02【托业口语】 - PART2 Describe a picture

【托业口语】 - PART2 Describe a picture



时间: 准备时间 30s 回答时间 45s











场所 – 人数 – 中心对象 – 周边对象 – 结尾句

(1)场所:I think this picture was taken + 介词 + 场所

(2)人数: there are + 人数 + people in this  picture

(3)中心对象:the  first thing I can see is + doing (动作 a man looking at a monitor), he is + doing (衣着相貌 wearing a write shirt)


- 位置:at the bottom of the picture,

in the middle of the picture

on the left/right side of the picture

in the foreground/background of the picture

- 特征:two people are talking to each other

  人物:位置 + be doing

事物:there is + N


It seems like + S + V



I think this picture was taken indoors. The first thing I can see is a woman is reading a book. In the middle of the picture., a man is looking at a monitor. In the right of the picture, a man is reading a book too. In the left side of the picture, some people are talking to each other. In the background of the picture, many books are arranged in the bookshelves.  It seems like there is a library.


This picture is taken at a conference room. 

The man in the center is making a Presentation.


Two woman are facing each other.

The man on the right is leaning against the wall.


This picture is taken at a park.

They are wearing sunglasses.


This picture of a living room.

A woman and a boy are seated next to each other.





01 Flight or airplane?

02【托业口语】 - PART2 Describe a picture

This is a picture is Taken in an airplane.  There are three people in this picture. The first thing I can see is a woman with a ponytail is reading a magazine.  In the right of the picture, a man is working on his laptop.  The man Behind them in gray suit and tie is sleeping.  I don't. They're on a business trip because all of them are wearing a business suit. And the woman is wearing a formal outfit. They also seem tired.


02 library?

02【托业口语】 - PART2 Describe a picture

I think this picture was taken at a library. There is just one person in this picture. She is reading a book while standing up. She is wearing a blue shirt under a white one. She is turning a page of the book with her left hand. There are lots of books displayed on the bookshelves. It seems like she is studying and looking for some information.


03 Office?

02【托业口语】 - PART2 Describe a picture

I think this picture was taken at a conference room. There are 3 people in this picture. The first thing I can see is the man behind two people is pointing to a document. In the left side of the picture, the woman is wearing a suit jacket and holding the document. In the right side of the picture, the man is holding a pen with his right hand. There are lots of documents on the table. They seem to be having a discussion or meeting.



02【托业口语】 - PART2 Describe a picture

I think this picture was taken in a clothes store. There are 2 people in this picture. The man seems to be a customer to buy a suit. The woman seems to be a clerk to help him select a good suit. There are lots of suits hanging on display for sales. It seems like the man is preparing for an official meeting such as a job interview or formal dinner with his girlfriend.


2. Test 

一定要多多练习~~~~ 加油!!

02【托业口语】 - PART2 Describe a picture

I think this picture was taken at a barbecue party. There are 2 people in the picture. The first thing I can see is a man is holding a glass of wine ???? with his left hand. The woman next to him is holding a fork. There are meats and vegetables on the grill. I also see some chairs and trees in the background of the picture. It seems like they are having a barbecue party at their back yard.


02【托业口语】 - PART2 Describe a picture

 This picture is taken at a library. There is a man wearing a light blue vest. In the background, there are bookshelves practically filled with some books next to a man. A monitor is placed on the table in front of a woman. I see a bar code scanner on the table. On the left side of a man is computer monitor. I think they are checking out some books because of some project assignment/It seems like they are checking out some books.


02【托业口语】 - PART2 Describe a picture

This picture was taken at an airport. There are 2 two people in this picture. The first thing I can see is a woman is looking at a tablet. She wearing a white shirt. The man next to her is typing on a laptop I can see a piece of luggage in front of them. In the background of the picture, I see a few people waking around. There are some chairs and some signs hanging form the ceiling. It seems like they are waiting for an airplane.


02【托业口语】 - PART2 Describe a picture

I think this picture was taken at a coffee shop. They are some people in this picture. The first thing I can see is the woman is holding a cup. She is taking to the man. The man is also holding a glass of water in his hand. In the background of the picture, I can see another table full of people, I think a waiter is taking an order. It looks like a nice place to have a coffee and chat with friends.


02【托业口语】 - PART2 Describe a picture

I think this picture was taken at an office, there are two people in this picture. They are both sitting down in the chairs in front of the what looks like a large desk or table. The woman is typing on a laptop computer. The man next to the woman is pointing to something on the laptop screen with a pen. His other hand is on some papers. There are some makers and a calculator on the table. In the background of the picture, I see a cityscape outside the office window. They look like very busy working on some project.  


02【托业口语】 - PART2 Describe a picture

This picture was taken at a golf course. There are two people in this picture. The first thing I can see is a woman playing golf. She is wearing a light blue T-shirt. In the left side of the picture, I can see a woman is wearing yellow T-shirt. In the background of the picture, I can see a golf cart. Behind the golf course, I can see some grassless hills. It looks like a desert. It looks like a pleasant day for golf. The sun is shining and the sky is blue.


02【托业口语】 - PART2 Describe a picture

I think this picture was taken at airport. There are two men standing in front of the airplane. Both men are carrying briefcases. The man on the left has his suit coat slung over his shoulder. In the background of the picture, the door of the plane is open. Maybe, it is a charter flight. The plane appears to be on a runway. Also, there are some trees and a mountain behind the plane. It looks like they are waiting for their fight to be ready to board.


02【托业口语】 - PART2 Describe a picture

I think this picture was taken at a conference room/office. There are four people in this picture. The first thing I can see is a woman is pointing to something on the screen with a pen. The man is sitting directly in front of the laptop. He is holding a pen. There is a piece of paper next to the laptop computer. In the background of the picture, there are another man and woman. They are looking at something looks like a clipboard. There are some papers on the table. It looks like there people are working on some project in an office.