A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks(图神经网络综合研究)

A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks


Zonghan Wu, Shirui Pan, Member, IEEE, Fengwen Chen, Guodong Long,

Chengqi Zhang, Senior Member, IEEE, Philip S. Yu, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Deep learning has revolutionized many machine learning tasks in recent years, ranging from image classification and video processing to speech recognition and natural language understanding. The data in these tasks are typically represented in the Euclidean space. However, there is an increasing number of applications where data are generated from non-Euclidean domains and are represented as graphs with complex relationships and interdependency between objects. The complexity of graph data has imposed significant challenges on existing machine learning algorithms. Recently, many studies on extending deep learning approaches for graph data have emerged. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive overview of graph neural networks (GNNs) in data mining and machine learning fields. We propose a new taxonomy to divide the state-of-the-art graph neural networks into different categories. With a focus on graph convolutional networks, we review alternative architectures that have recently been developed; these learning paradigms include graph attention networks, graph autoencoders, graph generative networks, and graph spatial-temporal networks. We further discuss the applications of graph neural networks across various domains and summarize the open source codes and benchmarks of the existing algorithms on different learning tasks. Finally, we propose potential research directions in this fast-growing field.

Index Terms—Deep Learning, graph neural networks, graph convolutional networks, graph representation learning, graph autoencoder, network embedding

摘要 - 深度学习近年来彻底改变了许多机器学习任务,从图像分类和视频处理到语音识别和自然语言理解。这些任务中的数据通常表示在欧几里德空间中。然而,越来越多的应用程序从非欧几里德域生成数据,并表示为具有复杂关系和对象之间相互依赖性的图。图数据的复杂性给现有的机器学习算法带来了重大挑战。最近,出现了许多关于扩展图形数据的深度学习方法的研究。在本次调查中,我们提供了数据挖掘和机器学习领域中图形神经网络(GNN)的全面概述。我们提出了一种新的分类法,将最先进的图形神经网络划分为不同的类别。我们专注于图形卷积网络,我们回顾了最近开发的替代架构;这些学习范例包括图形注意网络,图形自动编码器,图形生成网络和图形时空网络。我们进一步讨论了图神经网络在各个领域的应用,并总结了现有算法在不同学习任务中的开源代码和基准。最后,我们在这个快速发展的领域提出了潜在的研究方向。

索引术语 - 深度学习,图形神经网络,图形卷积网络,图形表示学习,图形自动编码器,网络嵌入


THE recent success of neural networks has boosted re-search on pattern recognition and data mining. Many machine learning tasks such as object detection [1], [2], ma-chine translation [3], [4], and speech recognition [5], which once heavily relied on handcrafted feature engineering to extract informative feature sets, has recently been revolu-tionized by various end-to-end deep learning paradigms, i.e., convolutional neural networks (CNNs) [6], long short-term memory (LSTM) [7], and autoencoders. The success of deep learning in many domains is partially attributed to the rapidly developing computational resources (e.g., GPU) and the availability of large training data, and is partially due to the effectiveness of deep learning to extract latent representation from Euclidean data (e.g., images, text, and video). Taking image analysis as an example, an image can be represented as a regular grid in the Euclidean space. A convolutional neural network (CNN) is able to exploit the shift-invariance, local connectivity, and compositionality of image data [8], and as a result, CNN can extract local meaningful features that are shared with the entire datasets for various image analysis tasks.
While deep learning has achieved great success on Eu-clidean data, there is an increasing number of applications where data are generated from the non-Euclidean domain and need to be effectively analyzed. For instance, in e-commerce, a graph-based learning system is able to exploit the interactions between users and products [9], [10], [11] to make highly accurate recommendations. In chemistry, molecules are modeled as graphs and their bioactivity needs to be identified for drug discovery [12], [13]. In a citation network, papers are linked to each other via citations and they need to be categorized into different groups [14], [15]. The complexity of graph data has imposed significant challenges on existing machine learning algorithms. This is because graph data are irregular. Each graph has a variable size of unordered nodes and each node in a graph has a different number of neighbors, causing some important operations (e.g., convolutions), which are easy to compute in the image domain but are not directly applicable to the graph domain anymore. Furthermore, a core assumption of existing machine learning algorithms is that instances are independent of each other. However, this is not the case for graph data where each instance (node) is related to others (neighbors) via some complex linkage information, which is used to capture the interdependence among data, including citations, friendship, and interactions.

Recently, there is increasing interest in extending deep learning approaches for graph data. Driven by the success of deep learning, researchers have borrowed ideas from convolution networks, recurrent networks, and deep auto-encoders to design the architecture of graph neural networks. To handle the complexity of graph data, new gen-eralizations and definitions for important operations have been rapidly developed over the past few years. For in-stance, Figure 1 illustrates how a kind of graph convolution is inspired by a standard 2D convolution. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive overview of these methods, for both interested researchers who want to enter this rapidly developing field and experts who would like to compare graph neural network algorithms.


