

Internet Explorer 9’s new interface has been revealed following an article published on a site run by one of Microsoft’s Russian subsidiaries. The screenshot was removed almost immediately, but it was too late — the image quickly dispersed throughout the web:

Microsoft的一家俄罗斯子公司在一个网站上发布了一篇文章,随后揭示了Internet Explorer 9的新界面。 屏幕快照几乎立即被删除,但为时已晚-图像Swift分散到整个网络中:


Microsoft has refused to publicly comment about the leak but, if it’s a fake, it’s very good one.


The screenshot shows a minimalistic user interface reminiscent of those implemented by Chrome, Opera and Firefox 4. However, the style and layout of the back/next buttons, address bar and icons will be recognizable to IE8 fans (I’m sure they must exist somewhere?)

屏幕快照显示了一个简约的用户界面,让人想起了Chrome,Opera和Firefox 4所实现的界面。但是,IE8粉丝可以识别后退/下一步按钮,地址栏和图标的样式和布局(我确定它们必须存在)某处?)

All the controls have moved to a single toolbar. It doesn’t leave much room for multiple tabs but it maximizes the web page viewing space. I’m surprised tabs haven’t been moved to the empty title bar area — Mozilla recently determined that tabs above the address bar is a more logical layout.

所有控件已移至单个工具栏。 它不会为多个选项卡留出太多空间,但是会最大化网页查看空间。 我很惊讶标签没有被移到空白的标题栏区域-Mozilla最近确定地址栏上方的标签是更合理的布局。

The Russian website also revealed IE9 would offer a unified search/address bar, a simplified set of toolbar icons, and tear-off tabs which can be snapped to a part of the screen. Windows 7 already offers this last option as “Aero Snap” so it may not be a feature implemented directly within the browser.

俄语网站还透露,IE9将提供统一的搜索/地址栏,简化的工具栏图标集以及可拆分到屏幕一部分的撕下标签。 Windows 7已经提供了最后一个选项作为“ Aero Snap”,因此它可能不是直接在浏览器中实现的功能。

The IE9 beta will be released on September 15 2010 so we’ll soon know whether the leaked screenshot is real or not. The final version is unlikely to appear until 2011 so the interface may undergo radical changes before then.

IE9测试版将于2010年9月15日发布,因此我们很快就会知道泄漏的屏幕截图是否真实。 最终版本不太可能在2011年之前出现,因此界面在此之前可能会发生重大变化。

Of course, it could be a Microsoft publicity stunt to raise awareness of the browser. I somehow doubt that — it’s been far more successful than many of their real campaigns! (Did anyone actually attend a Windows 7 party?)

当然,提高浏览器的知名度可能是微软的宣传特技。 我以某种方式对此表示怀疑-它比他们的许多实际竞选活动都成功得多! (有人真的参加过Windows 7派对吗?)

What do you think? Is the screenshot real or fake? Do you like it?

你怎么看? 屏幕截图是真实的还是假的? 你喜欢它吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/ie9-screenshot-microsoft-leak/
