[云计算技术文章之其三] 在Docker平台和Moby项目中加入对Kubernetes的支持


  • 最近一两个星期,手头上的项目陆续交付出去了,个人的空闲时间就多了些,于是业余活动就增多了起来,终于也有时间开始整理文档,写写博客了。
  • 近期的业余活动,除了继续学习吴恩达老师的深度学习课程,看一看 Stephen Boyd 的著作《Convex Optimization》学习一些数学知识,还加入了腾讯云的“云+翻译社”,闲下来时翻译一些比较新的技术文章张张姿势,身为技术人,可不能跟不上时代啊。
  • 翻译社第一期活动是“云计算相关技术的前瞻性研究”,虽然跟我的学习方向不怎么对口,但是我也领了五篇比较简单的文章趁机涨涨姿势。
  • 其中有三篇文章被专栏采纳了,说明这几篇翻译还是及格的。所以我打算在这两天整理整理,把中英对照版发在这里。
  • 发在专栏的原文地址如下:


原文作者:Solomon Hykes

Docker Platform and Moby Project Add Kubernetes


The Docker platform is integrating support for Kubernetes so that Docker customers and developers have the option to use both Kubernetes and Swarm to orchestrate container workloads. Register for beta access and check out the detailed blog posts to learn how we’re bringing Kubernetes to:

Docker is a platform that sits between apps and infrastructure. By building apps on Docker, developers and IT operations get freedom and flexibility. That’s because Docker runs everywhere that enterprises deploy apps: on-prem (including on IBM mainframes, enterprise Linux and Windows) and in the cloud. Once an application is containerized, it’s easy to re-build, re-deploy and move around, or even run in hybrid setups that straddle on-prem and cloud infrastructure.

Docker 平台正在集成对 Kubernetes 的支持,以便 Docker 的客户和开发人员可以选择使用 Kubernetes 和 Swarm 来编排容器的工作负载。注册并访问测试版可查看详细的博客文章,以了解我们是如何将 Kubernetes 接入的:

Docker 是一个介于应用程序和基础架构之间的平台。开发者和 IT 运维人员可以通过在 Docker 上构建应用程序,来获得*性和灵活性。这是因为 Docker 运行在任何企业部署应用程序的位置——本地(包括 IBM 大型主机,企业 Linux 和 Windows)以及云端。当一个应用程序被容器化,它就很容易重新构建,重新部署和移动,甚至可以运行在横跨本地架构与云架构之间的混合架构上。

The Docker platform is composed of many components, assembled in four layers:

  • The containerd industry-standard container runtime implementing the OCI standards
  • Swarm orchestration that transforms a group of nodes into a distributed system
  • Docker Community Edition providing developers a simple workflow to build and ship container applications, with features like application composition, image build and management
  • Docker Enterprise Edition, to manage an end to end secure software supply chain and run containers in production

Docker 平台由诸多组件组合而成,主要分为四个层次:

  • 满足容器行业标准的容器,实现了 OCI(开放容器标准)。
  • Swarm 将一组节点进行编排而成为一个分布式系统。
  • Docker 社区版(Community Edition)为开发人员提供了一个简单的用于构建和发布容器应用程序的工作流程,它具有应用组合,映像构建与管理等功能。
  • Docker 企业版(Enterprise Edition),主要管理终端安全软件供应链,并在生产环境中运行容器。

[云计算技术文章之其三] 在Docker平台和Moby项目中加入对Kubernetes的支持

These four layers are assembled from upstream components that are part of the open source Moby Project.

这四个层次是由上游组件组合而成,而上游组件则是开源 Moby 项目的一部分。

Docker’s design philosophy has always been about providing choice and flexibility. This is important for customers that are integrating Docker with existing IT systems, and that’s why Docker is built to work well with already-deployed networking, logging, storage, load balancers and CI/CD systems. For all of these (and more), Docker relies on industry-standard protocols or published and documented interfaces. And for all of these, Docker Enterprise Edition ships with sensible defaults, but those defaults can be swapped for certified third-party options for customers that have existing systems or prefer an alternative solution.

Docker 的设计理念始终是提供选择和灵活性。这对于那些在现有 IT 系统中集成了 Docker 的客户来说非常重要,而这也是 Docker 能够与已部署的网络,日志,存储,负载均衡器和 CI / CD(持续集成/持续交付) 系统配合使用的原因。对于所描述的这些(甚至更多),Docker 依赖于行业标准协议或发布和记录的接口,并且 Docker 企业版为它们提供了合理的默认值,不过这些默认值可以替换为已有系统的客户的认证第三方选项,或者更好的另一种解决方案。

In 2016, Docker added orchestration to the platform, powered by the SwarmKit project. In the past year, we’ve received lots of positive feedback on Swarm: it’s easy to set up, is scalable and is secure out-of-the-box.

2016年,Docker 通过 SwarmKit 项目为平台添加了编排。在过去的一年里,我们收到了很多关于 Swarm 的积极的反馈:它很容易设置,具有可扩展性,并且还是安全的。

We’ve also gotten feedback that some users really like the integrated Docker platform with end-to-end container management, but that they want to use other orchestrators, like Kubernetes, for container scheduling. Either because they’ve already designed services to work on Kubernetes or because Kubernetes has particular features they’re looking for. This is why we are adding Kubernetes support as an orchestration option (alongside Swarm) in both Docker Enterprise Edition, and in Docker for Mac and Windows.

