



A comprehensive network filtering system is overkill if all you want to do is block a handful of web sites. Read on as we show you how—with nothing more than your router—you can selectively block and temporarily restrict individual websites.

如果您只想阻止少数几个网站,那么全面的网络过滤系统就显得过头了。 继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何(无非是路由器)可以有选择地阻止和临时限制单个网站。

For many people a massive commercial internet filter is overkill. What if you just want to block Facebook when your kids are supposed to be doing their homework or Reddit when you’re supposed to be getting work done? You don’t need a huge system for that, all you need is the access restrictions module in your router. Today we’re looking at how you can quickly and easily block traffic on your network using router-based access restrictions.

对于许多人来说,大规模的商业互联网过滤器是过大的。 如果您只是想在孩子应该做家庭作业时阻止Facebook,或者在应该完成工作时阻止Reddit,该怎么办? 您不需要一个庞大的系统,仅需路由器中的访问限制模块即可。 今天,我们正在研究如何使用基于路由器的访问限制来快速轻松地阻止网络流量。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)


For this tutorial you’ll won’t need much and you won’t have to spend a dime. Before proceed make sure you have the following things:

对于本教程,您将不需要太多,也不必花一角钱。 在继续之前,请确保您具有以下内容:

  • A Tomato compatible router


  • A copy of Tomato on the router

  • Administrative access to the router


We’re going to go through the tutorial as using a Linksys router running Tomato custom firmware. The steps we’re taking are largely equivalent to the DD-WRT system (you can read about selective domain blocking for DD-WRT here). If you don’t have Tomato installed on your router check out our guide to installing Tomato here. If you have it installed and you have administrative access (you know the login password for the control panel) then you’re ready to proceed.

我们将通过使用运行Tomato自定义固件的Linksys路由器来完成本教程。 我们正在采取的步骤与DD-WRT系统大致相同(您可以在此处阅读有关DD-WRT的选择性域阻止的信息 )。 如果您的路由器上没有安装Tomato,请在此处查看我们的安装西红柿指南 。 如果已安装它并且具有管理访问权限(您知道控制面板的登录密码),则可以继续进行操作。

在Tomato中设置URL过滤器 (Setting Up URL Filters in Tomato)


For our example we’re going to setup both a total ban and a time-based ban on the social news site Reddit. Reddit fans among us will attest to the fact that the site, as fun as it can be, is an enormous time sink and a great productivity killer. First let’s take a look at the Access Restriction module in Tomato. Navigate to your router control panel, typically an address like and plug in your credentials. Once you’re in the main panel navigate to Access Restriction in the left hand menu—seen above. Click on it to enter the sub-menu. If you’ve never used the feature before all you’ll see in the Access Restriction Overview section is a disabled example entry like so:

对于我们的示例,我们将在社交新闻网站Reddit上设置完全禁止和基于时间的禁止。 我们当中的Reddit粉丝将证明,该站点尽其所能地乐趣无穷,这是一个巨大的时间浪费和巨大的生产力杀手。 首先,让我们看一下Tomato中的“访问限制”模块。 导航至路由器控制面板(通常为http://之类的地址),然后插入您的凭据。 进入主面板后,导航至左侧菜单(如上所示)中的“访问限制”。 单击它进入子菜单。 如果您从未使用过此功能,那么在“访问限制概述”部分中将看到所有禁用的示例条目,如下所示:


Just beneath the example entry, to the right, is the Add button. Click that now to create your first entry.

在示例条目的下方,右侧是“添加”按钮。 现在单击以创建您的第一个条目。

For our first entry we’re going to make a filter, called Reddit Killer, which blocks Reddit all day, every day. Change the description name from New Rule to Reddit Killer, check All Day and Everyday, leave Applies to as All Computers/Devices, and then uncheck Block All Internet Access—if you don’t check this part, you won’t be able to specify what exactly you want to block. It should look like this:

对于我们的第一个条目,我们将创建一个名为Reddit Killer的过滤器,该过滤器每天整天都在阻止Reddit。 将描述名称从“新规则”更改为“ Reddit Killer”,选中“全天和每天”,将“应用于”作为“所有计算机/设备”,然后取消选中“阻止所有Internet访问”-如果不选中此部分,则将无法指定您要阻止的内容。 它看起来应该像这样:


When you unchecked Block All Internet Access, an entire new portion of the menu unfolded beneath the initial entry. Within this portion of the menu is where we’re going to specify the sites we want to block. 

