

While falling under the “just for fun” category, faking a tattoo in Photoshop or GIMP is an exercise that can teach you quite a lot about the program. Here’s how we made a convincing image from a few minutes work.

虽然属于“只是为了娱乐”类别,但在Photoshop或GIMP中伪造纹身是一种可以使您对程序有很多了解的练习。 这是我们用几分钟的时间制作出令人信服的图像的方法。

Whether you want to see yourself with your new tattoo before you commit to it, or whether you’re just wanting to safely put * tats on your toddler, you can learn a lot about how to use Photoshop with this how to with the beginner in mind. And if you’re a fan of open source software, rejoice, as this howto is GIMP friendly, with nearly every step compatible with GIMP tools and filters. Keep reading!

无论您是想在使用新纹身之前先看看自己的纹身,还是只是想安全地将蹒跚学步的纹身穿在身上,都可以从中学到很多关于如何使用Photoshop的知识。心神。 而且,如果您是开放源代码软件的*者,那将很高兴,因为此方法是GIMP友好的,几乎所有步骤都与GIMP工具和过滤器兼容。 继续阅读!

将两个图像变成假纹身 (Turning Two Images Into A Fake Tattoo)


We’re starting with two images we want to merge together as a convincing Photoshop fake tattoo. Using good quality images for both of your elements is the easiest and best way to ensure you have a quality result.

我们从两张图像开始,我们想将它们融合为令人信服的Photoshop假纹身。 为这两个元素使用高质量的图像是确保获得高质量结果的最简单,最佳方法。


You can follow along in Photoshop, although most of these steps are GIMP friendly. We’ll let you know when they aren’t.

尽管其中大多数步骤都是GIMP友好的,但是您可以在Photoshop中继续进行。 如果没有,我们会通知您。


We begin by pasting in our tattoo as a new layer. You can include any white backgrounds you want, as we’ll be working around those today.

我们首先将纹身作为新层粘贴。 您可以添加所需的任何白色背景,因为我们今天将着手解决这些背景。


Go to your layers panel and set your blending mode to “Multiply.” You’ll notice that all of the white around the edges has now disappeared.

转到“图层”面板,然后将混合模式设置为“相乘”。 您会注意到,边缘周围的所有白色现在都消失了。


If you’re not sure where the blending mode is, you can find it in the layers panel, where you see “Multiply” above. Ordinarily it says “normal.”

如果不确定混合模式的位置,则可以在“图层”面板中找到它,在上方可以看到“乘法”。 通常说“正常”。


  to free transform your tattoo layer. Roughly rotate and size it with your mouse, but DO NOT hit enter to commit the layer. Leave the transform tool running before going on to the next step. (If you’re following along in GIMP, you’ll have to use the scale and rotate tools.)

免费变换您的纹身层。 用鼠标大致旋转并调整其大小,但不要按Enter提交该层。 在继续下一步之前,请保持转换工具运行。 (如果您遵循GIMP,则必须使用缩放和旋转工具。)


Without committing to the free transform, we’re going to add a Warp Transformation. Find it under Edit > Transform > Warp.

在不致力于*变换的情况下,我们将添加“扭曲变换”。 在“编辑”>“变换”>“变形”下找到它。


Your Warp tool will load up rotated along with your layer. If you’ve ever had to do complex transformations, you’ll know why this is important. If not, you’ve just learned the easy way to transform your images.

变形工具将随图层一起旋转加载。 如果您曾经必须进行复杂的转换,那么您会知道为什么这很重要。 如果没有,您就已经学会了转换图像的简单方法。


The warp tool uses a number of anchor points (similar to the pen tool) to distort the image. Use them to realistically apply the tattoo image to the shape it’s lying on.

变形工具使用多个锚点(类似于钢笔工具)使图像变形。 使用它们将纹身图像真实地应用于其所躺在的形状。


Our image is looking convincing. If you’ve been following along in the GIMP, you’re probably frustrated that there’s no mesh-based Warp tool like in Photoshop. There is, however, a tool similar to the puppet warp that can be used for exactly this method.

我们的形象令人信服。 如果您一直遵循GIMP,可能会感到沮丧,因为在Photoshop中没有基于网格的“变形”工具。 但是,有一个类似于木偶经的工具可用于此方法。

进行更高级的调整以获得更好的图像 (More Advanced Tweaks for A Great Looking Image)


When using the “Multiply” blending mode, colors tend to get oversaturated and very dark red in a hurry. You can fix this by adjusting the tattoo layer with “Selective Color.” Find this by going to Edit > Adjustments > Selective Color. You may find your image requires a different set of adjustments, although you’re likely to find your best results by setting your “Colors” selection (shown above) to “Neutrals” and reducing the values. We get a much more natural skin tone and a look much closer to the appearance of real ink on flesh.