2 A Brief History of Graph Neural Networks The nota-tion of graph neural networks was firstly outlined in Gori et al. (2005) [16], and further elaborated in Micheli (2009) [17] and Scarselli et al. (2009) [18]. These early studies learn a target node’s representation by propagating neighbor in-formation via recurrent neural architectures in an iterative manner until a stable fixed point is reached. This process is computationally expensive, and recently there have been increasing efforts to overcome these challenges [19], [20]. In our survey, we generalize the term graph neural networks to

(a)2D Convolution. Analo-gous to a graph, each pixel in an image is taken as a node where neighbors are de-termined by the filter size. The 2D convolution takes a weighted average of pixel val-ues of the red node along with its neighbors. The neighbors of a node are ordered and have a fixed size.

(b)Graph Convolution. To get a hidden representation of the red node, one simple solution of graph convolution opera-tion takes the average value of node features of the red node along with its neighbors. Different from image data, the neighbors of a node are un-ordered and variable in size.

2图形神经网络的简史图形神经网络的概念首先在Gori等人的文章中概述。 (2005)[16],并在Micheli(2009)[17]和Scarselli等人进一步阐述。 (2009)[18]。这些早期研究通过迭代方式通过递归神经架构传播邻居信息来学习目标节点的表示,直到达到稳定的固定点。这个过程计算成本很高,最近越来越多的努力克服这些挑战[19],[20]。在我们的调查中,我们将术语图神经网络概括为

(a)2D卷积。对图表进行分析,图像中的每个像素都被视为一个节点,其中邻居由过滤器大小决定。 2D卷积采用红色节点及其邻居的像素值的加权平均值。节点的邻居是有序的并且具有固定的大小。


represent all deep learning approaches for graph data. Inspired by the huge success of convolutional networks

in the computer vision domain, a large number of methods that re-define the notation of convolution for graph data have emerged recently. These approaches are under the umbrella of graph convolutional networks (GCNs). The first promi-nent research on GCNs is presented in Bruna et al. (2013), which develops a variant of graph convolution based on spectral graph theory [21]. Since that time, there have been increasing improvements, extensions, and approximations on spectral-based graph convolutional networks [12], [14], [22], [23], [24]. As spectral methods usually handle the whole graph simultaneously and are difficult to parallel or scale to large graphs, spatial-based graph convolutional networks have rapidly developed recently [25], [26], [27], [28]. These methods directly perform the convolution in the graph domain by aggregating the neighbor nodes’ informa-tion. Together with sampling strategies, the computation can be performed in a batch of nodes instead of the whole graph [25], [28], which has the potential to improve efficiency.

In addition to graph convolutional networks, many alter-native graph neural networks have been developed in the past few years. These approaches include graph attention networks, graph autoencoders, graph generative networks, and graph spatial-temporal networks. Details on the catego-rization of these methods are given in Section 3.

Related surveys on graph neural networks. There are a limited number of existing reviews on the topic of graph neural networks. Using the notation geometric deep learning, Bronstein et al. [8] give an overview of deep learning methods in the non-Euclidean domain, including graphs and manifolds. While being the first review on graph con-volution networks, this survey misses several important spatial-based approaches, including [15], [20], [25], [27], [28], [29], which update state-of-the-art benchmarks. Fur-thermore, this survey does not cover many newly devel-oped architectures which are equally important to graph convolutional networks. These learning paradigms, includ-ing graph attention networks, graph autoencoders, graph generative networks, and graph spatial-temporal networks, are comprehensively reviewed in this article. Battaglia et al. [30] position graph networks as the building blocks for learning from relational data, reviewing part of graph neu-ral networks under a unified framework. However, their generalized framework is highly abstract, losing insights on each method from its original paper. Lee et al. [31] conduct a partial survey on the graph attention model, which is one type of graph neural network. Most recently, Zhang et al. [32] present a most up-to-date survey on deep learning for graphs, missing those studies on graph generative and spatial-temporal networks. In summary, none of the existing surveys provide a comprehensive overview of graph neural networks, only covering some of the graph convolution neural networks and examining a limited number of works, thereby missing the most recent development of alternative graph neural networks, such as graph generative networks and graph spatial-temporal networks.

