到2mm(这与很多非电池盒相当)。 我们真的不能足够强调ThinCharge感觉像是普通坚固的外壳,而不是笨重的电池附件。

It offers pass-through data and charging via lightning cable and, thanks to a charge-from-the-top design that shifts the charting port to the top of the case, it actually has a much smaller profile than any other case (Apple’s included). Aside from the modest increase in weight, it’s practically impossible to tell it apart from another case. And at 2,600 mAh it more than doubles the battery life.

它通过避雷线提供直通数据和充电,而且由于采用了从顶部充电的设计,可将图表端口移至机箱顶部,因此实际上它的外形比任何其他机箱都要小得多(包括Apple的机箱) )。 除了适度增加重量外,将它与其他情况区分开来几乎是不可能的。 在2,600 mAh时,电池寿命增加了一倍以上。


A long standing favorite in the market, Mophie offers a wide range of battery packs. The more popular of their models is the Mophie Juice Pack ($99), which adds 2,750 mAh to your iPhone’s battery capacity.

Mophie是市场上长期备受喜爱的产品,提供各种电池组。 他们的机型中比较受欢迎的是Mophie果汁套装(99美元),它可以为iPhone的电池容量增加2750 mAh。

The case is roughly the size of the Apple case, but it has a smooth back. Perhaps Apple should have gone with the same design, but filled out the back of the case with more battery. The Mophie pack seen here (as well as the other various iPhone models) all offer pass-through charging and data syncing but with a catch: you need a micro USB cable.

该保护套的大小大致与Apple保护套的大小相同,但后盖光滑。 也许苹果本应该采用相同的设计,但是要用更多的电池装满表壳的背面。 此处看到的Mophie包(以及其他各种iPhone型号)都提供直通充电和数据同步,但有一个问题:您需要一根微型USB电缆。


Finally, if you’re in the market for a battery case but you don’t want to spend a mint, we tested the Trianium iPhone 6 Atomic case. At $35-50 (dependent, oddly, only on your color choice) it’s significantly cheaper than the other cases we tested. We selected the case for testing based on the popularity of it on Amazon.com (over 5,400 reviews) and weren’t disappointed. It’s big, it’s not particularly elegant looking, but it’s cheap and it offers 3,100 mAh of battery life.

最后,如果您在市场上购买电池盒,但又不想花很多钱,我们测试了Trianium iPhone 6 Atomic手机壳。 价格为$ 35-50(奇怪的是,仅取决于您的颜色选择),它比我们测试过的其他情况便宜很多。 我们根据该案例在Amazon.com上的受欢迎程度(超过5,400条评论)选择了要进行测试的案例,并不感到失望。 它很大,外观并不特别优雅,但价格便宜,可提供3,100 mAh的电池寿命。

Like the Mophie, it has sync and charge-through capacity via micro USB cable.

与Mophie一样,它具有通过micro USB电缆进行同步和充电的功能。

Don’t like any of our recommendations? Good thing for you the market is absolutely flooded–if you don’t see something here that catches your eye, go hit up Amazon. You’re bound to find something, among the hundreds of options, that’s a perfect fit.

不喜欢我们的任何建议吗? 对您而言,好消息是市场绝对泛滥成灾-如果您在这里看不到任何吸引眼球的东西,那就去亚马逊。 您一定会在数百个选项中找到最合适的东西。

As a final note, if you’re in need of extra juice on the go but you don’t want a dedicated iPhone case for whatever reason–cost, don’t like single purpose add-ons, it’s ugly, whatever–you might want to consider getting a general-purpose external battery pack. They’re not exactly pocket friendly but if you throw one in your purse or bag you’ll always have extra power for your iPhone (and any other USB-powered gadget).

最后要注意的是,如果您在旅途中需要多余的汁液,但出于某种原因(成本,不喜欢单一用途的附件)不想使用专用的iPhone手机壳,那么无论如何,这都很丑陋想考虑购买通用的外部电池组。 它们并不是完全口袋友好的,但是如果您将一个扔进钱包或包中,您将始终拥有iPhone(以及任何其他USB供电的小工具)的额外电源。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/250415/how-to-choose-the-best-battery-case-for-your-iphone/