当使用“乘法”混合模式时,颜色往往会变得过饱和,并且很快会变成深红色。 您可以通过使用“选择性颜色”调整纹身图层来解决此问题。 通过转到>编辑>调整>可选颜色找到此内容。 尽管可能通过将“颜色”选项(如上所示)设置为“中性”并减小值来获得最佳效果,但您可能会发现图像需要进行不同的调整。 我们获得了更加自然的肤色,并且看起来更接近真实的墨水外观。


Now we start to tackle the problem of sharpness. Chances are your photograph is going to be considerably more blurry, even if it is a sharp photo. Notice the hard lines from the image compared to the less precise lines in the face.

现在我们开始解决清晰度问题。 即使照片是清晰的,您的照片也会变得更加模糊。 请注意,与脸部较不精确的线条相比,图像中的硬线条更为明显。


We make some adjustments with a quick Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur, using a high enough setting to smear our edges around a bit.



Adding a second Motion Blur (found under Filter > Blur > Motion Blur) can be helpful if your image has a little bit of blurriness from motion, like this one does. Adjust your angle to fit with that line of motion and use a subtle setting for the “distance.” Both of these blurs are also in the GIMP toolkit.

如果图像像运动一样有点模糊,则添加第二个运动模糊(位于“滤镜”>“模糊”>“运动模糊”下)可能会有所帮助。 调整角度以适合​​该运动线,并对“距离”使用微妙的设置。 这两种模糊也都在GIMP工具包中。


One final filter that you can run is a “Poster Edge” filter, found under Filter > Artistic > Poster Edge. The stock setting is fine here—this will help create the illusion of smeary, hand-drawn edge tattoos often have.

您可以运行的最后一个过滤器是“海报边缘”过滤器,位于“过滤器”>“艺术性”>“海报边缘”下。 此处的库存设置很好-这将有助于创建通常经常使用的污迹,手绘边缘纹身的错觉。


For one final addition, let’s add a subtle effect to the tattoo to make it mesh better with our image.



Reducing your opacity slightly can help to meld your tattoo image to your photograph, but the addition of a Layer Mask (both shown above) can allow you to selectively reduce the amount of “pigment” you’re seeing in your tattoo image. Create a layer mask by clicking the in the layers panel.

稍微降低不透明度可以帮助将纹身图像融合到照片中,但是添加图层蒙版(如上所示)可以使您有选择地减少在纹身图像中看到的“色素”的数量。 通过单击“图层”面板中的创建一个图层蒙版


ind the areas you want to paint over. Tattoo ink tends to reflect light in a way that is consistent with skin, so try and soften some areas to show some skin color coming through and allow highlights to poke through.

ind您要绘制的区域。 纹身墨水倾向于以与皮肤一致的方式反射光,因此请尝试柔化某些区域以显示一些皮肤颜色穿透并允许高光穿透。


Grab your brush tool and get ready to paint! You can set your brush to “soft” as shown above by right clicking and reducing the “hardness” to zero. And, when painting in a layer mask, make sure you’re using the color black in your foreground color in your toolbox.

拿起您的画笔工具,准备油漆! 您可以通过右键单击并将“硬度”减小为零,将画笔设置为“软”,如上图所示。 而且,在图层蒙版中绘画时,请确保在工具箱的前景色中使用黑色。


Reducing your brush opacity in your options panel at the top of your screen can be helpful to brushing in the correct amount of black into your layer mask.



And there’s our before and after. Notice how the subtle changes help the tattoo image conform to the body shape better and make the illusion more convincing.

还有我们之前和之后的事情。 请注意,细微的变化如何帮助纹身图像更好地符合人体形状,并使幻觉更具说服力。

Not convinced by our results? Got a better method for making Photoshop tattoos? Give us a shout in the comments section and let us know your methods, or tell us about them at [email protected]

不相信我们的结果吗? 有更好的制作Photoshop纹身的方法吗? 在评论部分给我们留言,让我们知道您的方法,或通过[email protected]告诉我们有关它们的方法。

Image Credit: Bicep curl by sportsandsocial, Creative Commons.

图片来源:体育与社交,创用CC的Bicep curl。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/106974/beginner-photoshop-how-to-make-convincing-fake-tattoos/