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我们如何保持创新的快速步伐并同时保持稳定的产品? 黑客周是答案的一部分。 原理很简单:想一个您想做的项目,找队友,砍一个星期,展示结果。 今年的Unity Hack Week是有史以来规模最大的一次,上周五有80多个项目进入了终点线。 他们的质量真是惊人! (How do we maintain the fast pace of innovation and maintain a stable product at the same time? Hack weeks are a part of the answer. The principle is simple: think of a project you want to do, find teammates, hack for a week, present the result. This year’s Unity Hack Week was the biggest ever, more than 80 projects made the finish line on Friday. And their quality was just astonishing!)

Unity Hack Week 11 brought 300 Unity employees to Portugal in mid-May with a mission to spend a week working on whatever they wanted. The projects didn’t have to be related to anybody’s day job or any Unity features currently on the roadmap. The opposite is actually ideal: explore beyond your skill set, experiment and collaborate with people you didn’t know before. You can work without the pressure of considering the standard for Unity features.

5月中旬,Unity Hack Week 11将300位Unity员工带到了葡萄牙,任务是花一周的时间来完成他们想要的任何事情。 这些项目不必与任何人的日常工作或当前路线图上的任何Unity功能相关。 相反,实际上是理想的:超越您的技能范围,与以前不认识的人进行实验和合作。 您可以在无需考虑Unity功能标准的情况下进行工作。

Kuba Cupisz, a graphics programmer working out of Copenhagen, is one of the few people who have been to all 11 hack weeks, going back the past 6 years. “The first bootcamp was just a way to work together faster and get Unity 3 out of the door. People really enjoyed the format and wanted to use it to do some really creative work and try working in new teams,” he says. The first hack weeks took place in the Unity offices in Copenhagen, but for the past few years, we’ve grown too big to all fit in there. For Hack Week 10, we tried shipping everybody to a big resort in a place with a nicer climate and food. The experiment was successful, so this time the gathering took place in Quinta da Marinha Resort in Cascaís, Portugal.

库巴·库皮斯(Kuba Cupisz)是在哥本哈根工作的一名图形程序员,是过去6年参加11次黑客周活动的少数人之一。 “第一个训练营只是加快协作速度并使Unity 3脱颖而出的一种方法。 人们真的很喜欢这种格式,并希望使用它来做一些真正有创意的工作,并尝试在新团队中工作。”他说。 最初的黑客活动发生在哥本哈根的Unity办公室,但是在过去的几年中,我们的规模已经太大了,无法容纳所有人。 在Hack Week 10上,我们尝试将所有人运送到气候和食品更好的地方的一个大型度假村。 实验是成功的,所以这次聚会是在葡萄牙卡斯卡斯的Quinta da Marinha度假村举行的。

Despite the summery weather in most of Europe that week, Portugal was actually fairly cool and rainy, keeping us away from the pool and the golf course. Small teams worked all around the resort, restocking periodically on snacks and catching up on the progress of others. Being in one big place together was great for getting to know each other better. Since we have more than 20 offices around the world, some of us met in person for the first time ever.

尽管那周欧洲大部分地区盛夏,葡萄牙实际上还是凉爽多雨的,这使我们远离游泳池和高尔夫球场。 小型团队在度假村各处工作,定期补充零食,以赶上其他进度。 在一起处在一个大地方对于彼此更好地了解彼此是很棒的。 由于我们在全球拥有20多个办事处,因此我们当中有些人是第一次亲自见面。

So what did all those engineers and UX designers make over the week? During the very intense few hours of Friday afternoon presentations, we saw over 80 two minute videos on things like 3D tile mapping, Adam demo video in VR, 2D animation pipelines improvements or a visual debugger. Some people worked on C# Scriptable Importers and some made a location based AR game called Duck Drop.

那么,所有这些工程师和UX设计师一周都做了什么? 在星期五下午非常紧张的几个小时的演讲中,我们观看了80多分钟的两分钟视频,内容涉及3D瓷砖贴图,VR中的Adam演示视频,2D动画管道改进或可视调试器。 有些人从事C#可编写脚本的进口商的工作,有些人制作了基于位置的AR游戏Duck Drop。

A lot of the projects were down to earth practical things that we know you need from all the information we get from you through our feedback page or other channels. The documentation team created better feedback forms. The networking team made more examples for the manual. A few teams looked into improving some of the editor functions like the bug reporter or searching for objects.

