unity 新功能 gif_Unity Connect的新功能:我们的第一轮更新

unity 新功能 gif_Unity Connect的新功能:我们的第一轮更新

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自从在Unite LA推出Open Beta以来 ,我们很高兴地宣布我们的第一个正式版本和对 Unity Connect的 更新 。 (This week, we’re excited to announce our first official release and update to Unity Connect since launching the Open Beta at Unite LA. )

Thank you to everyone participating and providing feedback on the site and in the forum — we’ve been blown away by how quickly the community has embraced this new talent marketplace and professional networking site. Today, barely a month after launch, we have more than 8.5k users who have created profiles and posted some 3.2k projects, over 425 companies, and a steadily increasing count of Task posts and job opportunities… and we are deeply thankful to have you all on board!

感谢所有参与此活动并在站点和论坛上提供反馈的人-社区接受这个新人才市场和专业网络站点的速度如此之快,令我们震惊。 如今,在发布后不到一个月的时间里,我们已经有超过8.5k用户创建了个人资料并发布了约3.2k项目,超过425家公司,并且任务职位和工作机会的数量稳步增加……我们非常感谢您的光临全部上船!

承认贡献者的辛勤工作和才能 (Acknowledging the hard work and talent of Contributors)

You now have the ability to give credit to collaborators on your Projects, even if they have not yet joined Unity Connect. Adding ‘Contributors’ to your projects is incredibly easy: just post or edit a Project — you’ll see the ‘Add Contributors’ section below your project images. If the person you are adding is not already a user, you can add them via email and they will receive an invitation to accept.

现在,即使您的项目合作者尚未加入Unity Connect,您也可以将其归功于他们。 在项目中添加“贡献者”非常容易:只需发布或编辑项目-您将在项目图像下方看到“添加贡献者”部分。 如果您要添加的人还不是用户,则可以通过电子邮件添加他们,他们将收到接受邀请。

unity 新功能 gif_Unity Connect的新功能:我们的第一轮更新

We really hope our community members will take full advantage of this important feature: giving credit where it’s due helps builds your individual credibility. It shows potential employers or future collaborators that you are honest about your role and contribution to the work, and that you recognize and acknowledge the contributions of others, which makes them feel more confident about your skills and integrity.

我们真的希望我们的社区成员能够充分利用此重要功能:在适当时给予信誉可帮助建立您的个人信誉。 它向潜在的雇主或未来的合作者表明,您对自己的角色和对工作的贡献是诚实的,并且您认可并认可他人的贡献,这使他们对您的技能和正直感更加自信。

unity 新功能 gif_Unity Connect的新功能:我们的第一轮更新

Any Contributors you add will be listed on the Project page by name, along with their role.


共享您的工作现在更加容易 (Sharing your work is now much easier)

unity 新功能 gif_Unity Connect的新功能:我们的第一轮更新
(Adding links to stores and online marketplaces)

We noticed that users with published work were directly linking to various stores in the Project’s description, so we created store link fields specifically for this purpose. Now, all you have to do is edit your Project and add your links.

我们注意到,已发表作品的用户直接链接到项目描述中的各个商店,因此我们专门为此创建了商店链接字段。 现在,您要做的就是编辑您的项目并添加链接。

If you’re an Asset Store developer, you’ll love this part: any Asset Store asset imported to Unity Connect will automatically have a default Asset Store Icon and a “Buy it on Asset Store” link in the Project. So make sure you sync your Asset Store work with Unity Connect so that you can benefit from engaging your customers and potential contracts in a brand new way.

如果您是资产商店开发人员,那么您会喜欢这部分: 导入到Unity Connect的任何资产商店资产将自动在项目中具有默认的资产商店图标和“在资产商店上购买”链接。 因此,请确保您将资产商店的工作与Unity Connect同步,以便以全新的方式吸引客户和潜在合同,从而从中受益。

变得社交 (Getting Social)

Lastly, you can now share Projects directly to Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest — as a creator, this is an easy way to improve your discoverability and show off your amazing work to your social networks.


但是等等,还有更多…… (But wait, there’s more…)

We also addressed the following issues that users raised via the forums and our support channel:


  • ‘Remote OK’ in Jobs now filters as expected.

    Jobs中的“ Remote OK”现在可以按预期进行过滤。

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from publishing a Project when uploading a video.


  • Added visual indicators to improve visibility of who you are following.


  • Added view count to Projects.


  • Extended character limit for education (Sorry to the “Bachelors of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science” majors).


  • Like icon now green for improved visibility.


  • You can now also like a Project by clicking the Like icon on a Project thumbnail from the Discover > Projects page.


  • Fixed some minor issues with Search.


  • Squashed some email bugs.


  • Last, but not least, corrected typos.


If you have issues or feedback that you’d like to provide to the team, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via the Unity Connect forum or at [email protected]

如果您有任何问题或反馈想提供给团队,请随时通过Unity Connect论坛或 [email protected] 与我们联系 。

还没在Unity Connect上吗? (Not on Unity Connect yet?)

Unity Connect is the first talent marketplace dedicated to Unity creators, game developers, VR/AR developers… the full spectrum of industry talent. Joining is quick and easy, just sign in with your Unity ID to activate your account and start building your profile, showcasing your work, and browsing Tasks or job opportunities today!

Unity Connect是第一个人才市场,致力于Unity创作者,游戏开发人员,VR / AR开发人员……各行各业的人才。 加入变得快速简便,只需使用您的Unity ID登录即可**您的帐户并开始建立个人资料,展示您的工作以及浏览任务或工作机会!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/11/28/whats-new-with-unity-connect-our-first-round-of-updates/

unity 新功能 gif