Lesson 10 Telephone Conversation 2

Hello ,Dr.Chen's clinic.May i help you?

Yes ,please. I'd like to make an appoinment to see Dr.Chen.

What's  your name,please?

My neame is Micky Chen.

Is 4 o'olock in the afternoon ok?

That's fine. Thank you.


I would like to make a long -distance call to California,please.

Person to person or station to station?

station to station.What's the number.please.

Area code 415,789-0277

One moment ,please.

Thank you.




Hello,Dr.Chen's clinic.

Hello,Dr.Chen,s office.

Hello ,this is Dr.Chen's clinic.

Hello ,this is Dr.Chen's office.


May I help you?

Can I help you?

What can I do for you?


I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr.Chen.

I'd like to have a cup of tea.

I'd like to go with you.


Is 4 o'olock in the afternoon ok?

Is 4 o'olock in the afternoon fine?

Is 4o'olock in the afternoon all right?


I would like to make a long -distance call to California ,please.

I would like to place a long -distance call to California,please。

Lesson 10 Telephone Conversation 2

 You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.