在计算机视觉领域,最近出现了大量重新定义图形数据卷积符号的方法。这些方法属于图卷积网络(GCN)的保护范围。关于GCN的第一个重要研究在Bruna等人的研究中提出。 (2013),它开发了基于谱图理论的图卷积变体[21]。从那时起,基于频谱的图卷积网络的改进,扩展和近似已经不断增加[12],[14],[22],[23],[24]。由于光谱方法通常同时处理整个图形并且难以与大图并行或缩放,因此基于空间的图卷积网络最近迅速发展[25],[26],[27],[28]。这些方法通过聚合邻居节点的信息直接在图域中执行卷积。与采样策略一起,计算可以在一批节点中执行,而不是整个图[25],[28],这有可能提高效率。


关于图神经网络的相关调查。关于图神经网络主题的现有评论数量有限。使用符号几何深度学习,Bronstein等。 [8]概述了非欧几里德领域的深度学习方法,包括图形和流形。虽然这是对图解卷积网络的第一次审查,但该调查错过了几种重要的基于空间的方法,包括[15],[20],[25],[27],[28],[29],它们更新了国家最先进的基准。此外,这项调查还没有涵盖许多新开发的架构,这些架构对于图形卷积网络同样重要。本文全面回顾了这些学习范式,包括图形注意网络,图形自动编码器,图形生成网络和图形时空网络。 Battaglia等。 [30]位置图网络作为学习关系数据的基石,在统一框架下审查图形神经网络的一部分。然而,他们的通用框架是高度抽象的,从原始论文中失去了对每种方法的见解。李等人。 [31]对图注意模型进行了部分调查,这是一种图神经网络。最近,张等人。 [32]提供了关于图的深度学习的最新调查,遗漏了关于图生成和时空网络的研究。总之,现有的调查都没有提供图神经网络的全面概述,仅覆盖一些图卷积神经网络并检查有限数量的工作,从而忽略了替代图神经网络的最新发展,如图生成网络和图形时空网络。
Graph neural networks vs. network embedding The research on graph neural networks is closely related to graph embedding or network embedding, another topic which attracts increasing attention from both the data min-ing and machine learning communities [33] [34] [35] [36], [37], [38]. Network embedding aims to represent network vertices into a low-dimensional vector space, by preserving both network topology structure and node content informa-tion, so that any subsequent graph analytics tasks such as classification, clustering, and recommendation can be easily performed by using simple off-the-shelf machine learning algorithm (e.g., support vector machines for classification). Many network embedding algorithms are typically unsu-pervised algorithms and they can be broadly classified into three groups [33], i.e., matrix factorization [39], [40], ran-dom walks [41], and deep learning approaches. The deep learning approaches for network embedding at the same time belong to graph neural networks, which include graph autoencoder-based algorithms (e.g., DNGR [42] and SDNE [43]) and graph convolution neural networks with unsuper-vised training(e.g., GraphSage [25]). Figure 2 describes the differences between network embedding and graph neural networks in this paper.
图形神经网络与网络嵌入图形神经网络的研究与图形嵌入或网络嵌入密切相关,另一个主题吸引了来自数据挖掘和机器学习社区的越来越多的关注[33] [34] [35] [ 36],[37],[38]。网络嵌入旨在通过保留网络拓扑结构和节点内容信息来将网络顶点表示为低维向量空间,以便可以通过使用简单的方式轻松执行任何后续图形分析任务,如分类,聚类和推荐现成的机器学习算法(例如,用于分类的支持向量机)。许多网络嵌入算法通常是不受限制的算法,它们可以大致分为三组[33],即矩阵分解[39],[40],随机漫游[41]和深度学习方法。同时用于网络嵌入的深度学习方法属于图神经网络,其包括基于图自动编码器的算法(例如,DNGR [42]和SDNE [43])和具有无需培训的图卷积神经网络(例如, GraphSage [25])。图2描述了本文中网络嵌入和图神经网络之间的差异。

Fig. 1: 2D Convolution vs. Graph Convolution.

A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks(图神经网络综合研究)

(a)2D Convolution. Analo-gous to a graph, each pixel in an image is taken as a node where neighbors are de-termined by the filter size. The 2D convolution takes a weighted average of pixel val-ues of the red node along with its neighbors. The neighbors of a node are ordered and have a fixed size.
(a)2D卷积。 对图表进行分析,图像中的每个像素都被视为一个节点,其中邻居由过滤器大小决定。 2D卷积采用红色节点及其邻居的像素值的加权平均值。 节点的邻居是有序的并且具有固定的大小。

A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks(图神经网络综合研究)
(b)Graph Convolution. To get a hidden representation of the red node, one simple solution of graph convolution opera-tion takes the average value of node features of the red node along with its neighbors. Different from image data, the neighbors of a node are un-ordered and variable in size.

(b)图形卷积。 为了获得红色节点的隐藏表示,图解卷积操作的一个简单解决方案是获取红色节点的节点特征及其邻居的平均值。 与图像数据不同,节点的邻居是无序的并且大小可变。

A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks(图神经网络综合研究)

Our Contributions Our paper makes notable contribu-tions summarized as follows:

New taxonomy In light of the increasing number of studies on deep learning for graph data, we propose a new taxonomy of graph neural networks (GNNs). In this taxonomy, GNNs are categorized into five groups: graph convolution networks, graph atten-tion networks, graph auto-encoders, graph genera-tive networks, and graph spatial-temporal networks. We pinpoint the differences between graph neural networks and network embedding and draw the connections between different graph neural network architectures.

