acis cgm_糖尿病技术:Dexcom G5 CGM评论-如此浪费的潜力

acis cgm_糖尿病技术:Dexcom G5 CGM评论-如此浪费的潜力

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acis cgm_糖尿病技术:Dexcom G5 CGM评论-如此浪费的潜力

As you may know, I'm a Type 1 Diabetic and have been for well over 20 years. I wear a Medtronic Insulin Pump 24 hours a day and use a Dexcom CGM (Continuous Glucose Meter) to monitor my blood sugar, also 24 hours a day.

如您所知,我是1型糖尿病患者,已经服药20多年了。 我一天24小时都戴着Medtronic胰岛素泵,并且每天24小时都使用Dexcom CGM(连续血糖仪)监测血糖。

This post won't explain how diabetes works to you, so check these posts out (or this video) first if you're not familiar.


从Dexcom G4迁移到Dexcom G5 (Moving from a Dexcom G4 to a Dexcom G5)

A CGM (Continuous Glucose Meter) doesn't keep you from pricking your fingers. You'll still do finger sticks in order to calibrate a CGM, at least twice a day.

CGM(连续血糖仪)不会阻止您刺破手指。 每天至少两次,您仍然需要用指棒来校准CGM。

The Dexcom G4 "with Share" worked like this. There was a small transmitter that is attached to me, and it talks a proprietary RF wireless format to a Receiver and then the Receiver talks Bluetooth LE to your iPhone, like this picture below.

带有共享功能的Dexcom G4就是这样工作的。 附有一个小型发射器,它与接收器对话专有的RF无线格式,然后接收器将iPhone的蓝牙LE与您的iPhone对话,如下图所示。

Once the sugar number got to my iPhone it's then optionally uploaded to  the Dexcom Share Cloud. My wife can install the Dexcom Follow application on her iPhone and see my sugar on her phone. She also gets the same notifications and warnings I get.

一旦糖号到达我的iPhone,它就可以选择上传到Dexcom Share Cloud。 我的妻子可以在她的iPhone上安装Dexcom Follow应用程序,然后在手机上看到我的糖。 她也收到与我相同的通知和警告。

acis cgm_糖尿病技术:Dexcom G5 CGM评论-如此浪费的潜力

When you "upgrade" to the G5 from the G4, you'll likely do what I did. I called Dexcom support to see if I was eligible. They had a US$199 upgrade fee which I paid, and the G5 transmitter showed up a week later. I then called them back to get an "upgrade code" which was a 12 digit unique number (GUID) that I had to enter into their Dexcom Studio application on my Windows machine. I plugged in my Dexcom G4 with Share Receiver to my Windows machine using Microsoft USB and ran the upgrader. I needed that upgrade key. Then about 20 minutes later the G4 receiver (remember it talked RF to the G4 transmitter) is now a G5 and only speaks Bluetooth directly to the Bluetooth-enabled G5 transmitter. That means it works like this now:

当您从G4“升级”到G5时,您可能会做我所做的事情。 我打电话给Dexcom支持人员,以查看我是否符合条件。 他们付了我199美元的升级费,一周后又出现了G5发射器。 然后,我给他们打回电话,以获取“升级代码”,该代码是我必须在Windows计算机上输入其Dexcom Studio应用程序的12位唯一数字(GUID)。 我使用Microsoft USB将带有Share Receiver的Dexcom G4插入Windows计算机,并运行升级程序。 我需要那个升级**。 然后大约20分钟后,G4接收器(记住它与G4发射器进行了RF对话)现在是G5,仅直接与启用了Bluetooth的G5发射器进行蓝牙对话。 这意味着它现在像这样工作:

acis cgm_糖尿病技术:Dexcom G5 CGM评论-如此浪费的潜力

The G5 software that runs on the iPhone can also upload to the same Dexcom Cloud which means my wife's Dexcom Follow app *works unchanged*. This was a relief.

在iPhone上运行的G5软件也可以上传到同一Dexcom Cloud,这意味着我妻子的Dexcom Follow应用程序*保持不变*。 这是一种解脱。

善良 (The Good)

  • If I forget my Receiver device at home I can still see my sugars on my phone. This is huge if you're someone who didn't want to get a Dexcom CGM simply because you didn't want another device in your pocket. That is no longer a blocker.

    如果我忘记了家里的接收器设备,仍然可以在手机上看到糖。 如果您只是不想因为口袋里有其他设备而不想获得Dexcom CGM,这将是巨大的。 那不再是障碍。

    • You can carry and use either or both of them. However, if a family member is "Following" you and needs to see your numbers, only the phone is uploading them.

      您可以携带和使用它们中的一个或两个。 但是,如果家庭成员在“关注”您并且需要查看您的号码,则只有手机正在上传它们。
    • You can calibrate on either device and they'll both stay in sync. This was a nice touch as I was concerned I'd have to treat the iPhone as a "Virtual Receiver" and calibrate on both devices twice. Just calibrate on either device and the other sees it.

