



Reader Jeevus wrote in asking how to remove the “Troubleshoot Compatibility” item from the Windows context menu whenever you right-click on an application—naturally, we were happy to explain how to do it, and share with the rest of you.


You’ll want to note that we’re not necessarily recommending that you remove this item, since it could be useful if you’re having compatibility issues with an application, but we’re fans of showing how to do something—also, we just like tinkering in the registry.

您将要注意,我们不一定建议您删除此项目,因为如果您与应用程序存在兼容性问题,该项目可能会很有 ,但是我们非常乐于展示如何做某事-此外,我们就像修改注册表一样。

删除故障排除兼容性 (Removing Troubleshoot Compatibility)

Open up regedit.exe through the Start Menu search or Run box, and then head down to the following registry key:



HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ exefile \ shellex \ ContextMenuHandlers \ Compatibility

You should see a key over on the right-hand side, and if you add a “-“ character to the beginning of the value, the item will disappear entirely from the context menu for executables, at least . Of course, you could also delete the key, but please don’t just delete it without testing this way out first.

您应该在右侧看到一个键,如果在值的开头添加“-”字符,则该项目将至少从可执行文件的上下文菜单中完全消失。 当然,您也可以删除**,但是请不要先删除**,而无需先进行这种测试。


Next you’ll want to head down to this registry key, which does the same thing for application shortcuts:



HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ lnkfile \ shellex \ ContextMenuHandlers \ Compatibility

Make the same change on the right-hand side.



It’s probably a better bet to right-click on the key on the left-hand pane, choose Export, and then save it out to a registry file that can be restored later by simply double-clicking on it. Once you’ve done that, then you can remove the key entirely, which will reduce the registry calls for this item, and give you a solid 0.000000000000001% speed increase.

右键单击左侧窗格上的键,选择“导出”,然后将其保存到注册表文件中,稍后只需双击即可还原,这可能是一个更好的选择。 完成此操作后,您可以完全删除**,这将减少此项目的注册表调用,并为您带来0.000000000000001%的稳定速度增长。

At this point you can right-click on an application file, and you won’t see the troubleshoot compatibility item anymore.



Make sure to check out our guide to using Program Compatibility Mode in Windows 7 before you make this registry hack—it’s really a very useful feature.

进行此注册表修改之前,请务必查看我们的Windows 7中使用程序兼容模式的指南-这确实是一个非常有用的功能。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/36160/remove-“troubleshoot-compatibility”-from-the-windows-context-menu/