Comprehensive review This survey provides the most comprehensive overview of modern deep learning techniques for graph data. For each type of graph neural network, we provide detailed de-scriptions on representative algorithms, and make a necessary comparison and summarise the corre-sponding algorithms.

Abundant resources This survey provides abundant resources on graph neural networks, which include state-of-the-art algorithms, benchmark datasets, open-source codes, and practical applications. This survey can be used as a hands-on guide for under-standing, using, and developing different deep learn-ing approaches for various real-life applications.

Future directions This survey also highlights the cur-rent limitations of the existing algorithms, and points out possible directions in this rapidly developing field.

Organization of Our Survey The rest of this survey is organized as follows. Section 2 defines a list of graph-related concepts. Section 3 clarifies the categorization of graph neural networks. Section 4 and Section 5 provides an overview of graph neural network models. Section 6 presents a gallery of applications across various domains. Section 7 discusses the current challenges and suggests future directions. Section 8 summarizes the paper.







In this section, we provide definitions of basic graph con-cepts. For easy retrieval, we summarize the commonly used notations in Table 1.

A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks(图神经网络综合研究)

A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks(图神经网络综合研究)

A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks(图神经网络综合研究)

A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks(图神经网络综合研究)

图4:具有多个GCN层的图卷积网络的变体[14]。 GCN层通过聚合来自其邻居的特征信息来封装每个节点的隐藏表示。 在特征聚合之后,将非线性变换应用于结果输出。 通过堆叠多个层,每个节点的最终隐藏表示从另一个邻域接收消息。

A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks(图神经网络综合研究)


In this section, we present our taxonomy of graph neural networks. We consider any differentiable graph models which incorporate neural architectures as graph neural net-works. We categorize graph neural networks into graph con-volution networks, graph attention networks, graph auto-encoders, graph generative networks and graph spatial-temporal networks. Of these, graph convolution networks play a central role in capturing structural dependencies. As illustrated in Figure 3, methods under other categories partially utilize graph convolution networks as building blocks. We summarize the representative methods in each category in Table 2, and we give a brief introduction of each category in the following.
在本节中,我们将介绍图神经网络的分类。 我们考虑任何将神经架构作为图神经网络的可微图模型。 我们将图形神经网络分类为图形卷积网络,图形注意网络,图形自动编码器,图形生成网络和图形时空网络。 其中,图卷积网络在捕获结构依赖性方面发挥着核心作用。 如图3所示,其他类别下的方法部分地利用图卷积网络作为构建块。 我们总结了表2中每个类别的代表性方法,并在下面简要介绍了每个类别。

A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks(图神经网络综合研究)
(a)具有用于图分类的汇集模块的图卷积网络[12]。 GCN层[14]之后是池化层,以将图形粗化为子图形,使得粗糙图形上的节点表示代表更高的图形级别表示。 为了计算每个图形标签的概率,输出层是具有SoftMax函数的线性层。
A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks(图神经网络综合研究)
(b)带GCN的图形自动编码器[62]。 编码器使用GCN层为每个节点获得潜在的重新表示。 解码器计算编码器产生的节点潜在表示之间的成对距离。 在应用非线性**函数之后,解码器重建图形邻接矩阵。

A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks(图神经网络综合研究)

(c)使用GCN绘制时空网络图[74]。 GCN层之后是1D-CNN层。 GCN层在At和Xt上操作以捕获空间依赖性,而1D-CNN层沿时间轴在X上滑动以捕获时间依赖性。 输出层是线性变换,为每个节点生成预测。


Taxonomy of GNNs

Graph Convolution Networks (GCNs) generalize the oper-ation of convolution from traditional data (images or grids) to graph data. The key is to learn a function f to generate a node vi’s representation by aggregating its own features Xi and neighbors’ features Xj, where j 2 N(vi). Figure 4 shows the process of GCNs for node representation learn-ing. Graph convolutional networks play a central role in building up many other complex graph neural network models, including auto-encoder-based models, generative models, and spatial-temporal networks, etc. Figure 5 illus-trates several graph neural network models building on GCNs.

Graph Attention Networks are similar to GCNs and seek an aggregation function to fuse the neighboring nodes, random walks, and candidate models in graphs to learn a new representation. The key difference is that graph attention networks employ attention mechanisms which assign larger weights to the more important nodes, walks, or models. The attention weight is learned together with neural network

parameters within an end-to-end framework. Figure 6 illus-trates the difference between graph convolutional networks and graph attention networks in aggregating the neighbor node information.