      您可以在任一设备上进行校准,并且它们都将保持同步。 这很不错,因为我担心我必须将iPhone视为“虚拟接收器”,并在两个设备上进行两次校准。 只需在任一设备上进行校准,其他设备就可以看到它。

坏人 (The Bad)

First I want to say that I REALLY appreciate Dexcom, the company, the product, and the people, and I appreciate what you've done for myself and for Diabetics everywhere. The Dexcom sensor technology is unparalleled and a fundamental life changer. I can't imagine living without my CGM and I wholly and completely recommend a Dexcom CGM for ANY and ALL Type 1 Diabetics who want to get a real clear view of what's happening inside your body.

首先,我想说的是,我非常感谢Dexcom,公司,产品和员工,也感谢您为自己和世界各地的糖尿病患者所做的一切。 Dexcom传感器技术是无与伦比的,并且是改变生活的根本。 我无法想象没有我的CGM,我会完全,完全推荐一个Dexcom CGM用于任何和所有1型糖尿病患者,这些患者希望对您体内发生的事情有一个清晰的认识。

That said, I'm going to be very honest here, so if you work for Dexcom, please take my feedback as what it is. It's firm, crisp, actionable feedback. You should fix these things. They are bad and wrong.

就是说,我在这里将非常诚实,所以如果您为Dexcom工作,请直接听我的反馈。 这是坚定,清晰,可行的反馈。 您应该修复这些问题。 他们是好是坏。

There's no gap filling.


With the G4, if I had the receiver in my pocket but my phone was elsewhere, the phone would "fill the gaps" and load in missed readings that might have happened while the phone and receiver were apart. This doesn't happen anymore and it sucks. Sometimes the phone misses readings and sometimes the receiver misses them and I don't get a complete smooth curve even though the data seems to be available in the ether. As a techie, I'm assuming this means that the new Transmitter has no memory and just yells out the last reading over Bluetooth until a new reading shows up. IMHO it should remember maybe 5 to 10 and sync up gaps when possible. And if the receiver has records the phone doesn't or vice versus, for goodness sake, close the gaps.

使用G4时,如果我将接收器放在口袋里,但是我的手机放在别处,则手机会“填补空白”,并加载在手机和接收器分开时可能发生的漏读读数。 这不再发生了,很糟糕。 有时电话会错过读数,而接收器会错过读数,即使数据似乎在乙醚中也无法获得完整的平滑曲线。 作为一名技术人员,我假设这意味着新的变送器没有存储空间,只是通过蓝牙大喊了最后一个读数,直到出现新读数为止。 恕我直言,它应该记住大概5到10,并在可能的情况下同步差距。 而且,如果接收者有记录,电话还是没有记录,为求良善,请缩小差距。

acis cgm_糖尿病技术:Dexcom G5 CGM评论-如此浪费的潜力

The phone just isn't a reliable receiver.


Remember when I said that having the G5 means you don't need the phone with you all the time? Well, kind of. I'm not sure that's 100% true. Here's 3+ hours of data that was completely missed this morning. The phone was 3 feet from my transmitter at all times, sitting on my night stand. My physical receiver was under my pillow and picked up the whole nights numbers, but the fact is, numbers were missed.

还记得我说过拥有G5意味着您不需要一直带手机吗? 好吧,有点。 我不确定这是100%正确。 这是今天早上完全遗漏的3个小时以上的数据。 电话一直都在距我发射器3英尺的地方,坐在我的床头柜上。 我的物理接收器在我的枕头底下,拿起了整晚的电话号码,但事实是,电话号码丢失了。

Yes, Bluetooth is a troublesome thing, but my Tile BT devices NEVER lose a connection. My Apple Watch never loses connection. My Microsoft Band doesn't lose connections. My car doesn't lose connections. You get the idea. I don't trust the Dexcom G5 software to use only my phone to view my data. I just can't avoid a lost hour.

是的,蓝牙是一件麻烦事,但是我的Tile BT设备从不断开连接。 我的Apple Watch永远不会失去连接。 我的Microsoft Band不会失去连接。 我的车没有断开连接。 你明白了。 我不信任Dexcom G5软件仅使用手机查看数据。 我只是无法避免浪费一个小时。

Also, it's unclear to me how this data gets over the the iPhone from a software perspective. Is it a background task? Can the Dexcom software get ejected from memory when playing high memory pressure games? I need these answers.

另外,从软件的角度来看,我还不清楚这些数据如何通过iPhone获得。 这是后台任务吗? 玩高内存压力游戏时,Dexcom软件能否从内存中弹出? 我需要这些答案。

I'd like to have a Dexcom engineer tell me/us that this is a transmitter/phone/software/hardware/radio/whatever problem, but who knows. They must know it's not as reliable as the physical device.

我想让一个Dexcom工程师告诉我/我们,这是一个发射机/电话/软件/硬件/无线电/任何问题,但谁知道。 他们必须知道它不如物理设备可靠。

acis cgm_糖尿病技术:Dexcom G5 CGM评论-如此浪费的潜力

错失的机会 (The Missed Opportunities)

Please, Dexcom Engineer who must be reading this post, read these and explain.