许多项目都是脚踏实地的实际事情,我们通过 反馈页面 或其他渠道 从您那里获得的所有信息中,我们都知道您需要这些东西 。 文档团队创建了更好的反馈表。 网络团队为手册提供了更多示例。 一些团队希望改进一些编辑器功能,例如错误报告程序或搜索对象。

Some were proofs of concept for a particular approach to a huge possible feature or editor workflows. One team prototyped storyboard state machines, an authoring workflow for building out the states in your game, similar to animation state machines, that can also help visualize analytics. Another group looked into live collaboration in-editor, they didn’t quite get to Google Docs for Unity, but the results were nevertheless very impressive.

对于某些可能的巨大功能或编辑器工作流程的特定方法,有些是概念证明。 一个团队对情节提要状态机进行了原型设计,该情节提要是一种类似于动画状态机的创作工作流,用于在游戏中构建状态,还可以帮助可视化分析。 另一个小组研究了实时协作编辑器,他们并没有完全了解Unity的Google Docs,但结果仍然令人印象深刻。

We also saw a prototype of a visual scripting implementation, based on marking C# functions with specific attributes. These define which nodes are available in the visual scripting window and which output and input pins they have. Another project used functionality already provided by the prefab code and the undo system to enable an equivalent of the functionality requested as nested prefabs in the past. The experience we got working on these projects will help us decide what is the right way of solving a particularly problem in Unity.

我们还看到了视觉脚本实现的原型,该原型基于带有特定属性的C#函数标记。 这些定义了可视化脚本窗口中可用的节点以及它们具有的输出和输入引脚。 另一个项目使用了预制代码和撤消系统已经提供的功能,以实现与过去嵌套嵌套的预制所要求的功能等效的功能。 我们在这些项目上获得的经验将帮助我们确定解决Unity中特定问题的正确方法。

Other groups made original applications with Unity. A VR Rube Goldberg machine app included in-VR creation and manipulation of assets with Oculus and the touch controllers. The team integrated a 3D procedural generation technology called Sceelix for this project. Another amazing VR prototype was a real-life orthopedic surgery simulator using Vive. Unity for kids is a mobile app where children can easily create small games by combining primitive objects and basic behaviors. We also saw a painting app for iPad Pro made with Unity that also worked as a texture asset editor for Unity.

其他小组使用Unity制作了原始应用程序。 一个VR Rube Goldberg机器应用程序包括使用Oculus和触摸控制器在VR中创建和操纵资产。 该团队为此项目集成了称为Sceelix的3D程序生成技术。 另一个令人惊叹的VR原型是使用Vive的真实的骨科手术模拟器。 Unity for kids是一款移动应用程序,孩子可以通过结合原始对象和基本行为轻松创建小型游戏。 我们还看到了使用Unity制作的iPad Pro绘画应用程序,该应用程序还用作Unity的纹理资产编辑器。

You can see a few of the projects in this YouTube playlist. Please keep in mind that these aren’t slick trailers of new Unity features. They were made in a few hours by some very tired developers trying their best to present what they built in less than a week. Right now, we have no idea of where some of the ideas may go. They might be utterly unpractical or lead us to amazing performance, functionality and UX wins. Consider this carefully before you get too excited or worried! Remember that we have a public roadmap, which is the best place to look if you want to see what we’re actually working on shipping to you.

您可以在 此YouTube播放列表中 看到一些项目 。 请记住,这些并不是Unity新功能的精巧预告片。 他们是由一些非常疲倦的开发人员在几个小时内完成的,他们竭尽全力在不到一周的时间内展示他们建造的产品。 目前,我们不知道某些想法可能会去哪里。 它们可能完全不切实际,或者使我们获得惊人的性能,功能和UX胜利。 在您太激动或担心之前,请仔细考虑! 请记住,我们有一个 公开的路线图 ,如果您想了解我们在实际运送给您的东西上,这是最好的选择。

It was so inspiring to be so many in the same room at the same time, watching the results of so many clever experiments. At Unity, you’re never really the smartest person in the room. Instead, we’re all learning from each other.

看着这么多聪明的实验结果同时出现在同一个房间里,真是令人振奋。 在Unity,您从来都不是房间中最聪明的人。 相反,我们都在互相学习。

Do you want to hack with us next time? Check out unity3d.com/jobs!

您下次是否想与我们合作? 查看unity3d.com/jobs

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/05/25/unity-at-hack-week-11/

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