Graph Auto-encoders are unsupervised learning frame-works which aim to learn low dimensional node vectors via an encoder, and then reconstruct the graph data via a decoder. Graph autoencoders are a popular approach to learn the graph embedding, for both plain graphs with-out attributed information [42], [43] as well as attributed graphs [64], [65]. For plain graphs, many algorithms directly prepossess the adjacency matrix, by either constructing a new matrix (i.e., pointwise mutual information matrix) with rich information [42] or feeding the adjacency matrix to an autoencoder model and capturing both first order and second order information [43]. For attributed graphs, graph autoencoder models tend to employ GCN [14] as a building block for the encoder and reconstruct the structure informa-tion via a link prediction decoder [62], [64].
图形卷积网络(GCN)概括了卷积从传统数据(图像或网格)到图形数据的操作。关键是通过聚合其自身的特征Xi和邻居的特征Xj来学习函数f以生成节点vi的表示,其中j 2 N(vi)。图4显示了节点表示学习的GCN过程。图形卷积网络在构建许多其他复杂图形神经网络模型中发挥着核心作用,包括基于自动编码器的模型,生成模型和时空网络等。图5构建基于GCN的几个图形神经网络模型。



图自动编码器是无监督学习框架,旨在通过编码器学习低维节点向量,然后通过解码器重建图形数据。图自动编码器是学习图嵌入的一种流行方法,对于两个没有属性信息的普通图[42],[43]以及归因图[64],[65]。对于普通图,许多算法通过构造具有丰富信息[42]的新矩阵(即,逐点互信息矩阵)或将邻接矩阵馈送到自动编码器模型并捕获一阶和二阶信息来直接预先存储邻接矩阵。 [43]。对于归因图,图自动编码器模型倾向于使用GCN [14]作为编码器的构建块,并通过链路预测解码器重构结构信息[62],[64]。
A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks(图神经网络综合研究)

A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks(图神经网络综合研究)

Graph Generative Networks aim to generate plausible structures from data. Generating graphs given a graph empirical distribution is fundamentally challenging, mainly because graphs are complex data structures. To address this problem, researchers have explored to factor the generation process as forming nodes and edges alternatively [67], [68], to employ generative adversarial training [69], [70]. One promising application domain of graph generative networks is chemical compound synthesis. In a chemical graph, atoms are treated as nodes and chemical bonds are treated as edges. The task is to discover new synthesizable molecules which possess certain chemical and physical properties.

Graph Spatial-temporal Networks aim to learn unseen pat-terns from spatial-temporal graphs, which are increasingly important in many applications such as traffic forecasting and human activity prediction. For instance, the underlying road traffic network is a natural graph where each key loca-tion is a node whose traffic data is continuously monitored. By developing effective graph spatial-temporal network models, we can accurately predict the traffic status over the whole traffic system [73], [74]. The key idea of graph spatial-temporal networks is to consider spatial dependency and temporal dependency at the same time. Many current approaches apply GCNs to capture the dependency together with some RNN [73] or CNN [74] to model the temporal dependency.


图时空网络旨在从空间 - 时间图中学习看不见的模式,这在许多应用中越来越重要,例如交通预测和人类活动预测。例如,基础道路交通网络是一个自然图形,其中每个关键位置是连续监测交通数据的节点。通过开发有效的图形时空网络模型,我们可以准确地预测整个交通系统的交通状况[73],[74]。图时空网络的关键思想是同时考虑空间依赖和时间依赖。许多当前的方法应用GCN来捕获依赖性以及一些RNN [73]或CNN [74]来模拟时间依赖性。

3.2 Frameworks

Graph neural networks, graph convolution networks (GCNs) in particular, try to replicate the success of CNN in graph data by defining graph convolutions via graph spectral theory or spatial locality. With the graph structure and node content information as inputs, the outputs of GCN can focus on different graph analytics task with one of the following mechanisms:

Node-level outputs relate to node regression and classification tasks. As a graph convolution module directly gives nodes’ latent representations, a multi-perceptron layer or softmax layer is used as the final layer of GCN. We review graph convolution modules in Section 4.1 and Section 4.2.

Edge-level outputs relate to the edge classifica-tion and link prediction tasks. To predict the la-bel/connection strength of an edge, an additional function will take two nodes’ latent representations from the graph convolution module as inputs.

Graph-level outputs relate to the graph classification task. To obtain a compact representation on graph level, a pooling module is used to coarse a graph into sub-graphs or to sum/average over the node repre-sentations. We review the graph pooling module in Section 4.3.

In Table 3, we list the details of the inputs and outputs of the main GCNs methods. In particular, we summarize output mechanisms in between each GCN layer and in the final layer of each method. The output mechanisms may involve several pooling operations, which are discussed in Section 4.3.