  • There's no Watch app? The Dexcom G4 has an Apple Watch app, but this "upgrade" doesn't include one. Not cool. Don't remove functionality. I don't want to  pick up my iPhone and run an app every time I want to see my sugar. Glance-able data, people. 

    没有Watch应用? Dexcom G4有一个Apple Watch应用程序,但是此“升级”不包括其中一个。 不酷不要删除功能。 我不想每次都想看到我的糖时拿起iPhone并运行一个应用程序。 可以浏览的数据,人。

    • acis cgm_糖尿病技术:Dexcom G5 CGM评论-如此浪费的潜力

      Watch OS2 has the idea of "complications" which are AMAZING. Dexcom needs to let me put my sugar in an active area on my watch screen. To not to do this hurts. It hurts every day as I glance at my numbers hundreds of times a  day.

      Watch OS2具有令人惊讶的“复杂功能”的想法。 Dexcom需要让我将糖放在手表屏幕上的活动区域。 不这样做会很痛。 当我每天数以百计地浏览我的数字时,每天都会感到痛苦。

    There's no Watch app? The Dexcom G4 has an Apple Watch app, but this "upgrade" doesn't include one. Not cool. Don't remove functionality. I don't want to  pick up my iPhone and run an app every time I want to see my sugar. Glance-able data, people. 

    没有Watch应用? Dexcom G4有一个Apple Watch应用程序,但是此“升级”不包括其中一个。 不酷不要删除功能。 我不想每次看到糖都拿起iPhone并运行应用程序。 可以浏览的数据,人。

  • There's a HUGE amount of wasted whitespace in the chart. Huge. Notice that my goal area (the gray area) is less than 10% of my screen space. The area that I'm NOT supposed to be in (from 150 and up is huge). Please let us change the Y-Axis. Please. 300 to 400 mg/dl is far too much Y-axis for many folks. Give us a logarithmic scale. Let me change it to 200 or 250 until I get higher.

    图表中有大量浪费的空白。 巨大。 请注意,我的目标区域(灰色区域)小于屏幕空间的10%。 我不应该进入的区域(从150以上)。 请让我们更改Y轴。 请。 300至400 mg / dl的Y轴对许多人来说实在太多。 给我们一个对数刻度。 让我将其更改为200或250,直到变得更高为止。
  • The app scales on iPhone 6+. If you want to play in the Apple App Store then play correctly. Make nice scalable graphics, and make it look pleasant everywhere.

    该应用程序可在iPhone 6+上缩放。 如果要在Apple App Store中播放,请正确播放。 制作精美的可扩展图形,并使其在任何地方看起来都令人愉悦。
  • No interactive graph until I landscape the device. The main screen is static. I can't change the axes (Y or X!) and I can't touch existing records. This is a dumb app on a pocket super-computer. Not being able to explore my data is unacceptable.

    在我将设备放置在横向状态之前,没有交互式图形。 主屏幕是静态的。 我无法更改轴(Y或X!),也无法触摸现有记录。 这是一台袖珍超级计算机上的傻瓜应用程序。 无法浏览我的数据是无法接受的。

    • That said, I can flip the device into landscape and look at up to 24 hours in the past, and run my fingers over the results. Why not portrait?

      就是说,我可以将设备翻转为横向,并在过去的24小时内查看,然后将手指放在结果上。 为什么不画像?
  • No "iOS widgets." iOS has the notion of Widgets. Little active areas of contact for data like my calendar or the weather. I need to see my Glucose here. Again, this is a huge missed opportunity. Huge. Do it now.

    没有“ iOS小部件”。 iOS具有小部件的概念。 我的日历或天气等数据的活动联系很少。 我需要在这里看我的葡萄糖。 同样,这是一个巨大的错失机会。 巨大。 现在做。

Net net, was it a good upgrade? I'm not sure yet. The sensor tech is amazing. The accuracy remains amazing. I like having the option to not take my receiver with me, but the fact that I can't trust the phone not to disconnect when it's in my pocket on the same side the transmitter is remains a serious concern. Buy the G5 if you like Tech and new Stuff, but know that the G4 is still a great device, it's just one you have to carry with you no matter what.

网网,这是一个不错的升级吗? 我不肯定。 传感器技术很棒。 准确性仍然惊人。 我喜欢选择不随身携带接收器,但是,当我将手机放在发射器的同一侧放在口袋里时,我不能相信手机不会断开连接,这仍然是一个严重的问题。 如果您喜欢Tech和New Stuff,请购买G5,但要知道G4仍然是一款出色的设备,无论您携带什么,它都只是一个随身携带的设备。

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赞助商:感谢Infragistics本周赞助了这个提要! 带有Infragistics jQuery / HTML5控件的任何浏览器,任何平台和任何设备上的响应式Web设计。 借助世界上最快HTML5网格获得超级充电的性能-立即免费下载

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

acis cgm_糖尿病技术:Dexcom G5 CGM评论-如此浪费的潜力
acis cgm_糖尿病技术:Dexcom G5 CGM评论-如此浪费的潜力
acis cgm_糖尿病技术:Dexcom G5 CGM评论-如此浪费的潜力
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acis cgm_糖尿病技术:Dexcom G5 CGM评论-如此浪费的潜力


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