取消选中“阻止所有Internet访问”时,菜单的整个新部分将在初始条目下方展开。 在菜单的此部分中,我们将指定要阻止的站点。

Leave the Port/Applications section alone (these settings allow you to get more granular control over your filters such as filtering only BitTorrent or a specific port). In the HTTP Request section enter reddit.com and then, at the bottom right corner, click Save.

不理会“端口/应用程序”部分(这些设置可让您更精细地控制过滤器,例如仅过滤BitTorrent或特定端口)。 在“ HTTP请求”部分中,输入reddit.com,然后在右下角单击“保存”。


Back at the main screen you should see the new filter, Reddit Killer, with it’s rather encompassing “Everyday” schedule. Let’s take a look at Reddit and see if our filter is active:

返回主屏幕,您应该看到新的过滤器Reddit Killer,其中包含“每天”时间表。 让我们看一下Reddit,看看我们的过滤器是否处于活动状态:


Reddit is down? Well then. We’d better get back to work. Our filter is great success.

Reddit掉线了吗? 好吧。 我们最好恢复工作。 我们的过滤器非常成功。

If you’re not quite ready for a full Reddit fast but you’d like to at least keep it shut off while you’re trying to focus on work, you can easily modify the scheduling component to, say, restrict access between 8AM and 5PM on the weekdays. Let’s click on Reddit Killer now so we can edit it.

如果您还没有做好充分准备快速Reddit的准备,但是您希望至少在尝试专注于工作时将其关闭,则可以轻松地修改计划组件,例如,限制8AM和在工作日下午5点。 让我们现在点击Reddit Killer,以便我们对其进行编辑。


Uncheck All Day and Everyday, then in the new options which have appeared, select 08:00-17:00 and Monday through Friday. While we’re at it, let’s update the Description to better reflect the purpose of the filter. Since we’re restricting access to the evenings, we’ll call our new filter Reddit Tonight.

取消选中“全天和每天”,然后在出现的新选项中,选择08:00-17:00以及星期一至星期五。 在此过程中,让我们更新说明以更好地反映过滤器的用途。 由于我们限制晚上使用,因此我们将新过滤器称为“今晚的Reddit”。

To register the changes, click save down in the lower right corner. If you wish to further massage the settings (such as applying the restrictions to only certain computers) you can pull down the Applies To menu and create white/black lists of computers that are restricted or unrestricted. You can also easily expand your filter by adding new lines into the HTTP request box. Instead of just a Reddit Killer it could be expanded to include all the web sites you routine kill time on (Reddit, Facebook, Fark, and so on). In addition to filtering web sites you can also set up keyword filters. In short, if it’s travelling through your network you can find a way to filter it in the Access Restrictions menu.

要注册更改,请单击右下角的保存。 如果您希望进一步调整设置(例如仅将限制应用于某些计算机),则可以下拉“应用于”菜单并创建受限制或不受限制的计算机的白/黑列表。 您还可以通过在HTTP请求框中添加新行来轻松扩展过滤器。 它不仅可以扩展为Reddit Killer,还可以扩展到包括您经常打发时间的所有网站(Reddit,Facebook,Fark等)。 除了过滤网站,您还可以设置关键字过滤器 。 简而言之,如果它正在您的网络中传播,您可以在“访问限制”菜单中找到一种过滤方法。

Have a clever technique for getting more out of Tomato and/or filtering time wasting web sites and other undesirable content? Let’s hear about it in the comments.
是否有一种巧妙的技术可以充分利用Tomato和/或过滤时间浪费网站和其他不良内容? 让我们在评论中听到它。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/98582/how-to-block-web-sites-at-the-router-level-for-network-wide-filtering/