End-to-end Training Frameworks. Graph convolutional net-works can be trained in a (semi-) supervised or purely un-supervised way within an end-to-end learning framework, depending on the learning tasks and label information avail-able at hand.

Semi-supervised learning for node-level classifi-cation. Given a single network with partial nodes being labeled and others remaining unlabeled, graph convolutional networks can learn a robust model that effectively identify the class labels for the unlabeled nodes [14]. To this end, an end-to-end framework can be built by stacking a couple of graph convolutional layers followed by a softmax layer for multi-class classification.

Supervised learning for graph-level classification. Given a graph dataset, graph-level classification aims to predict the class label(s) for an entire graph [58], [59], [77], [78]. The end-to-end learning for this task can be done with a framework which combines both graph convolutional layers and the pooling procedure [58], [59]. Specifically, by applying graph convolutional layers, we obtain representation with a fixed number of dimensions for each node in every single graph. Then, we can get the representation of an entire graph through pooling which summarizes the representation vectors of all nodes in a graph. Finally, by applying linear layers and a softmax layer, we can build an end-to-end framework for graph classification. An example is given in Fig 5a.

Unsupervised learning for graph embedding. When no class labels are available in graphs, we can learn the graph embedding in a purely unsupervised way in an end-to-end framework. These algorithms ex-ploit edge-level information in two ways. One simple way is to adopt an autoencoder framework where the encoder employs graph convolutional layers to embed the graph into the latent representation upon which a decoder is used to reconstruct the graph structure [62], [64]. Another way is to utilize the neg-ative sampling approach which samples a portion of node pairs as negative pairs while existing node pairs with links in the graphs being positive pairs. Then a logistic regression layer is applied after the convolutional layers for end-to-end learning [25].










In this section, we review graph convolution networks (GCNs), the fundamental of many complex graph neural network models. GCNs approaches fall into two categories, spectral-based and spatial-based. Spectral-based approaches define graph convolutions by introducing filters from the perspective of graph signal processing [79] where the graph convolution operation is interpreted as removing noise from graph signals. Spatial-based approaches formulate graph convolutions as aggregating feature information from neighbors. While GCNs operate on the node level, graph pooling modules can be interleaved with the GCN layer, to coarsen graphs into high-level sub-structures. As shown in Fig 5a, such an architecture design can be used to extract graph-level representations and to perform graph classifi-cation tasks. In the following, we introduce spectral-based GCNs, spatial-based GCNs, and graph pooling modules separately.
在本节中,我们回顾图形卷积网络(GCN),这是许多复杂图形神经网络模型的基础。 GCNs方法分为两类,基于光谱和基于空间。 基于谱的方法通过从图形信号处理的角度引入滤波器来定义图形卷积[79],其中图形卷积运算被解释为从图形信号中去除噪声。 基于空间的方法将图形卷积表示为聚合来自邻居的特征信息。 虽然GCN在节点级别上运行,但是图形池模块可以与GCN层交织,以将图形粗化为高级子结构。 如图5a所示,这种架构设计可用于提取图层级表示并执行图分类任务。 在下文中,我们分别介绍基于谱的GCN,基于空间的GCN和图池池模块。

4.1 Spectral-based Graph Convolutional Networks

Spectral-based methods have a solid foundation in graph signal processing [79]. We first give some basic knowledge background of graph signal processing, after which we review the representative research on the spectral-based GCNs.
基于光谱的方法在图形信号处理中具有坚实的基础[79]。 我们首先给出了图形信号处理的一些基本知识背景,然后我们回顾了基于光谱的GCN的代表性研究。

4.1.1 Backgrounds

In spectral-based models, graphs are assumed to be undi-rected. A robust mathematical representation of an undi-rected graph is the normalized graph Laplacian matrix,
在基于光谱的模型中,假设图形是未经修正的。 未迭代图的稳健数学表示是归一化图拉普拉斯矩阵,
A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks(图神经网络综合研究)

A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks(图神经网络综合研究)
result, the convolution of a graph signal x with the defined
A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks(图神经网络综合研究)

5.3 Graph Generative Networks

The goal of graph generative networks is to generate graphs given an observed set of graphs. Many approaches to graph generative networks are domain specific. For instance, in molecular graph generation, some works model a string representation of molecular graphs called SMILES [98], [99], [100], [101]. In natural language processing, generating a se-mantic or a knowledge graph is often conditioned on a given sentence [102], [103]. Recently, several general approaches have been proposed. Some work factor the generation pro-cess as forming nodes and edges alternatively [67], [68] while others employ generative adversarial training [69], [70]. The methods in this category either employ GCN as building blocks or use different architectures.