我们也得到了一些其它反馈意见,一些用户虽然很喜欢端到端容器管理的集成 Docker 平台,但他们希望能够使用其他协调器(如 Kubernetes)来进行容器调度。因为他们已经设计好了在 Kubernetes 上工作的服务,或者是因为 Kubernetes 具有他们正好需要的特定功能。这也就是为我们要在 Docker 企业版和 Docker for Mac 和 Windows 中添加对于 Kubernetes 支持以作为编排选项(与 Swarm 一起)的原因。

[云计算技术文章之其三] 在Docker平台和Moby项目中加入对Kubernetes的支持

We’re also working on innovative components that make it easier for Docker users to deploy Docker apps natively with Kubernetes orchestration. For example, by using Kubernetes extension mechanisms like Custom Resources and the API server aggregation layer, the coming version of Docker with Kubernetes support will allow users to deploy their Docker Compose apps as Kubernetes-native Pods and Services.

当前,我们也在努力研究一些创新组件,它们将使得 Docker 用户可以更轻松地使用 Kubernetes 编排来本地部署 Docker 应用程序。比如说,用户可以通过使用 Kubernetes 扩展机制(如自定义资源和 API 服务端聚合层),即将推出的带有 Kubernetes 支持的 Docker 版本将允许用户将自己的 Docker Compose 应用程序部署为原生 Kubernetes 的 Pods 和 Services。

With the next version of the Docker platform, developers can build and test apps destined for production directly on Kubernetes, on their workstation. And ops can get all the benefits of Docker Enterprise Edition - secure multi-tenancy, image scanning and role-based access control - while running apps in production orchestrated with either Kubernetes or Swarm.

在 Docker 平台的下一个版本中,开发人员可以在工作站上直接使用 Kubernetes 构建和测试用于生产的应用程序。而操作系统可以拥有 Docker 企业版的所有优势——安全的多租户,映像扫描和基于角色的访问控制。同时还能运行经由 Kubernetes 或 Swarm 编排的应用程序。

The Kubernetes version that we’re incorporating into Docker will be the vanilla Kubernetes that everyone is familiar with, direct from the CNCF. It won’t be a fork, nor an outdated version, nor wrapped or limited in any way.

我们加入到 Docker 中的 Kubernetes 版本将会是大家所熟悉的 vanilla Kubernetes,其直接来源于原生云计算基金会(CNCF,Cloud Native Computing Foundation)。它不是一个复刻,也不是过时的版本,更不会任何形式的包装与限制。

Through the Moby Project, Docker has been working to adopt and contribute to Kubernetes over the last year. We’ve been working on containerd and cri-containerd for the container runtime, on InfraKit for creating and managing Kubernetes installs, and on libnetwork for overlay networking. See the Moby Project blog post for more examples and details.

通过 Moby 项目,Docker 去年一直在努力为 Kubernetes 做出贡献并适配它。我们一直致力于为容器运行时使用容器项目与 cri(Container Runtime Interface,容器运行时接口)容器项目,并在 InfraKit 上创建、管理 Kubernetes 的安装,以及在 libnetwork 上进行网络覆盖的工作。更多示例与详细信息,您可以请参阅 Moby 项目博客文章

Docker and Kubernetes share much lineage, are written using the same programming language, and have overlapping components, contributors, and ideals. We at Docker are looking forward to incorporating Kubernetes support into our products and into the open source projects we work on. And we can’t wait to work with the Kubernetes community to make containers and container-orchestration ever more powerful and easier to use.

Docker 和 Kubernetes 有着很多共同的血统:它们是使用相同的编程语言编写而成,并且有重叠的组件,贡献者和理念。我们的 Docker 期待着将对 Kubernetes 支持融入到我们的产品,并进入到我们正在开发的开源项目中。我们迫不及待地想与 Kubernetes 社区进行合作,以使容器和容器编排变得更加强大和易于使用。

Betas of both Docker Enterprise (for supported infrastructure) and Community Edition (for Mac and Windows) with Kubernetes support will be available later this year. Sign up to get notified when they’re ready.

支持 Kubernetes 的 Docker 企业 Beta 版(对于支持的基础设施)和社区 Beta 版(Mac 和 Windows)将在今年晚些时候推出。您可以注册,以便在产品推出时及时收到通知

While we’re adding Kubernetes as an orchestration option in Docker, we remain committed to Swarm and our customers and users that rely on Swarm and Docker for running critical apps at scale in production. To learn more about how Docker is integrating Kubernetes, check out the sessions “What’s New in Docker” and “Gordon’s Secret Session” at DockerCon EU.

虽然我们在 Docker 中添加了编排选项 Kubernetes,但是我们依然会致力于 Swarm,以及依赖 Swarm 和 Docker 的客户和在生产中大规模运行关键性应用程序的用户。如果您需要详细了解 Docker 是如何集成 Kubernetes 的,可以查看 DockerCon EU 上的“Docker 新功能介绍”和“Gordon 的私密会话” 。