5.3.1 GCN Based Graph Generative Networks

Molecular Generative Adversarial Networks (MolGAN) [69] integrates relational GCN [104], improved GAN [105] and reinforcement learning (RL) objective to generate graphs with desired properties. The GAN consists of a generator and a discriminator, competing with each other to improve the authenticity of the generator. In MolGAN, the generator tries to propose a faked graph along with its feature matrix while the discriminator aims to distinguish the faked sample from the empirical data. Additionally, a reward network is introduced in parallel with the dis-criminator to encourage the generated graphs to possess certain properties according to an external evaluator. The framework of MolGAN is described in Fig 9.

Deep Generative Models of Graphs (DGMG) [68] uti-lizes spatial-based graph convolution networks to obtain a hidden representation of an existing graph. The decision process of generating nodes and edges is conditioned on the resultant graph representation. Briefly, DGMG recursively proposes a node to a growing graph until a stopping crite-rion is evoked. In each step after adding a new node, DGMG repeatedly decides whether to add an edge to the added node until the decision turns to false. If the decision is true, it evaluates the probability distribution of connecting the newly added node to all existing nodes and samples one node from the probability distribution. After a new node and its connections are added to the existing graph, DGMG updates the graph representation again.

5.3.2 Miscellaneous Graph Generative Networks

GraphRNN [67] exploits deep graph generative models through two-level recurrent neural networks. The graph-level RNN adds a new node each time to a node sequence while the edge level RNN produces a binary sequence indicating connections between the newly added node and previously generated nodes in the sequence. To linearize a graph into a sequence of nodes for training the graph level RNN, GraphRNN adopts the breadth-first-search (BFS) strategy. To model the binary sequence for training the edge-level RNN, GraphRNN assumes multivariate Bernoulli or conditional Bernoulli distribution.

NetGAN [70] combines LSTM [7] with Wasserstein GAN [106] to generate graphs from a random-walk-based ap-proach. The GAN framework consists of two modules, a generator and a discriminator. The generator makes its best effort to generate plausible random walks through an LSTM network while the discriminator tries to distinguish faked random walks from the real ones. After training, a new graph is obtained by normalizing a co-occurrence matrix of nodes which occur in a set of random walks.

A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks(图神经网络综合研究)

图9:MolGAN的框架[70]。 生成器首先从标准正态分布中采样初始向量。 通过神经网络传递该初始向量,生成器输出密集邻接矩阵A和相应的特征矩阵X.接下来,生成器基于A和X从分类分布产生采样的离散A和X.最后,GCN用于 导出采样图的矢量表示。 将该图表表示馈送到两个不同的神经网络,鉴别器和奖励网络分别输出零和一之间的分数,其将用作反馈以更新模型参数。

5.3.3 Summary

Evaluating generated graphs remains a difficult problem. Unlike synthesized images or audios, which can be di-rectly assessed by human experts, the quality of generated graphs is difficult to inspect visually. MolGAN and DGMG make use of external knowledge to evaluate the validity of generated molecule graphs. GraphRNN and NetGAN evaluate generated graphs by graph statistics (e.g. node degrees). Whereas DGMG and GraphRNN generate nodes and edges sequentially, MolGAN and NetGAN generate nodes and edges jointly. According to [71], the disadvantage of the former approaches is that when graphs become large, modeling a long sequence is not realistic. The challenge of the latter approaches is that the global properties of a graph are difficult to control. A recent approach [71] adopts variational auto-encoder to generate a graph by proposing the adjacency matrix, imposing penalty terms to address validity constraints. However, as the output space of a graph with n nodes is n2, none of these methods is scalable to large graphs.
评估生成的图形仍然是一个难题。与人类专家可以直接评估的合成图像或音频不同,生成的图形的质量难以在视觉上进行检查。 MolGAN和DGMG利用外部知识来评估生成的分子图的有效性。 GraphRNN和NetGAN通过图形统计(例如节点度)评估生成的图形。 DGMG和GraphRNN按顺序生成节点和边,而MolGAN和NetGAN共同生成节点和边。根据[71],前一种方法的缺点是当图形变大时,对长序列建模是不现实的。后一种方法的挑战是图的全局属性难以控制。最近的方法[71]采用变分自动编码器通过提出邻接矩阵来生成图形,强加惩罚项来解决有效性约束。但是,由于具有n个节点的图的输出空间是n2,因此这些方法都不能扩展到大图。

5.4 Graph Spatial-Temporal Networks

Graph spatial-temporal networks capture spatial and tem-poral dependencies of a spatial-temporal graph simultane-ously. Spatial-temporal graphs have a global graph structure with inputs to each node which are changing across time. For instance, in traffic networks, each sensor taken as a node records the traffic speed of a certain road continuously where the edges of the traffic network are determined by the distance between pairs of sensors. The goal of graph spatial-temporal networks can be forecasting future node values or labels, or predicting spatial-temporal graph labels. Recent studies have explored the use of GCNs [75] solely, a combination of GCNs with RNN [73] or CNN [74], and a recurrent architecture tailored to graph structures [76]. In the following, we introduce these methods.

图形时空网络同时捕获空间 - 时间图的空间和时间依赖性。 时空图具有全局图结构,每个节点的输入随时间变化。 例如,在交通网络中,作为节点的每个传感器连续地记录某个道路的交通速度,其中交通网络的边缘由传感器对之间的距离确定。 图形时空网络的目标可以是预测未来的节点值或标签,或预测时空图标签。 最近的研究仅探讨了GCN [75]的使用,GCN与RNN [73]或CNN [74]的结合,以及针对图形结构定制的循环架构[76]。 在下文中,我们介绍这些方法。


Though graph neural networks have proven their power in learning graph data, challenges still exist due to the complexity of graphs. In this section, we provide four future directions of graph neural networks.

Go Deep The success of deep learning lies in deep neu-ral architectures. In image classification, for example, an outstanding model named ResNet [153] has 152 layers. However, when it comes to graphs, experimental studies have shown that with the increase in the number of layers, the model performance drops dramatically [110]. According to [110], this is due to the effect of graph convolutions in that it essentially pushes representations of adjacent nodes closer to each other so that, in theory, with an infinite times of convolutions, all nodes’ representations will converge to a single point. This raises the question of whether going deep is still a good strategy for learning graph-structured data.

Receptive Field The receptive field of a node refers to a set of nodes including the central node and its neighbors. The number of neighbors of a node follows a power law distribution. Some nodes may only have one neighbor, while other nodes may neighbors as many as thousands. Though sampling strategies have been adopted [25], [27], [28], how to select a representative receptive field of a node remains to be explored.

Scalability Most graph neural networks do not scale well for large graphs. The main reason for this is when stacking multiple layers of a graph convolution, a node’s final state involves a large number of its neighbors’ hidden states, leading to the high complexity of backpropagation. While several approaches try to improve their model efficiency by fast sampling [48], [49] and sub-graph training [25], [28], they are still not scalable enough to handle deep architec-tures with large graphs.

Dynamics and Heterogeneity The majority of current graph neural networks tackle with static homogeneous graphs. On the one hand, graph structures are assumed to be fixed. On the other hand, nodes and edges from a graph are assumed to come from a single source. However, these two assumptions are not realistic in many scenarios. In a social

深入了解深度学习的成功在于深层的神经架构。例如,在图像分类中,名为ResNet [153]的优秀模型具有152个层。然而,当谈到图表时,实验研究表明,随着层数的增加,模型性能急剧下降[110]。根据[110],这是由于图形卷积的影响,它基本上推动了相邻节点的表示彼此更接近,因此理论上,无限次卷积时,所有节点的表示将收敛到单个点。这提出了一个问题,即深入研究是否仍然是学习图形结构数据的好策略。





network, a new person may enter into a network at any time and an existing person may quit the network as well. In a recommender system, products may have different types where their inputs may have different forms such as texts or images. Therefore, new methods should be developed to handle dynamic and heterogeneous graph structures.
在网络中,新人可以随时进入网络,现有人也可以退出网络。 在推荐系统中,产品可以具有不同的类型,其输入可以具有不同的形式,例如文本或图像。 因此,应该开发新的方法来处理动态和异构图结构。


In this survey, we conduct a comprehensive overview of graph neural networks. We provide a taxonomy which groups graph neural networks into five categories: graph convolutional networks, graph attention networks, graph autoencoders, graph generative networks and graph spatial-temporal networks. We provide a thorough review, com-parisons, and summarizations of the methods within or between categories. Then we introduce a wide range of ap-plications of graph neural networks. Datasets, open source codes, and benchmarks for graph neural networks are sum-marized. Finally, we suggest four future directions for graph neural networks.
在本次调查中,我们对图神经网络进行了全面的概述。 我们提供了一种分类法,将图形神经网络分为五类:图形卷积网络,图形注意网络,图形自动编码器,图形生成网络和图形时空网络。 我们提供对类别内或类别之间方法的全面审查,比较和总结。 然后我们介绍了图神经网络的广泛应用。 总结了图形神经网络的数据集,开源代码和基准。 最后,我们建议图形神经网络的四个未来方向。


This research was funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council (ARC) under grants 1) LP160100630 partnership with Australia Govern-ment Department of Health and 2) LP150100671 partnership with Australia Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) and Global Business College Australia (GBCA). We acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation and MakeMagic Australia with the donation of GPU used for this research.
该研究由澳大利亚*通过澳大利亚研究委员会(ARC)资助,1)LP160100630与澳大利亚*卫生部合作,2)LP150100671与澳大利亚儿童和青年研究联盟(ARACY)和全球商业学院合作 澳大利亚(GBCA)。 我们感谢NVIDIA公司和MakeMagic Australia的支持,并捐赠了用于本研究的GPU。


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